Danny × Reader -Is This Even A Relationship?

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this was a request from Totoro431, i'm sorry if this wasn't what you exactly wanted, but since you didn't give me any details, i thought i'd write something that actually came to my mind earlier in class! i hope you enjoy! <3


You remembered this day just as perfect as the first day of school.

There was exciting screaming, a circle of people around you and two people in the center.


You closed your locker, sighing to yourself, knowing that you had finally accomplished another successful day of highschool.

"(y/n), I think Danny wants to tell you something! I think he has a crush on you!" your best friend, Anna yelled and you rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, sure... I'm pretty aware of the fact that he likes Theresa." you annoyingly muttered, slowly picking up your bag.

"No, I'm serious!" she grinned while flicking her poisonous green hair behind her shoulder.

Her baby blue orbs sparkled at the thought of you and Danny, your crush, being together.

It has been maybe a few weeks since she outed to you, that he took a liking to you.

You then told her that you actually had been attracted to him as well and her being one of the more popular students, immediately reached out to his friends, since one of them was her boyfriend.

They also stated, that he liked you too, which you doubted in many ways since he used to date Theresa, a sweet schoolgirl, who did her homework well-behaved and was very cute on top of that.

They broke up because of unknown reasons, but you could clearly see, that they still loved each other.

Suddenly you felt like being watched and two voices argued as they came closer to you.

You turned around, seeing Danny standing in front of you with an embarrassed grin on his face.

"Come on, just ask her already!" you knew that this voice belonged to no other than Anna's boyfriend, Dylan.

"Jesus, I will! Okay?!" he said, blushing even more, when he was almost crashing into you.

"H-Hey..." he stuttered and it was adoringly cute, how he completely changed around you.

"Hello." you cheekily smiled, knowing he was just as nervous as you at the moment.

"Just say it!" somebody exclaimed.

And then you noticed, that there were people standing around you, probably being excited about the answer you were going to give.

He couldn't say anything, so someone answered for him again.

"Danny-Boy has a crush on you!"

He slapped his hands in his face, as he pathetically laughed.

"Will you go out with me??" someone mimicked him, which you assumed had to be Jorel, his best friend.

"Of course" you answered, also giggling.

He then proceeded to smile at you, hugging you gratefully.

And that's how you got together.


This event happened exactly 8 months ago.

A "happy couple" you would say now.

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