Chapter 50: The Prince's knight (SPECIAL CHAPTER)

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16 Years ago
               "I hope you understand that we did this for your own good..." One of the bright, white angels claimed as Jungkook was in the floor, ink was pouring from his head and his back. Jungkook couldn't die but what he went through was suffering.

            "Jimin.... Jimin.." Jungkook whispered worried about his human that he marked. The boy suffered and Jungkook couldn't stand to see Jimin cry like that. "Y-you all are monsters.... H-hurting a little boy like that!" Jungkook looked up to see Jimin through the mirror sobbing and placing his arms over his head in pain.

           "We are the monsters? You are... You did this all and brought pain to the little boy! What's wrong with you?! Don't you think you were the one who did wrong?"

            "I-I... I didn't know I'll-"

            "You fell in love with a mortal?! Haha! You've really done it now! Now we can get rid of these wings and horns.." One of the angels held up the horns.

            Jungkook layed on the floor crying to himself as the angels began to leave but one angel stayed behind and walked up to the demon. "Evil Demon.... If you want the child to forget the torture.. Erase his memories of you... You are only making him suffer like this. Remember, he has a short life now. You let him live a normal life. That's the least you can do." The angel advised as he turned around as Jungkook looked up to see the angels leave the Night realm. Jungkook coughed out black ink, he was a mess and couldn't go back to the human unless he cleaned himself up.

           Jungkook had a change of clothes and used a black and white suit and tie with a black cloak over it all as he managed to clean off all of the ink. Jungkook returned to the real world to see Jimin laying in bed peacefully now that he went through the pain.

           Jungkook watched the human sleep and walked up to the little boy. Just before he didn't care about the young boy so he didn't care about taking the young individual's life.... But then one night.. He read a book to the young boy after brewing some tea for Jimin while he fell a little Ill. His mother wasn't around, she was busy working so Jimin was left alone but Jungkook looked after the young one.

              Something sparked between them when he read to the little boy and put him to sleep. Jungkook watched the little boy climb ontop of him to sleep and Jungkook began to feel loved. Jungkook walked up to the little boy who was curled up in tears. No one heard his cries because no matter how much he screamed, it came from within his mind. Jungkook couldn't have the human remember all of this... The demon sat down next to the boy and watched him gently caressing Jimin's arm as he slept.

               Jimin flinched awake expecting the pain to come back but when he opened his eyes, Jungkook was there for him. "J-Jungkook!" Jimin woke up in tears and hugged the demon. "M-mister... My head hurts... My back hurts too! It f-felt like I was dying..."

           Jungkook caressed Jimin's hair and hugged him. "Let me see it..." Jungkook slowly raised the small boy's shirt to see a big mark of wings torn away from the little boy's skin even if he never had wings! Jungkook had the similar markings too.

             "Jungkook... Please make it all better... Whenever I have pain you help me!" Jimin claimed as Jungkook hugged the boy and gently caressed Jimin's wounded back.

            "I'll help you forget this pain..." Jungkook whispered as Jimin held Jungkook close wrapping his small hands around Jungkook's chest hugging him tightly with his little carrot designed shirt and matching bottoms.

           "I love you, Jungkook." Jimin whispered as Jungkook stopped what he was doing to tilt his head and look at the little boy.

           "What are you saying, Park Jimin?"

             "Jungkook... I love you! More than anything... Stories you told me was about knights finding their princesses... They fall in love and have a beautiful family! I did a little thinking, and I figured out who I want as my knight!"

           "Don't you mean princess, Pumpkin?" Jungkook wondered but the human shook his head.

           "No, more like I am the prince... You are my knight, Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin smiled. The young boy had his first love and it was the demon! This is what Jungkook feared all along... He couldn't have the young boy love him like this..

           "Jimin.... You can't love something like me.." Jungkook said as Jimin looked up at the demon noticing he didn't have his  horns, dark red wings and the red fire ring halo above his black silk hair.

            "Did you... Get rid of your things?" Jimin asked as he patted Jungkook's head gently. "It doesn't matter... I love you either way! I can love you... It's fine like this." the little boy claimed as Jungkook couldn't find it in him to make the young human forget about anything just yet... He wished for more time with the human and thought, maybe it wasn't that bad to have the boy remember the demon. However, this was only for a while... Very soon, Jungkook would have to take Jimin's memories away and let him live a normal life. Jungkook claimed Jimin's life and Jimin was going to have his life cut short very soon so the demon believed the angels advice and Jimin should live his life normally and let the time come in slowly...There was no way Jungkook was going to ruin the mortal's life while he still had it. 

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