Chapter 30: Invite (SPECIAL CHAPTER)

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16 years ago

            "Hi Jungkook!" Jimin smiled walking up to the mirror again with his toys for the day. Jimin would always bring his toys up to the demon so he can keep the scary demon company. He wasn't afraid of the horned monster beyond the cold mirror.

              "Why do you keep coming up here?" Jungkook asked folding his arms as Jimin smiled holding up the action figure like he would always do.

               "I want to be here with you, Mister! Besides... My mother is very busy to bring the mirror to my room... So if you can't come to me.. I'll come to you!" Jimin stated sitting down crissed crossed as he brought out his box of toys and the box of band-aids. "Offer still stands.. I am ready to give you all of my baby chicken and bunny band-aids! If you come out and play with me.. I can let you play with my favorite toy!!" Jimin added as Jungkook shook his head.

           "You know why I can't come out... And I won't let you invite me. Run along and play with your friends or your rich father." Jungkook replied sounding mean to the little boy.

               Jimin looked down and got silent gently moving the rare action figure around on the floor like it was walking. "Hey, mister... I don't have any friends..." Jimin claimed. "My father isn't home so he can play toys with me all day... Mother is busy cooking and cleaning I have no one to play with me.. You're the only one who seems like you will.." Jimin stated as he began to cry. The young little boy started to tear up crying as his feelings were hurt. "S-so inviting you... I would do anything to have a friend here to play with..." Jimin rubbed his tears as the demon placed his hand on the mirror and stared at Jimin.

           "Doing so will get you hurt, Jimin.."

           "B-but it will bring you here right?" Jimin stood up and smiled wiping his little tears "Tell me what I have to do to bring you here!"

           "You need a candle, a lighter, and something sharp.." Jungkook claimed as Jimin nodded.

             "I'll be right back sir!" Jimin ran out of the attic to find the candle, lighter, and a sharp object. In his mind he believed he was going to carve an object out of the candle but that wasn't the real idea.. Jimin soon found the objects and passed by his mother's room to hear her crying over the phone.

            "T-The least you can do is come back and tell your son how much you care!! Don't you understand the depression he goes through?! How lonely he gets? No one plays with him all day and you just sit there ignoring him and not caring about calling your own son!" the mother shouted into the phone as Jimin held a candle, a sewing needle from his mother's sewing kit and a box of matches from the kitchen cabinet. Jimin didn't want to listen to his mother's call with Jimin's father and only wanted to focus on his friend Jungkook. He ran up the attic to meet up with Jungkook and see him waiting.

           "Jungkook!! I got all of the objects." Jimin shouted running up to the mirror and setting out the items before the demon.

           "Hmm... Okay Jimin, Have a band-aid out okay?"

           Jimin nodded and took out a baby chicken band-aid and set it next to the items patiently waiting for instructions. "What next, Mister?"

               "We're going to play a little game together.... First, I want you to light the match and then light up the candle."

               "Oh... Mister, Mother says I can't play with fire... Can I ask her to come help me wi-"

               "No... It's now or never, Park Jimin... I need you to do this for me.." Jungkook claimed as Jimin looked at the matches and took out a stick. He would remember his mother turning on candles with matches and followed in what he remembered. Jimin quickly lit up the match as blazing hot fire formed onto rhe red tip of the match. Jimin was a bit afraid but he had to focus now.. He gently lit up the white vanilla candle and blew out the match before the flame grew bigger.

            "N-now what?" Jimin asked as he felt a bit excited that he lit up a candle on his own.

           "Take the sharp object and give yourself a cut until you see blood. Then you drip blood onto the candle until the light turns off.." Jungkook stated as Jimin blinked his dark brown eyes in disbelief. "You can always stop.."

             Jimin looked at his toys and looked at Jungkook. "No Mister, I'll do it..." Jimin claimed. He really wanted to have a friend by his side and Jungkook actually fit the picture! Jimin picked up the sharp needle and closed his eyes as he pricked his small index finger feeling the sting as he was tearing up. He cutted deep enough until the blood was running off his hand. Jimin clenched his eyes shut holding up his finger over the candle feeling the drips of red blood drop leave his finger. Jimin had his eyes closed the whole time he didn't realize that the candle was dying off now due to the blood. When the candle completely turned off.. Jimin still kept his eyes shut crying over his wound.

             Jungkook stepped out through the mirror and finally was invited into Jimin's house. Jungkook saw the little boy trembling and crying quietly because of his wound so Jungkook walked up to the band-aid and picked it up. The demon got behind Jimin, hugged him gently and placed on the baby chicken band-aid over the boy's small wound on his index finger that hurted even more over a hot flame. "Shh.... I'm here for you Park Jimin..." Jungkook whispered as Jimin looked up feeling the calm and warm embrace of the demon he summoned into his house.

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