Funny Man × Depressed!Reader - Everything Will Be Alright...

856 21 7

This One-Shot was requested by @toomanyfandoms2905!

⚠Warning!⚠: This One-Shot contains:

-Suicidal thoughts

If you don't feel comfortable with these topics, don't read!

Anyways, enjoy!~

Wordcount: 1320

Currently, some fans are bullying you for being with Dylan.

You didn't tell him that though, you always acted like nothing's wrong.

You also didn't self harm, because that would be just too obvious.

But on the inside, it destroyed you so badly, because you couldn't even do something about it.

You thought about killing yourself and you didn't think about that just once, it happened really often.

Dylan thought you were happy, but sometimes he would ask if everything's okay.

You would simply say everything's fine and great.

But still... You felt empty...


Slowly approaching the taxi, you sat inbetween of Vanessa and Randi, two of your best friends.

Why are you in a taxi?

Well currently, the boys are on tour and you're driving to the airport.

Arriving at the airport, you meet with Theresa, Asia and Ava.

After 3 hours, you finally arrived in London!

Later on, you got to your hotel and you shared a room with Vanessa and Randi.

While Vanessa and Randi talked about who sleeps with you in one bed, you checked your bag if everything was still in there.

Secretly, you brought some pills.

These pills would end it all...

You looked at the tiny bottle, until "Hey, (y/n)! I'm going to share a bed with you!" Vanessa stormed into the bathroom.

You hid the pills behind your back.

"Really? C-Cool..." you stuttered.

"Are you okay?" she asked looking worried.

You nodded while holding the bottle tighter.

"Okay... If you think so. But please, remember; you can talk to me or to one of the girls if you have any problems, okay?" she said and you nodded, fake smiling at her.

~The next day~

Outside, the girls and you waited for the boys to pick you up with the tour bus.

When you saw the bus stopping, you stood up.

The boys got out, greeting their wifes and you.

When Funny saw you, he ran torwards to you and picked you up bridal style.

He spun you around like a little kid.

"(y/n)! I missed you!" he said kissing you.

"I missed you too" you smiled weak.

"How are you?" he asked still carrying you.

"F-Fine," it wasn't easy for you to say these words "how about you?"

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