Everyone × Reader -Last Christmas

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The boys made a christmas party and they invited bunch of people.

Of course you were one of them, but you were special becaus you're their best friend.

For Danny you made a little lion plushie, because why not?

For Jorel you bouhgt bunch of band merchendaise.

For Dylan you printed a shirt saying "I smoke weed and I'm proud".

For George you painted a picture with a butterfly.

For Jordon you made his favorite cookies, because he once said that you're making the best.

Finishing the presents, you made your way to the house the boys shared.

You saw that already many people arrived, so you had to find another place to park your car.

After 3 minutes you were finally ready and you knocked on the door.

While you checked all the presents if they were alright, Danny opened the door.

"Heyyy! (y/n)!" he said kissing your cheek and you blushed at the sudden move he made.

"H-Hey..." you said still blushing.

"Come in!" he took your bag of presents and layed them carefully on the table.

You took off your jacket and you threw it on the couch where all the other jackets also laid.

Soon all the others also greeted you.

You decided it would be the right time to give them their presents, so you took the bag and the first one was for Jay.

You took out a large box and you handed it to Jorel.

"Woah! (y/n)! What is this?" he said and you smiled at him.

"But I don't have anything for you!" he whined and you laughed "I don't want anything from all of you!".

He started opening the box carefully and then he whined again.

"Awww! (y/n)! You shouldn't have!" he whined and you punched him playfully in his chest.

He packed out everything and smiled at you.

He then hugged you while he whispered "Thank you, (y/n)..." and then he also kissed your cheek.

"No prob..." you blushed again.

The next present was Danny's.

You packed out a more smaller box and you gave it to Danny.

"Aww! (y/n), that's so cute! Thank you!" he said hugging you and he placed the lion on the couch.

You gave all the others their presents and you got more hugs and kisses on your cheek.

Dylan walked around with the t-shirt the whole evening.

Jordon almost ate all of the cookies and George decided to put the picture in his room.

You felt great, until you saw that person...

Your ex-boyfriend... Who broke up with you on christmas...

He saw you too, so he decided to make you jealous.

He had a make-out session with his new girlfriend and you looked away.

"Okay everyone! We're going to make something like a sing contest! So whoever wins can stay at our place for one night!" Jordon said and everyone, especially some girls, started to cheer.

You decided to sing, because why not?

You were the last one and you sang "Last Christmas" by "Wham!".

When you finished, your ex looked at you.

The boys frowned, but still they clapped.

You got off from the "stage" and you bumped into (b/n).

"...I'm sorry..." you mumbled not looking at him.

"(y/n)... please... take me back! I still love you! I was so stupid! I should've never cheated on you!" he said and you gave him the 'Are you fcking serious?' look.

"Yeah, you shouldn't... But still, you've done it... And now you lost me. And do you really think, I'm that stupid that I'll forgive you that easily? I'm not that kind of girl, so stop bothering me! Go back to your girlfriend and make out with her! You broke my heart, so please... Go..." you said and he wanted to talk, but Jordon cut him off by saying something in the microphone.

"Well, I think it's probably clear that (y/n) won, so...!" he said and everyone cheered again.

You talked again to (b/n) and slowly you started crying and he started to panic.

"Oh shit! Hold on! Don't cry!" he yelled and the boys looked at the two of you.

"Hey!" Jordon walked up to (b/n) "You better leave her alone, or someone's gonna get in big trouble!"

(b/n) got scared and he ran out of the house.

When the rest of the people left, you cuddeled in Jorel's side and you cried again.

"Thank you Jordon..." you said and he nodded.

Jorel then started playing with your hair to calm you a bit.

"What would I do without you?" you said and they smiled sad at you.

"What would we do without YOU?" Danny said and you laughed.

"We want to thank you for the presents you gave us, but the better present is definetly you and your beautiful self..." George said and you cried again... But because of happiness.

"So here's our present..." Dylan said and they group-hugged you.

"I love you... And I think all of us do..." Jorel said and you smiled.

"I love you guys too..." you said.


Merry Christmas to all of you! I'm so happy that over 200 people found my book!^^ I hope you have a great day with your family or/and friends!

P.S.: I'm from germany, so it's really weird to say that on the 25th, because we're celebrating on the 24th XD

Love you guys!❤


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