Everyone × Reader - The Battle (Part 4) (Dylan's Date)

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(f/r) = favorite restaurant


Wednesday... Or Weedesday?

However, you woke up in your comfortable bed again.

You stood up, wondering, where you and Dylan would go today.

When you took your phone, you saw that you had two messages from Dylan.


Dylan: Heyyy, (y/n)! You know, I totally forgot that I get a tattoo today! |11:43

Dylan: Whether we go on a date on another day, or you go with me... You have the choice... But I'm not forcing you to go with me! :) |11:44


You smiled while reading the message.

Of course you didn't want to disappoint him, so you texted him back immediately, saying that you would go with him.


You: Hey, Dylan. I would actually love to go with you, you know, so I can hold your hand if it hurts! XD |12:17

Dylan: Really? Nice, and I would appreciate it to hold your hand while my hands are getting a tattoo! XD |12:17

You: Okay, so when's the meeting? |12:18

Dylan: 2pm |12:18

Dylan: I could pick you up at 13.45, if you want! :) |12:19

You: Sure, that'd be nice!^^ |12:19

Dylan: Okay, see you later then! |12:19

You: Yeah, bye!^^ |12:20


You threw your phone on your bed and you decided to wear something simple just like yesterday.

'In the tattoo shop, it's probably going to be warm, so what should I wear...?' you thought while looking through your clothes.

"Oh, that's perfect!" you said, picking out some jeans shorts and the matching jacket.

"But what should I wear underneath it...?" you asked yourself, when you found another (f/c) crop top again.

"Gosh... I'm pretty lucky that I have so many of these..." you laughed.

Running into the bathroom, with the shorts, the jacket, the crop top and a fishing-net-like thights, you brushed your teeth, made your hair and you applied your make-up again. (No make-up if you don't wear it! XD)

It was 13:37 and you were finally ready.

Taking your things into your bag, you heard someone knock on the door.

Because the girl's were out today, you had to open the door.

You ran downstairs, with your bag and your shoes in your hand.

You opened the door and there stood the one and only Dylan Peter Avarez AKA Funny Man AKA King Kong.

He looked at you up and down.

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