Johnny 3 Tears × Reader -Plastic But Perfect

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Sooo, I know this comes a little bit too late, sorry about that, dear Lilpastelperson! :*

This is a One-Shot, requested by her/him/them and the whole story was created by her/him/them! I just put it all together, kind of added some things to the plot and wrote it, so full credit goes to Lilpastelperson! <3


You sloppily sat down on the cheap couch that only had place for two people.

Anyone out there would be already annoyed about the furniture and buy a new one, but to you, it didn't matter.

It was the best you and your boyfriend could afford.

You had almost no money, and with a child, it's really difficult.

But you were a strong and loving person, so it wasn't really difficult to live such a life with you.

That's what your boyfriend George and your daughter Ava thought.

They both loved you to death and you loved them.

You looked at the plastic-toy-ring, that Ava found in a princess magazine.

She decided to give it to her dad, who "proposed" to you then.

You smiled at how sweet and funny the scene was.

Since that day, you never took it off.

No matter how hard life was, you had much fun with those two.

They were your everything.

Speaking of the two, George came back from work aka band practice with Ava, who was in kindergarten.

Ava giggled as George gently set her down on the floor again.

She then ran to you, giving you a big hug.

You laughed, while picking her up and setting her down on one of the chairs, that were all around the dinning table.

"Look Ava, I made your favorite food today!" you said, while placing the oven form on the table.

She got excited and grabbed her fork happily.

"You made lasagna! I love you mommy!" she said, going up from her seat and hugging you again and then going straight back.

"Hey, sweetie..." George said smiling, while kissing your cheek and then sitting down too.

You decided to eat something too, sitting beside George and across Ava. (Does that make sense? Idk...)

"So how was your day?" you asked both of them.

Ava decided to start first.

"It was so much fun! We drew and did a lot of things!" you smiled at her, then looking at George for an answer.

"My day was good too... Me and the band made a lot of money today..." he said.

"Really? I'm so happy for you!" you said embracing his side and taking a bite of your food.

When you were finished, you washed the dishes.

Suddenly, you felt two arms sling around your waist.

It was George.

"You're so beautiful... Thank you for always taking care of us... I love you..." he mumbled while letting his head drop onto your shoulder.

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