Chapter 67: For your eyes only

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       Jimin got home with a big smile in his face happy to know that his friends will finally meet the demon. Yes, Jungkook told Jimin that he prefered not to be seen by anyone but Jimin didn't care. He wanted the demon to have friends too and feel welcomed and normal... Just the way he wanted.

           When Jimin got home, he stepped in and closed the door letting out a sigh of exhaustion. He took off his shoes and locked the door only to walk to the couch and lay down. Jimin would head to the bedroom but now, he couldn't even make it there. Jimin took off his bag and placed it on the ground as he began to take out the black pack of tissues. Jimin coughed blood into it and folded it laying down as Jungkook walked out of the bedroom to see Jimin was laying on the couch, not bothering to step into the room and join the demon.

            "He's getting worst..." Jungkook whispered to himself as he placed his hand on the wall staring at Jimin. "I-I don't know what to do... I don't know hownto save him.." Jungkook sighed. He knew if he would approach him now, Jimin would question why wasn't he healed yet? Jungkook just didn't know the answer to that.... He wished to save Jimin but there was no way... He couldn't find a way.

                Jimin looked up to see Jungkook staring and smiled. "Jungkook!" Jimin called out sitting up with little energy he had.

         "Hey, Pumpkin... How was your day?" Jungkook asked as he tried to seem more happier now.

           "Ah, that doesn't matter... I'm just really happy to see you.." Jimin held up his arms as the demon hugged his human close feeling Jimin's body temperature rise.

            "Jimin... It's cold outside... why are you out there in the snow when you're like this?"

             "I have to get to school eventually." Jimin claimed.

               "Jimin... Please cover yourself completely! This is going to get you really sick..."

                "I don't have to be really sick... Y-you can heal me... Right?" Jimin smiled and asked Jungkook as the demon sighed and hugged Jimin close.

               "Just... Hang in there, this isn't going to kill you..." Jungkook whispered. He lied, Jungkook just couldn't save Jimin... There was no way he can stop this ticking time bomb that was slowly killing the boy.

            "Okay!" Jimin smiled and kept hugging the demon. "I trust you..."

            Jungkook looked down at the human feeling sad now.. He was slowly taking Jimin's life away and all he could do was sit there and say he loves Jimin. What other thing can he do now? He had no idea what to do now and just waited... He waited for a miracle, even if a demon like him didn't deserve such a thing.

          Jungkook picked Jimin up and toom him to the bedroom. Jimin just wanted to sleep all day and patiently wait for his good friends to show up. Jimin decided to keep it as a secret to surprise Jungkook... Unaware of what will happen if Jungkook was seen by human's other than Jimin.

              Jungkook was only visible to Jimin because the boy summoned him and Jungkook marked him. That's what made Jimin so special from other humans... Only he can see Jungkook.

          "Jungkook... I have a surprise for you..." Jimin whispered as he looked up at the demon who was hovering over him.

            "Please don't tell me you're hard... You shouldn't have sex when your sick... It's better to rest!" Jungkook claimed as Jimin shook his head quickly and giggled.

            "No Jungkook! I'll show you the surprise later, I promise..." Jimin claimed as he kissed Jungkook's cheek and turned over on his side. The demon was curious... But he couldn't read Jimin's mind to know since he lost that ability. Jungkook knew Jimin's life was slipping away and Jungkook was slowly losing his abilities and control on the human because of it. It was like Jungkook was coming back to life as Jimin's life was slowly draining away now.

           Jimin woke up to hear knocks at the door and got up from bed with a smile as Jungkook quickly grabbed Jimin's arm. "Where are you going?"

             "I-I have to answer the door." Jimin claimed as Jungkook stared at Jimin for a while.

             "It's too cold for you to check... I'll check for you.."

            "N-no... I'll do it! I don't want you to kill someone again." Jimin joked as Jungkook laughed.

             "Okay, Pumpkin... But come back to me." Jungkook claimed as Jimin nodded.

            "It won't take long~" Jimin giggled and walked out of the bedroom to hurry and answer the door to his good friends.

            "Hi, Jimin! Where is he?" Hoseok asked smiling and stepped in with Taehyung. Taehyung hesitated to walk in but Jimin held his hand and walked in with him... Suddenly, Jungkook's eyes widened. Jungkook stood up and walked to the door opening it a crack to look out and see who was Jimin holding hands with. Jungkook stared at Taehyung slowly walk in, the demon hated Taehyung all because of that one time Jimin rested his head on the man's shoulder... That was his big mistake.

            Before Jungkook can slowly cause pain to Kim Taehyung, he noticed Jimin signalled them to follow as he was walking with them to the bedroom. "No... N-no.. Jimin don't!" Jungkook backed up slowly as Jimin finally reached the knob and pushed the door open switching the light on to see Jungkook against the wall.

             "Jungkook? What are you doing? Say Hi!" Jimin claimed as Jungkook shook his head staring at the human. Jimin believed his friends can see Jungkook but they couldn't!

              "H-Hoseok?" Taehyung whispered to his lover not seeing anyone there! "Say something..."

              "Jimin... What are you talking about? There's no one there..." Hoseok claimed as Jimin stood frozen, slowly looking at Jungkook. "Are you okay Jimin?"

             "Jungkook...?" Jimin called out as Jungkook stepped forward to the human but Jimin slowly backed away now.... There was now many things in the human's mind about the demon... What other things did the demon hide from him?

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