Chapter 1: Love back then

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          During the fall, a young man was laying on the grass staring up at the blank skies that had fluffy clouds moving slowly. The boy had red hair, pink lips and wore a big grey jacket, blue jeans, loose black and white converse and a turtle neck sleeved shirt. He was under a tree while he began to think to himself, staring at the blue sky above.

       "There's many things in this world... Many things that come from it too... One of those things are life... Life is made out of love. It's just like a seed. You plant the seed with high hopes of growing into a beautiful tree or a rose then you cherish it, giving all your attention." The young man said to himself while smiling at the sky.

       "Love is something given through family and friends.. And sometimes through a special loved one. Or so they say... I wouldn't know..." the man told himself. "A boy comes to ponder life because he has nothing else in his life going for him... Except education, family and friends. But wouldn't love be something on his mind?" the boy reached out to the sky. "Always... Love is always on the mind of a boy named Park Jimin..." the man named Jimin told himself.

           Park Jimin is a college student, he had his friends and sometimes girlfriends time to time... But they weren't the ones he would stay for. Each and every relationship he was in, he had something on his mind that told him, "this isn't the one..." this would occasionally happen every single time he'd be with his new lover... It keeps him distracted and makes him give up the relationship hoping for someone else who will keep this from coming back to him. Hoping to find the one..

           "Jimin!" a friendly, familiar and deep voice called out to him making Jimin snap out of his thinking. Once Jimin sat up, he saw one of his friends Kim Taehyung running up to him. Taehyung had on glasses, he wore a long black coat over his white loose sleeved shirt, black slacks and gucci white shoes for the fall. "Hoseok and I were waiting for you by the cafe! What are you doing here?" Taehyung folded his arms tilting his head.

              "Oh.. I'll be there give me a moment." Jimin replied as he turned over on his side reaching to his bag and resting his head on it gently while staring off into the distance.. Seeing many people hold hands and hugging. This made Jimin close his eyes. He was the type that loved to be in relationships.... But that little voice in his head told him he could do better everytime.

            "Hyung, are you okay? You broke up with her and now you are like you fell apart!" Taehyung sighed. "If you are not at the cafe soon I'll come back to drag you! It's not fair that you're always like this... I get you want to find someone who you actually love but waiting here for it to come to you? Jimin.. You look sad waiting for it."

             "Taehyung.." Jimin let out a laugh. "I'm not being like that.. Why don't you hang out with Hoseok a bit longer.. I hate to be the third wheel between you two." Jimin pointed out. Hoseok was Taehyung's boyfriend and they have been a couple for one year already in college! Jimin loved seeing the couple together but hated to be seen as the third wheel.

          "Third wheel? Jimin.. You aren't a third wheel! You're our friend and Hoseok and I decided not to make you feel uncomfortable." Taehyung pointed out.

             Jimin smiled and shook his head. "Taehyung, I'm a young adult not a baby.. I don't want you guys to hide your love for eachother so the two of you wouldn't feel bad around me. Your love for eachother is beautiful." Jimin pointed out as Taehyung bended over and patted Jimin's crimson red vibrant hair.

             "You're such a good friend... Don't wait too long for someone special. Sometimes you'll have to meet them there. Got it? You'll find that special someone, Mochi~" Taehyung claimed and played with Jimin's hair before he left. Taehyung was like Jimin's bigger brother... Even if Taehyung was the youngest.

Jimin's P.O.V

         I placed my hand over my red messy hair that Taehyung just messed around with and fixed it. I layed back on the grass and continued to look at the first time I felt like I was truely in love. My mother once told me tales when I used to fall in love, She told me I fell in love with a mirror but it wasn't my reflection that I loved of course... It was something within it.

       A mirror that hanged up in my old childhood room.. An old black framed around a foggy looking mirror that was barely dusted. I remember finding it up the attic and at the time Father wasn't around at all and my own mother allowed me to keep it. Thinking it'll keep me sane but even after these years of me moving out to get to college, Mother still kept the glassed frame.

          She told me how I would wake up at night and stare at the mirror, I always thought I enjoyed my own reflection but in reality... That wasn't the case. I would turn off all of the lights and meet my 'friend' by the mirror but it'll never show up when I needed it the most. I was young and oblivious, I didn't undestand a thing.. Even when my own mother told me someone or something really did stare right back at me through the framed glass when I really needed someone throughout those years.

          Everyone thought I was crazy back then... "A spirit is playing with your child? It could be a bad spirit! Smash the mirror!" I would hear others tell my mother... But she wouldn't. no one knew how in love I was with the mirror except for my mother. She believed it was benign. Even if it seemed like a bad thing to love something like an old mirror... I still fell in love with it for the first time.

        To this day, I still wonder... Who was the dark figure in the old dusty mirror I loved seeing throughout my childhood?

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