Chapter 53: Drunk

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   "Don't let that man touch you! You don't know where he's been... I want you home.. Come home safely to me where I am waiting for you, Pumpkin..."

     The voice kept Jimin up and walking... The voice was Jungkook all along.. He was guiding Jimin home. The demon was smart, if he wasn't talking to Jimin... The boy would have dropped onto the floor and fell asleep. But the voice that haunted him all these years made him blush... Jimin knew it was Jungkook.

           "Such a lovely boy... I can't wait to take him with me.. He can be my new toy..." Kyu-rin claimed letting out a puff of smoke as he heard Jimin talking to himself.

           "I-I'M WALKING!" Jimin shouted. "J-Jungkook... I'm so sleepy.." Jimin sighed feeling like he wanted to drop onto the floor but the voice in his head wanted him to come home.

             When Jimin reached the apartment building.. The man stopped following, wrote down Jimin's apartment address and started walking back to the pub where his car was.

       Jimin got to his apartment door and pressed his head onto the door. The boy was grumpy and drunk now along with the headache forming on his head, he didn't want to talk at all! He just wanted to sleep.

            Jungkook heard Jimin's body drop infront of the apartment door and sighed in relief hearing Jimin got home safely. Jungkook opened the door and saw Jimin crawl inside muttering to himself. "Jimin... Where were you?! Who were you with?! What happened to y-"

            "SHHHHhhh!!!" Jimin hushed Jungkook standing up and walking to the bed not wanting any noise. Jungkook looked down at Jimin's hand and noticed Jimin wasn't wearing the ring! Jimin left it at the bedroom and didn't use it throughout the whole day.

           "Where is your ring, Park Jimin?" Jungkook asked as Jimin shook his head refusing to respond because of his headache. Jungkook couldn't feel it after since it was only once as a warning that Jimin was feeling pain. It was only at times his body would mirror the mortal's pain. "Jimin... I asked you a question... Answer me!" Jungkook shut the front apartment door and locked it noticing Jimin didn't take off his shoes. "Shit.." Jungkook said under his breath as he looked up at the boy. "JIMIN!"

         "WHAATTT?!!" Jimin shouted having his hands on his head in tears now. "Jungkook! Shut up!! Y-you're making my head hurt!" Jimin cried walking to his room as Jungkook face palmed.

             "Oh, Park Jimin..." Jungkook followed the human seeing the boy throw himself onto the bed and hug his pillow tightly. "..Jimin.." Jungkook whispered finally hearing a response from Jimin.

         "Y-yes...?" Jimin asked calmly having his eyes closed.

        "You're drunk, Pumpkin... What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jungkook hissed walking to Jimin and getting on the bed and pulling the sleepy boy up. "No more drinking for you.." Jungkook claimed as Jimin wasn't listening. "Ugh Jimin... Do I have to take public college from you too? I know there was a man following you, he could just be waiting to break in here and try to rape you! But I won't allow that. Punpkin... You have to be more cautious..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin suddenly began to sob.

            "Y-you're so mean to me... Jungkook!" Jimin cried as Jungkook let out a little chuckle.

            "Jimin... You're just drunk." Jungkook replied grabbing Jimin and pulling him close where he kissed his cheek gently and held him close like a baby. "Ah... I can imagine how tired you must be. Pumpkin, I didn't mean to sound rude to you... I'm just worried you'll get hurt! Jimin, I'll make you feel better... I'll make that creepy man go away for good." Jungkook claimed as Jimin heard the demon's statement but just sat there staring. Jimin didn't understand a thing Jungkook claimed and what he really meant to say since the human was drunk and couldn't understand much. His mind wasn't processing anything that came to his mind like words Jungkook claimed.

                Jungkook kissed Jimin's head making Jimin blush. "Jungkook.." Jimin moved his hand to caress Jungkook's soft face. Jimin began to giggle again. "Jungkook~"

            "How much did you drink?" Jungkook questioned as Jimin smiled tossing his head back.

            "Five-thousand!" Jimin giggled as Jungkook sighed. It was like taking care of a child. "Jungkook spank me~" Jimin said and rolled over as Jungkook's eyes widened. Jimin wouldn't say something like that! How drunk was he?

              "No, Park Jimin! Go change into your sleep attire and get to bed." Jungkook demanded as Jimin smirked and lifted up his shirt wanting Jungkook to see him naked. Jimin then pulled down his pants as Jungkook went to retrieve sleep attire for the boy. Then, he heard Jimin call for him and Jimin was in his underwear waiting for Jungkook.

              "Jungkook, I want to be touched~ handle me with care~" Jimin whispered as Jungkook shook his head.

               "I don't want you to wake up with pain on your head and pain down here.." Jungkook said walking to Jimin where he placed the plaid long bottoms on Jimin and a dark blue, long sleeved shirt. "Get to sleep."

             "You're no fun, Jungkook!" Jimin claimed crawling to his side of the bed and dropping onto the pillow. "I-I don't feel too good..." Jimin whispered as the boy quickly stood up and hurled onto the bedroom floor before dropping back onto the bed with his head dangling from the edge of the bed. He was a mess.

              Jungkook face palmed and rolled his hair back in fustration as he got up to make Jimin some medical tea and clean up the mess Jimin made. Jungkook was going to take care of Jimin while he is drunk and of course, find that man who was bothering the boy all night in the club. Jungkook heard the whole conversation and grew disgusted at the man and wanted him dead for bothering what was his. The demon didn't like the man one bit and only focused on slaughtering him behind Jimin's back.

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