J-Dog × Reader -Are You Nuts?! (Part 2)

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part 2 of undeadXdiamond's request!!


Jorel sat in the hospital, his head in his hands.

Face looking down in shame.

He never thought, that he would really go that far and be so violent.

He knew that he couldn't lie to the cops, so he was honest about what he had done and regretted it dearly.

He wasn't sure, what was going to happen to him now, but the only thing he heard were stressed doctors and nurses turning their ways.

From a few metres away, he heard someone panting heavily and running towards him.

"Jo-Jorel...!" it was you, "wha-what happened?!"

"U-Uhm... Tony was beat up, so I got him straight to the hospital. He's in room 223." he bluntly stated, his eyes trying to avoid your worried gaze.

But you immediately knew something was odd.

He knew he had to tell you the truth, it would slip out anyway.

"Do you know, who beat him up?" you asked a bit calmer, but still shocked of the news you just heard.

"W-Well... Me. I beat him up." he guiltily said, ready for a slap in the face and end of friendship.

Now you knew what was up with those lyrics you read earlier at his house.

"Please tell me you're joking. This is all a bad joke." you said in disbelief.

He shook his head, his eyes unable to even dare to look at you.

"Jorel, look at me, please." you said a little stern.

His face slowly lifted, still spreading with guilt.

Why did he even get intimidated by that boy's provoking in the first place?

"But please, I can explain! He was provoking me about being jealous of him! He was showing off how much time the two of you spent together, so I got jealous!" his voice was loud, so it echoed in the narrow, white halls.

"What? Honestly, that doesn't sound like Tony at all. And even if it was like that, why would you go that far to beat someone up, if you were just jelly?!" you asked, your voice was raising too now.

This was the first real fight you and Jorel had.

"Because I love you!" he immediately wished he could've stuffed the words back in his mouth.

Your eyes widened.

You weren't even that surprised, because if you would've just payed a little bit more attention, you would've also noticed.

"B-B-But-...!" you stuttered out, scared of what would happen now.

"Look, I know you love Tony, and he loves you, so I will leave you two alone. I totally understand if you want to break off our contact!" he nervously said.

"What?! No! That's not true!"

"But Tony told me-!"

"Tony told you what?! That I and him are dating? No way! I really like him, but as a friend. Nothing more. I actually rejected him, because the person I like is standing right in front of me." you bluntly said, fastly walking past him into Tony's room.

Jorel stared at the ground.

"Fuck." he mumbled, running a hand over his face, proceeding everything that just happened.

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