J-Dog × Reader -Not Happy (2) (Slight Smut)

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thought i'd do a second part to this because earlier i met hollywood undead for the second time and i fell in love with jdog over again (virtual crush of course hahahaha)😗✌🏼💜✨


well... slightly at least haha!

so i guess sexual content warning!


Jorel sat at home, bored as ever, scratching the fur of his new kitten, Salem.

He remembered the situation that happened just a few months ago and then what happened 4 years before that.

He missed you.

He truly did.

Life with Vanessa has been fun, but he knew that they were nothing more than friends.

Someone to hang around with, someone to have occasional fun with, someone to talk to if one of them was down.

But he had a feeling as if he'd disappoint her, if he told her that he didn't love her as a wife, he'd upset her, probably the band, her friends and also the girls of the others and his fans.

But realization hit him soon enough.

The only thing which encouraged him to talk to her was alone Dylan, who told him he's glad he met Vanessa, but you were a little bit more fun to hang around with.

So there he sat, waiting for Vanessa to come home from her new job.

As soon as she had arrived, she knew something was up.

"I know we are both not in love with each other. It's more like a good friendship that has developed over the past years. I loved being around you, telling you when I was down, I really appreciated it, really. But I think I can't continue this, knowing that we both just pretend to have this bond, when it really isn't like that. I'd love to have you as an honest friend though." he told her honestly and she smiled and sighed in relief.

"I knew that one day you would approach me. Thanks, Jorel. I agree with everything you have said and I can only give it back. I know we both have been seeing other people, and I am really glad I got to get this close to your heart, and still be able to do so. Even as just a friend. I knew you weren't over her, so I am even more than thrilled and happy to know that I got to bring this relationship back. Sorry for wasting these four years of unfaithful love. But she's been one of my closest and best friends at the moment, and I see how much you make her happy. I really want her to be happy. Please don't hurt her again." she replied and he half-smirked.

"You didn't waste anything, I just had a long break from my other half which I definitely need back soon. Thanks for understanding. I am truly so thankful, for not losing another friend after, basically, a breakup. I love you. And trust me, I won't hurt her. I am really astonished to see you two getting along so well." he told her, getting a tight hold of her hand.

"I love you too. Now... Get her tiger!" she pats his back and both knew, they could finally be all bff now, haha.


You were sitting at home as well, doing whatever you do as a living, having a whole train of thoughts passing by.

She was slender, tall and beautiful.

Even if you could be compared to her, you felt that she was better than you.

A thin-shaped face, full lips, bright eyes.

She was just right for him and you hated that you felt so jealous.

You wondered, did he ever feel jealous before?

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