J-Dog × Reader -Not Happy

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i'm sorry for writing so many jdog chapters and that most of them kind of always include wedding and that stuff :,D



It was the last thing Jorel heard until the door to his house was closed with a crash.

He let himself sink down into the couch, not knowing if the decision he just made was good or whether bad.

But either way, he felt deep pain and regret after the argument he just had.

He let his hand go through his hair and dropped his head low, which made it impossible to see the almost visible tears in his eyes.

His heart was beating fast and adrenalin rushed through his veins.

He just lost his number one priority in life.


~A Few Minutes Ago~

You were comfortably sitting on your's and Jorel's bed when you heard the front door open and close.

"I'm home!" you heard your boyfriend Jorel yell kind of lazily and tiredly.

You rushed to him and hugged him.

"Welcome home, honey.." you mumbled.

He hugged back, but not with the same energy and love like he always did.

It felt oddly weird.

"What's wrong?" you asked, knowing something wasn't right.

"Nothing" he said a little annoyed, while he put his coat away and passing by you, not even looking into your eyes.

You felt a bit hurt, but brushed it off, trying to think that he just had a bad day.

You didn't make him angry, right?

When you stood at the doorframe, you saw him sit down at the dining table, texting someone.

You weren't that nosy girlfriend, that always checked if he was texting a girl and if he was cheating.

But in this case, you couldn't help but get a small glimpse at his display.

With no luck, unfortunately.

The only letter you could kind of see was a "V".

You were a little bit insecure.

You then sat down at the table as well.

He looked at you and you gave him a loving and warm smile.

He weakly smiled back, but it wasn't the "Boyfriend Smile" you would always get from him.

You were at the verge of crying, but decided to not do so. 

Maybe it was the wrong alarm.

"Jay, is something wrong? You seem a little down..." you asked him, breaking the unused silence between the two of you.

"Actually... Yeah... I have a weird feeling when I think about our relationship..." 

You're eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his statement.

"What do you mean?" you asked him a bit worried.

"Fuck, I don't know.. I just met this girl... And I think I have a crush on her, but I'm not sure..." he said, not once looking you in the eyes.

It's not that he did it on accident, he just didn't want to see the pained look in your (e/c) orbs.

The bad thing was, your heart shattered completely at this point.

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