J-Dog × Reader -Are You Nuts?! (Part 1)

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so this was a request from undeadXdiamond! i'll excuse myself again from any displaced information, but i'd just like to mention, that i usually don't write chapters featuring other bands, so this was my first and my last one. it's simply because i've noticed how hard it is for me to write about someone else, who i don't know in any way. so i'd like to say, that i tried my best, but won't do any chapters like those anymore!


Jorel sat at his studio desk, trying to think about any lyrics for his upcoming album.

He figured, that he probably couldn't do this without your help, so he immediately grabbed his phone, typing in your number, hesitating a little.

He's noticed, that the more your friendship grew, the more he started falling for you.

His grip tightened on his pen, pressing the green 'call' button.

He set his phone on speaker, since he always found it way more comfortable to talk like this to people.

"Hello?" your angelic voice chimed.

His heart fluttered every time he heard you.

No matter how many days more he knew you, he was always excited when meeting you.

"Hey... I was just writing lyrics, but I can't get anything out my head, so...-!"

"You want me to help?" you laughed.

He chuckled too now, running a hand through his dark hair.

"I mean, if you want to..." he beamed.

"Uhm, actually I'm with Tony right now," his smile sunk to the ground, he hated that name since not all too long ago, "but we can meet later, if it's okay!", no nothing was okay.

"Sure" he answered simply, hopefully you wouldn't hear his frown out of his voice.

"Okay, I'll meet you at 8 then... Bye!"

"Yep, bye." he shut his phone off, throwing it onto his bed.

He tried to hold his temper, which eventually worked.

He could just chill for two hours and then wait until you arrived.

He then wrote down something that just suddenly popped into his mind.

I just wanna bleach you, and I just wanna beat you..


"Beat you" sounds like the typical rapper thing.

Jorel wants to be different.

He needed to let his fury out and write down his true words.

He knew, that he almost ripped the paper by writing too hard, so he decided to calm down by thinking about something that made him genuinely happy.


He thought for almost an hour, there was too much going on in his head, too much lyrics when he thought about you.

And only typical cliché romance songs would turn out like that.

He wanted to be special and use it kind of undercover.

Then he started humming a random melody that came to his mind.

"Cause I, I think of you now and then..." these were the words that just slipped out of his mouth.

"Danny could sing this... It sounds very like him..." he said to himself, being proud of his sudden lyric he made up.

Then he remembered the day, the two of you met.

I watch you pass me by, my words they can't describe... I can see the gravity on the sky...

These lyrics totally need some work again, but the start isn't that bad yet.


As the time flew by, he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in." he smirked, knowing that it was you.

You smiled, walking through the door, jumping in his arms.

"Heeeey" you happily yelled.

"Haha, hey, short/tall one..." he chuckled.

"Okay, you told me to help you... You already got something?" you asked curios, crawling on his bed.

He nodded, giving you a paper, signed with the headline "Gravity".

*Cause I, I think of you now and then
The memories never end, when gravity pulls you in

I watch you pass me by, my words they can't describe, but I can see the gravity way up from the sky
We leave the past behind 'cause we all wanna fly, deep down in life, you can't deny we're all the same inside


"Woah that sounds awesome!" you praised, pushing your weight into the matress of his bed.

"Thanks, I'm planning on letting the guys write their own verse for each part of the song..."

"Do you have any idea on how it's going to sound? Like a tune or something?" you asked.

He nodded, mumbling the lyrics a little bit shyly.

"Oh wow, for serious, that sounds so dope!" you cheered, giving him the paper back.

"But can I give you a little advice?" he nodded "Nice! I would add some post-chorus or something, where you all scream something like 'OH GRAVITY OH' or something.." you stated wisely.

"Yeah, sounds great..." he said, writing it down immediately.

When he finished, he also made his way towards the bed, flipping down beside you.

His eyes closed instantly and he cuddled into your lap, as he always did.

You didn't mind though.

You decided to stay the night at Jorel's, so as soon as he tightly fell asleep from exhaustion, you wandered into the bathroom, changing yourself for bed.

When you arrived back to him, you noticed some other lyrics laying on the desk.

You carefully took the piece of paper up, and read it carefully.

I just wanna bleach you, and I just wanna eat you and tear your soul out, until I fucking defeat you!

Your eyes widened a little, these lyrics were clearly dedicated to someone.

You put it back to its place, ignoring it.

You laid back down beside him, cuddling him as before.

It was impossible for you to fall asleep, since those words lingered in your head and it made you think.



An odd feeling.


The next morning, you met up with the guys and they immediately liked the new song, so they diligently worked on some more lines.

You still had a strange feeling about those lyrics you read earlier at Jorel's house.

And before you knew it, everything turned down.


Jorel sat in the hospital, his head in his hands.

Face looking down in shame.


To Be Continued


sorry for taking long again >o< 💜

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