Chapter 41: Weak

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Jimin woke up holding his demon close. He was happy to wake up knowing everything was okay now. But when Jimin sat up, he was weak and very lazy to stand up and do something about it.... The boy was too weak to sit up and it felt like he lost almost all of his blood!

Jimin felt the Demon laying on him with his eyes closed looking as of he really was sleeping.. Just when did he start sleeping? Jimin moved his weary hand up to caress Jungkook's black silk hair. The human actually realized that Jungkook was really asleep! How was the demon doing this? It almost seemed as if he was slowly becoming human..

"Jungkook.... My Jungkook..." Jimin smiled while caressing Jungkook's hair with his left hand that had a promise ring on his finger. It looked almost like he was married... Jimin loved keeping the promise ring there, it made him much more loved just walking around and having the ring on his finger like he was married.

Jungkook opened his eyes to see Jimin blinking very weakly. "Why are you awake?" Jungkook asked as Jimin played with the demon's hair.

"I think I should be asking you, why were you sleeping? You never sleep, Jungkook..." Jimin claimed. "You seem different... More lively.."

"Oh.. I really don't know how I am sleeping.." Jungkook claimed. In reality, he knew what it was.. Just as before when the angels told him long ago.. Once he marks the boy.. The boy's life will slowly be taken from him. At the moment, the two shared a heart, feelings, and sensitivity. Jungkook would remember the time the angels tortured him by taking away all of his wings, halo, and horns. It was tough to stay put and suffer through it as one of the angels held up a mirror that showed Jimin crying and suffering too.

Jimin couldn't remember what happened back then at the time.. He couldn't remember a thing about Jungkook stepping into his life before, all those little things he shared with the demon was lost forever.. All because of Jungkook. The demon was glad Jimin couldn't remember much back then... He took the pain away from the boy and didn't want the human to remember a thing of the pain he went through. It was like Jimin's skin was getting torn from his back and his skull was breaking apart.. The abuse the angels inflicted upon Jungkook was mirrored onto the human.

"Mm.. Jungkook I feel weak.. I-I can't get up.." Jimin sighed as he looked down at Jungkook. "I feel so sleepy lately I can't keep my eyes open. I slept well but I can't be this tired again... I-I think I lost too much blood... It hurts Jungkook.." Jimin stated as Jungkook stared at Jimin feeling bad for the human.

"You have to eat today.. This is why I tell you to eat... Eating is important if you are weak. You'll need exercise and drink tea."

"C-can you order me something? I-I don't want to move.." Jimin replied as Jungkook cupped Jimin's face.

"Why don't you buy ingredients to make something to eat here instead of eating unhealthy everyday. You need atleast home cooked meals."

"I-I would.. But today I can't... I just can't move today..I'm too weak."

"Maybe I should order seaweed soup to be delivered and marmalade for medical tea. I don't want to see you like this.. You should be able to see your mother today."

"I know.. I hope I get better by today. I couldn't sleep last night because she was in my mind all the time.. I want to see her now... How healthy she must be..." Jimin smiled as he moved his weak hands up Jungkook's chest and rested it over his demon's shoulders.

"I'll take care of you..." Jungkook whispered as he kissed Jimin's gentle lips. The human was pale and weary.. Almost as if he was dying. Jungkook was slowly taking Jimin's life away since only one can live with the heart at the end. Jungkook has beaten himself up for all these years desperately finding a way to save the human. Before, Jungkook didn't care about the boy and only wanted to take up his life to live again but along the way... The demon found his mistakes once he fell in love with the human... He never expected it to happen but it did and now regret filled his mind everytime he would see the mark.

Jimin kissed Jungkook allowing the demon to tower over him as he let out sharp breaths in between his kisses. Jimin wanted to be able to kiss someone like this without having a voice in his mind go insane and scold him. "Ah- Jungkook~"

"Mm... Jimin you seem to respond very quickly when I kiss you like this, Pumpkin~" Jungkook ran his thumb along Jimin's plump lips.

"I love you... You've done so much for me. You'll take care of me until I get better, right?" Jimin giggled. "Of course you will... I wish you can come with me to the hospital... I want to show you to my mother.."

"Jimin.. I'm not normal. I can't be around society and I think it's better that way. I refuse to be seen by anyone but you.. As I said before, I'm for your eyes only." Jungkook said as Jimin cupped Jungkook's soft face.

"I understand." Jimin accepted as he attempted to sit up but he couldn't! Jimin was weak he needed energy to stand up and at the moment, he couldn't! "Ugh... Jungkook... It feels like all of my blood was used.. But in reality, you did the most. Why am I feeling this way?"

"You are very sensitive. I knew you wouldn't be used to it.. shedding so much blood.. But don't worry Pumpkin.. I'll be here to treat you well." Jungkook assured helping Jimin up and setting a pillow behind him so Jimin can sit up.

"I really want to see my mother today.. I can imagine her smile... Her healthy smile once she see's me again. I can tell her to relax and not to worry about me anymore." Jimin added with a smile. The human wanted to see his mother today and hoped he would atleast have some strength to get him there.

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