Da Kurlzz × Reader - The Interview

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Hi^^ I have something new to drop!^^ im_Asher requested some Da Kurlzz X Reader!

By the way, sorry for taking so long for this request... I was, again, very unmotivated...😫 Please, understand🙏


Your band HATED Hollywood Undead.

But you loved them.

It might seem, like you hated them too, but you really didn't.

Today, you had an live interview with your band.

Slowly approaching the cab, that was waiting, you got inside.

Closing the door, you immediately plugged your earphones into your phone, choosing your favorite song from "Five".

Your bandmate, Lisa, leaned over your shoulder, looking digusted.

"Ugh... Are you listening to that shit band again?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

You groaned.

"They're NO shit band!" you complained.

"Yeah, yeah..." she said, rolling her eyes, once again.

You leaned your shoulder against the window, looking outside.

You saw how many buildings were passing by you, the city street-lights were shining.

Finally arriving, you got out.

Being inside, you were greeted by the interviewer.

Sitting down, you had something to drink and some snacks.

Soon, the interview started.

~In the middle of the interview~

"...Soo... We asked some of your fans, how you think about Hollywood Undead... We heard interesting things... What do you think about them?" she, the interviewer, asked.

"Hate them..."



"Absolutely love em'!" you smiled, showing your dove and grenade top, "my favorite band member is Da Kurlzz!"

"Oh wow! Interesting, interesting..." she responded.

"I'm not finished! They're just not making good music! And they just don't care about their fans-!" Christina wanted to say, but you cut her off.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! You don't know them! You don't listen to them! So you know SHIT about them! They OBVIOUSLY care about their fans, and I know, not everybody likes them. But still, it doesn't give you the right, to talk about them like this!" it just slipped out of your mouth.

Everyone was shocked.

"(y/n), you're getting annoying lately... I think it's better, if we continue on being only three... I'm sorry if I have to say this, but we're kicking you out..." the oldest band member, Alisha said.

You were shocked.

Tears welled up in the corner of your eyes and you just stood up, walking outside.

You couldn't think straight, so you just let your feet walk you somewhere.

You stop, as soon as you saw a big light shining in front of your face.

Your vision was blurry, so you just guessed it was a bar.

You walked in, sitting in the nearest corner, where nobody could notice you.

Unfortunately, someone noticed you, because you were sobbing.


~45 minutes ago~
~With Hollywood Undead~

"Hey, Matt! Have you seen this interview yet? Apparently, they talked about us!" Charlie said, while walking into Matty's room.

"Huh? Seriously?"

"Yeah, look!" he said, giving him his phone.

"...What do you think abou them?"

"Hate them..."



"I absolutely love em'! My favorite band member is Da Kurlzz!"

Matty blushed.

Really hard, because you were so pretty.

"Wow, I didn't know one of them likes us..." Charlie said.

"...They just don't care about their fans-!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! You don't know them! You don't listen to them! So you don't know SHIT about them! They OBVIOUSLY care about their fans, and I know, not everbody likes them. But still, it doesn't give you the right, to talk about them like this!"

They were shocked.

Not even one single fan EVER defended them like you.

"...I'm sorry if I have to say this, but we're kicking you out..."

Matty was shocked again, and he couldn't believe, how rude they were. To their leader!

"Goddamnit! Why are they so fucking mean to her?!" Matthew asked yelling.

Now he saw her crying, and went mad.

"Dude! I have to find her! That interview was near our house!" Matthew said, and Jordon looked puzzled at him, but nodded.

Matty practically sprinted around the whole city, finally finding you in this bar.

He saw you, being curled up into a ball.

He sat beside you, throwing his arm around your shoulder.


You shot your head up.

"Hi..." you whispered, your head dropped into your lap again.

"I'm sorry about what happened... Those girls were assholes..." he said, trying to cheer you up.

You chuckled, but the tears still rolled down your flushed cheeks.

"You know, you could start on a solo career!" he said and your eyed widened.

"You're right! Thanks Da Kurl-!"

"Matt. Call me Matt." he grinned, seeing you smile again.

"Thank you Matt" you smiled, kissing his cheek.

He blushed, but he sheepishly smiled back.

"If you want, I can help you... I'll be there for you, as a good friend" he smiled and then you embraced him.

"Thank you, really..."

"No problem..." he kissed you, but this time, on your lips.

You were shocked at first, but soon, you also kissed back.


Hi! Thanks for checking in! I'm STILL A PIECE OF GARBAGE!~🎵


I hope you're kind of okay, with what I've created, im_Asher!



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