Chapter 14: The one who cares

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          Jimin ran into his room in tears. He opened the door holding candles in his hands and a sharp knife. "N-No one wants me..." Jimin cried walking up to the side of his room and setting up the candles by his bed.

  "I want you..."

       "I hope I burn along with everything in here!" Jimin cried as he lighted up the candles and set them next to his bed hoping the bed would catch on fire first.

   "Please don't do this..."

        Eventually, flames will catch onto the bed cloth and Jimin will be laying in bed along with it. Jimin held up the knife and sat infront of the mirror and cut down from his wrist and down his arm diagonally.

"Cutting? You're harming yourself...again and again.. Blood is dripping now. Stop it.. You're hurting me too.."

              Jimin sobbed even more feeling the sharp iron slide down and cut his skin deeply as he watched a line of red blood flow from his arm. "Stupid.... I-I'm an unloving idiot and no one else loves me.. No one!" Jimin cried

"I love you... What I would do to come through this mirror and hug you..."

        "I hope to never wake up... E-ever again... I give up..." Jimin whispered hissing at the big sting he caused himself.

"I love you Park Jimin..."

            Jimin then got up allowing the blood to drip as he walked. Jimin layed down on the bed having his arm hang over the bed where the blood stained onto the bed sheets and dripped from his finger tips along the candle wax... Never hitting the candle's flame. Jimin fell asleep biting onto his shirt. He alone couldn't stand the pain... But he allowed the blood to flow. He believed he didn't fit anywhere in life... Jimin wanted to end it all, the starvation, the poor and the envy he would feel everyday when he would see beautiful relationships that reminded him of something he wanted so bad in life. Jimin eventually fell asleep hoping it'll be his last time on earth.

             During Jimin's sleep, the blood flowing from his arm dripped from his finger tips and onto the candle turning off the flame. When the candle turned off.. The smoke rose up and suddenly something began to come out of the mirror from beyond the wall like it was summoned.

                 It was the figure that came through, the anonymous male figure that was watching Jimin since the day he visited his mother's house showed up again. The 'bad spirit' followed Jimin home with the mirror and was welcomed accidentally.

            The figure had a male like appearance. Black silk hair, red vibrant eyes, and pale skin with a black cloak over a vintage black floral tux. He stepped up seeing the human's hand was dripping alot of blood, Jimin must have fainted in his sleep silently. The demon stared at the boy for a while until he stepped up not blinking his red colored eyes at all. His stare was cold and terrifying.

             The demon turned Jimin over to see the mortal had bags under his tired little shut eyes as his arm was drenched in blood. He held Jimin's arm up and brought it in slowly to give the wound a kiss gently. Along the kisses.. The demon began to heal the boy's huge cut and lick the blood up gently leaving no mess behind. Once he was done he looked back at the arm and looked at a huge scar left on Jimin's skin.

            The demon smiled and set the arm down. After Jimin dripped blood onto the candle, the figure from before was finally able to interact with the human. He was able to finally heal his wound and touch his face. This wasn't a bad spirit... It was a kind demon who cared for Jimin.

            The demon sat next to Jimin bringing him into a hug and holding him close gently. "Sleep... Sleep in my arms from now on.." The demon whispered into Jimin's ear as he held the human on his lap and rested Jimin's head on the demon's shoulder. Who would have known something seen so dangerous and scary can be so kind and caring? Jimin didn't know that... But the demon was just glad he was invited into Jimin's house from a small careless mistake.

      "I said I was going to help you... And I did... You couldn't hear me but I heard you.. I hear your endless cries and sufferings. I'm finally here for you. After all of those years waiting for you. I finally see the love of my life." the demon moved Jimin's sleepy head up to face his. "You may not remember anything of me... But I remember.. I pushed you away for loving me...made you forget." the demon then cupped Jimin's face. "You don't understand how happy I am to finally see your beautiful face again... My Park Jimin... My pumpkin." the demon whispered hugging Jimin close and left a warm kiss on Jimin's cheek. "How I waited for you... To allow me to hold you like this. The candle.. The blood. You've done this all before, but you were unaware of it all when you brought yourself to call on me for the second time." the demon looked around the sad room and focused back at the mortal. "I love you Park Jimin... I always have... That's why you can't have anyone.. Anyone but me.." He then touched the peculiar scar on Jimin's neck. "Says it all here... whats mine."

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