Da Kurlzz × Reader - Overprotective

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Hey, guys! xxhyrulexx requested!



I was walking hand-in-hand with my boyfriend Matthew.

Right beside us, was walking his band, also known as Hollywood Undead.

Matt and me were together since 2 years now, and I couldn't be happier.

I was so glad, that the boys liked me.

We were just walking around the town, talking and doing bullshit.

Sometimes, me and Matt made out, and sometimes he and Charlie would fight.

It was yet so weird, but so funny.

~Your P.O.V.~

You had such a great time, when you suddenly saw that guy with dark hair and skinny arms.



Your eyes widened.

Suddenly, he stopped, and so did you.

"(y/n)?" you heard two voices say.

"Aron?" you said and he nodded, being kind of happy, that you remembered him.

"You know him?" Matty asked and you nodded.

"Of course, asshole! That snitch is her ex... You didn't know that?!" Jordon laughed.

You and Matty gave him a death glare.

He then stopped, out of fear.

"Well... How are you?" he asked smiling kindly, which made Matthew uncomfortable.

"Good, and you?" you asked, returning the sweet gesture.

"Also...", he was silent but talked again "Well, do you want to hang out?"

"Ah... I'm sorry, but I'm with them right now, only if they don't have a problem with it..." you mumbled, and everyone else shrugged their shoulders, except for Matty.

He just stayed silent, but secretly, his fists formed into balls. (...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...)


You and Aron were talking the whole time, always laughing.

Matty walked behind you, trying to burn a hole into his head.

When Aron tried to hold your hand, Matthew couldn't hold back.

He walked to you, throwing his arm around your shoulder.

"Alright! I think it's time, that I spend time with MY girlfriend!" Matthew growled at Aron, which made him back away for a few seconds.

"Oh! I didn't know you guys were a couple...!" Aron held his hands in the air, as if the police was there, about to arrest him.

"Well, now you know it!" he snapped back.

You then chuckled.

In surprise, your boyfriend looked at you.

"Sorry, but are you jealous?" you laughed.

Matty turned red, and his grip around you tightened.

"Maybe... I am..." he said, and you 'awwwed' him.

You then kissed his cheek, interlacing your hands with his.

"Don't worry... I'm actually glad... And it's pretty adorable..." you smiled up to him, and he smiled back.


You were still talking to Aron, who seemed to be even more closer to you now.

He sometimes tried to touch you, but you would always reject him.

Matty also noticed his little actions, and thought you would like it.

Matt absolutely didn't like it.

Not at all.

When the day finally ended, you walked again hand-in-hand together to your home.

When you got inside, you were pinned against the wall.

"M-Matty? Wha-at are you d-doing?" you stuttered, because he was really, really close.

"You made me really disappointed, little girl..." you blushed at the nickname he gave you.

He wanted to lean in, but you pushed him slightly away.

"Matthew, what's wrong with you?" you asked, almost yelling.

He then snapped out of his little trance.

"Ugh... I'm sorry, (y/n)... I don't know, what has gotten into me..." he lets himself drop onto the couch.

You then, also sit beside him.

"I think I was jealous... Almost envious... He was so close to you... It... It made me angry..." he explained, and you scooted closer to him "You know... He's our ex-member... We don't trust him that much... And he was your goddamn ex-boyfriend... I thought you liked the way he... touched you..."

You sighed, letting your head drop on his shoulder.

"Matt... Do you really think, I liked his little actions? No. I actually rejected him multiple times... And for fcks sake, he cheated on me... How the frick am I supposed to trust him fully again?" you tried to make the things clear, and it worked.

His eyes widened, and his whole face turned red again.

"AHH! I FEEL SO EMBARRASSED!" he said, hiding his face.

You laughed, "It's really no problem".

He then lifted his head, looking at you.

"I love you..." he smirked.

"I love you too, you dork..." you kissed him.

When you pulled away, you felt his hand on your butt.

You groaned.

"MATT, YOU PERV!" you yelled, and he smirked, while laughing.

"But I'm your pervert... And by the way... You still disappointed me... I think you need to be punished..." he smirked devilishly.

You then also laughed.

"Not today, baby boy... I'm on ma' period..." you laughed in victory, and he cried.

"NOOO! WHY TODAY?!" he screamed, and you still laughed your ass off.

You then spent the whole night cuddling on the couch, while watching TV.


Hope you enjoyed it, xxhyrulexx!

I have one more question, should I add "Deuce" to the book?

I really need your opinion!

Comment down bellow!


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