ONE YEAR (aka too late but don't care sowwy)

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well since today, it's actually a year and a month! (srry for the shitty edit over there, i'm broke ass bitch, so i used cheap paint)...

i never thought that i would have so many nice, beautiful and funny readers on my book!

i'm feeling so honored with any vote, comment, request and message i get from you guys💜

i know that i'm really lazy and unmotivated when it comes to update the book and i'm truly sorry.

just know, that i love writing this book and i love reading your positive comments.

being with you for more than one year now, is really amazing.

i thought i'd delete the book after the first week, because i was super insecure of the reactions (i'm not even kidding lol).

but now i'm seeing, that you enjoy the chapters i put out there.

i felt relieved that you like it.

like seriously...

i know i'm saying this a lot, but...

i love you babes so so so so so so (ok i'm sorry) much.

you give me strength.


this sounds like a cringy love letter, but to me it means much.

we have hit 14k reads now, and i'm super shook...

now, i thought for the one year special, i'd make like a scenario, where everyone is like celebrating their first year of your relationship.




"Happy one year baby!" he shouted while placing the plate with breakfast right in front of your eyes. You aww-ed at him while laying your hand on your chest, feeling pleased. "Aww, you shouldn't have... It's our anniversary, not my birthday! We should've done this together!" you said and he shook his head while placing his hand on top of yours. "Then you can help me put the clean dishes into the cupboard" you nodded and you started to eat your meal quickly. After putting away the clean dishes, you put your dirty plate into the empty dishwasher. You decided to do some more chores, for example laundry or finishing shopping lists and cleaning the house. Danny helped you of course. But seeing that you were tired and exhausted, he decided it would be good for you to stop. "Babe, you have been doing work for the whole day... Why don't we go for a walk on the beach?" he asked and you excitedly nodded while putting away the broom you used. "By the way, the house looks really nice!" he said kissing your forehead. "Thanks, Danny..." you mumbled while putting on your shoes. You walked out of the house hand-in-hand and with Louie, your dog, on the lead. Arriving at the beach, you sat down on the warm sand. You allowed Louie to walk around without the annoying leash around his neck. The sun slowly started to sink and the air got more chilly and it got darker. Luckily you brought your thin, but big and long jacket, that you and Danny cuddled into. You watched the stars and soon, Louie got tired and started to fall asleep in your arms. "Best anniversary ever..." you tiredly murmured, your head dropped on his shoulder. "I love you" he said.

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