J-Dog × Reader - My Black Dahlia

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Hey, I'm back with a new One-Shot!

@relaxbabe requested and tbh, I'm so fcking happy that all of you finally request!

Please, enjoy! Especially you, @relaxbabe!💜

Btw, I changed it a bit. The reader doesn't know J-Dog, and she first meets him through a concert.


~Your P.O.V.~


Run in this fucking terrible night.

Just fucking run.

Run away from him.




I finally reached my home, opening the front door, and immediately closing it.

I locked it, hearing the loud knocks he left.

I was scared... Scared, that he might break it...

I ran into my bedroom, getting my phone.

I deleted every media I had from him.


I didn't want to see him, nor her.

I just wanted to go to another world.

That's it!

I'm going to LA!

I'm going to the concert of HU anyway... So...

He wouldn't care, right?

Okay... Get your bag...

Clothes... Money... A little bit food and something to drink... Concert tickets... My phone... And... Car keys!

I wrote a little note to my roommate, telling her that I left.

I was looking through the little hole, checking if he was still there.



I ran outside, closing the door, and then running into my car.

Turning it on, I drove away as fast as I could.

~Arriving In LA~


Finally I escaped...!

Parking at some beach, I got out taking in the scent.

Today's the concert...

I'm excited...

Especially to meet my favorite member, J-Dog.

Well, I'm not at the place, where I actually wanted to be.

I got back, into the car, driving forward to Hollywood.


Hollywood Undead.

These guys saved my life.

I'm going to see them, like, right now...

The concert was amazing!

I feel happy again.

Waiting on the little couch, I was nervous.

When a guy came outside, I stood up, walking into the VIP room.

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