Funny Man × Reader - Let's Smoke Some Weed...

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It was evening and you were waiting for boyfriend Dylan to send you a message.

He was on tour and you felt soooo lonely... (...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...)

You were watching your favorite TV show, when suddenly your phone vibrated.

You looked at it and you grinned.

'Finally! He texted me!' you thought excited.


King Kong♥: Heyyy Babe! | 21:43

You: Hey!^^ | 21:44

King Kong: What cha' doin'? | 21:44

You: Watching (f/s) and eating mini pizza!^^ | 21:45

You: Watching (f/s) and eating mini pizza!^^ | 21:45

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(I like Ciara... :3)

King Kong♥: Awww!♥ My little babeee!♥ I miss ya'!♥ | 21:47

You: I miss you too!♥(ಥ﹏ಥ) | 21:47

King Kong♥: But hang on! Only a few shows left!♥ :D | 21:47

You: Yay! :D♥ | 21:48

King Kong: Okay... Sorry, I have to go now, Charlie's doin' some shit... Danny's freakin' out! XD | 21:49

You: Okay, bye love ya'!♥ | 21:49

King Kong: Love ya' too, bye!♥ | 21:50


You sighed and kept watching your show.

~Three hours later~

You were still watching TV... But you got slightly bored, so you decided to text Dylan again.


You: Hey :D | 01:53

You: I wish you were here... :/ | 01:53

You: I want to smoke weed... XD | 01:54

You: Please answer! I miss you! I can't sleep! DX | 01:56


Again, you sighed in frustration and you closed your eyes, hoping Dylan would be there.

Suddenly, you felt hands covering your eyes.

You jumped "Hey! Who are you?! Let me go!"

When the person left your face, you spun around and you couldn't believe who you saw...

"DYLAN!!!" you screamed and you embraced him tight.

"Hey... It's okay... I'm not a kidnapper..." he laughed. (Are you sure about that? :O)

"What are you doing here?!" you asked and big tears streamed out of your eyes.

"They had to cancel the last three shows, so they let us return to LA" he said wiping away your tears.



"I got your message right before I wanted to unlock the door... And I want to smoke weed too..."

"Really? Great..." you said laughing.

"Sooo... Let's do it baby!" he said packing out all the stuff.

You sat on the couch, and he crawled next to you.

"I love you, (y/n)..." he said and you locked eyes.

"I love you too, Dylan..." you said, and then you kissed passionately.

In the end, you and Dylan had a great evening by just smoking weed...


I know, no one's gonna read this! But: I'm very proud with this One-Shot, and I don't know why, because it's so short! XD

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