J-Dog × Reader - Unexpected

984 20 19

Is it toooo obvious that Jay's my favorite Member? XD Nahhh... XD This is inspired by "Life Is Strange: Before The Storm"!

Wordcount: 1267

You and your best friend (f/n) are trying to contact your real mother through her drug dealer.

He showed up, but with his "friend".

The drug dealer, Frank didn't like (f/n), but he really liked you.

"Hey (f/n)... Nice wheels..." he said nervously.

"Thanks..." she said confused about his behaviour.

Suddenly his "friend" came.

"Hey (f/n)" he said cocky.


"What do you want?" (f/n) asked annoyed.

"HEY! You little brat, stop being so rude!" he said aggressivley.

"Damon, stop! We're just talking! We want to know why you want to contact one of our customers!" Frank said.

"Why would you care?!" (f/n) asked angry.

"BECAUSE! THAT'S WHY!" Damon said.

"Well, if you won't tell us, then the conversation's over!" Damon said now.

He wanted to walk away, but you HAD to know where your mother is.

"No! I want to know where she is!" you yelled.

"(y/n), you don't know what you're dealing with!" (f/n) held you back.

"(y/n)? As in (y/n) (f/n)? You're the daughter from that douche? I feel sorry for you..." Damon looked at you now.

"We know that he's douche, but that doesn't matter right now!" (f/n) said aggressive.

"Why does the douche's daughter want to meet up with that junky whore?!" Damon yelled and he got out a knife.

"Damon! We're just talking! Calm down!" Frank tried to calm him down.

You got angry and you grabbed a piece of wood, then you threw it in his face and he fell to ground.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" he said and wanted to pick up the knife.

You wanted to punch him again with wood, but he grabbed the knife and stabbed you in your side.

"(Y/N)!!!" (f/n) screamed.

You fell to ground.

"DAMON! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Frank held him back and it seemed like Damon wanted to start a fight with him.

"(y/n), (f/n), go! NOW!" Frank yelled.

(f/n) helped you up and slowly you walked to her car.

"C'mon, (y/n)! We can make this!" she said.

Slowly approaching the car, she placed you carefully in the passenger seat.

She closed the door, running to the other side mumbling "Shit... Shit... Shit..." over and over again.

She got inside of the car and then she heard you whispering "(f/n)..." while slowly blacking out on her thigh.

"HEY! HOLD ON! YOU WILL MAKE THIS!" (f/n) started to panic.

"(y/n)...?" she asked silent.

She drove really fast to the hospital and the nurses took care of you.

(f/n) got paranoid of the thought of telling Jorel that you were in the hospital.

Shacking she grabbed her phone, looking for your best friends contact.

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