Johnny 3 Tears × Teacher!Reader - Little Ava

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Hey guys! I just wanted to thank for 700 reads! You guys are amazing!^^ By the way, this one-shot is going in a more sexual way, but not a lemon nor a smut!
Anyways, enjoy!^^

You were a teacher, teaching a 3rd grade class.

In front of your class, you always have to lie and you say that you don't have a favorite student, but that wasn't true.

Your favorite student was the little, blonde haired Ava Ragan.

She was such a cute and good student.

Well, today was the parents day, where the parents come to the school and you talk with them about how the kids are in the class.

Because Ava's parents are divorced, her dad always shows up.

You had to admit, he was handsome.

And sometimes he even flirted with you, you were a pretty hot teacher.

You were sitting on your desk, checking which parents already talked to you.

You waited until the next parent knocked, which happened to be George Ragan.

"Come in!" you said while making the last checkmark.

He came in smirking "Hello, pretty".

You laughed, making a hand gesture, saying he should take a seat.

"So, how's ma' daughter?" he asked and you took out your little note you made while watching how Ava is talking to her students.

"Ava, she's such a good student. She's always kind and respectful. She's not shy when talking about her weekend and she's always in good mood. Her homework is always done and she takes good care of it. I can always say it; she's my little favorite." you smiled at him and he grinned back.

"That's nice to hear. Ava always talks about that you're her favorite teacher and she thinks it's good that you don't give that much homework." he said and you started to blush.

"Really? Aww... That's really nice!" you said and he smirked.

You took again, a little note and George began to speak again.

"I'm the last one on this list, right?" he asked and you nodded "That's right".

"Well, I wanted to ask if you want to have dinner with me sometimes?" he started to stroke your thigh under the table.

You blushed but smirked back.

"Sure, why not?" you said taking out a little note with your phone number.

You gave it to him and with his thumb, he began to make sensual moves on your thigh.

You didn't stop him, you actually enjoyed it.

He stopped and patted on his thigh.

He wanted to say, that you should sit on his lap.

You smirked again and you did as said.

When you sat on his lap, he didn't hestitate to continue with the thigh-stroking.

He kissed you roughly, but in a loving way.

You kissed back and he took your thighs, lifting you up and carrying you to the wall.

He pressed you against it and you took your free arm to lock the door that was right beside you.

He put his hand under your skirt and continued stroking it.

His tongue licked your bottom lip, but being the playful person you are, you decided to tease him and you didn't open your mouth.

He grabbed your ass and you moaned.

This was his chance to let his tongue slip in your mouth.

Your tongues danced with each other, until he broke the kiss.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting to do this?" he asked and you smirked.

"I wanted to tell you, that from the first moment I saw you, I fell in love with you..." he said and started kissing your neck.

"I love you too, George..." you said and then you were a complete moaning mess.

When he found your sweetspot, he started sucking and you started moaning louder.

Now he started to kiss you again and you enjoyed it.

You wanted to go farther, but suddenly...

"Daddy?! Are you in there?!" you heard Ava shout.

You panicked and George calmed you.

"Don't worry, honey. Just take on your shirt back again and I'll talk to her" he said and you nodded.

You took on your shirt and you packed your things back together.

When you walked outside, a little figure embraced your waist.

"Are you my new mommy?" she asked excited and you looked at George, who smiled at the both of you.

When he gave you a short nod you smiled and you looked at Ava.

"Seems like it..." you said and George took your bag.

You looked surprised at him.

"I'd like to invite you to a little dinner, do you want to come with us?" he asked and you smiled.

"I'd love to..." you said and Ava took your's and George's hand.

The evening was beautiful... And when you brought Ava to bed, you and George decided that you should stay for the night and you continued to have the fun you started in school ;)

Heyyy! You made it to the end!
In my opinion, I think I wrote this chapter very well and I'm very proud of myself!^^

So, today I just got hit by a car, so this comforts me somehow...

Anyways, thx for reading!^^

Love ya'!



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