Chapter 45: Allow~

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Jimin giggled kissing Jungkook back and cupping his face. "Mmm~ Jungkook..." Jimin said during the kiss as Jungkook let out a chuckle.

"You're so happy... I'm glad I could be part of the reason~" Jungkook added as he moved down his hands beyond Jimin's waist and gently caressed his body gently. "You would let me touch you Jimin... Right?"

Jimin blushed at the request. "Of course I would. We love eachother.. I let you kiss and hold me.." Jimin responded as Jungkook smirked and moved his hands down to hold Jimin's rear as he gave it a gentle squeeze making the human flinch.

"Have you ever had a desire... Needs?" Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear as Jimin moved his face up to Jungkook staring at his lips nodding.

"Y-you.. I would dream of you... Even before I met you.." Jimin claimed. "Jungkook.. You've been my desire lately." Jimin confessed.

"No more talking.." Jungkook claimed kissing Jimin and feeling Jimin's hands move up Jungkook's chest until he huffed still maintaining the kiss desperately as Jungkook pulled his lips away slightly. "I hope you know what I want right now..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin heard what Jungkook wanted... He can feel the demon have an errection as he placed his hands down to feel the length over Jungkook's pants. "I've waited so long for you, Jimin..." Jungkook whispered to Jimin's ear. "Come with me..." Jungkook held Jimin's hands and backed up to make sure if Jimin was following.

Jimin was whipped from Jungkook's touch.. He followed the demon as they walked to the bed. Jungkook held Jimin's hand and backed the human up onto the bed as he stopped holding the human's hand. "Jungkoo-"

"Shh... tonight... I want to hear your moans Jimin.." Jungkook claimed as he hovered over Jimin's body making the boy sit up and kiss Jungkook again. He bent his legs back as he slowly began to spread his legs slowly without Jungkook instructing him to do so. "Spreading your legs already?~ Jimin... You seem like you know what to do." Jungkook spreaded Jimin's legs futher until they pressed against the bed hearing Jimin gasp. "Hmm.. Have you spreaded your legs for another...?"

"J-Jungkook! I-I didn't... I only dated girls before.." Jimin claimed as Jungkook moved up to kiss Jimin teasingly as he placed his hips over Jimin's. "M-mmm~"

"Look at you.. Spreading your legs open for me now... I bet you touched girls everytime you had the chance..." Jungkook smirked and quickly pulled Jimin's shirt up before the boy can respond.

"Jungkook... I couldn't touch them! I didn't love them." Jimin replied as Jungkook kept the boy silent covering his face with the white T-shirt he lifted over the boy's body. The demon layed his head forward and began to lick Jimin's nipple and gently teased it by pressing his tongue forward onto Jimin's sensitive nipple. Jimin let out a huff as his face turned red at the sudden wet touches Jungkook gave him.

Jungkook started to suck harshly as he pulled down the human's jeans exposing his underwear. Jungkook wanted to feel the human since the time he was changing him... Eversince then, he wanted to touch Jimin even at times he wanted to feel his body while he slept. Jungkook was finally able to touch Jimin now with the boy's consent.

Jungkook trailed his kisses down Jimin's stomach as Jimin moved taking off the shirt completely. "Jungkook-ah... Hurry please..." Jimin huffed as Jungkook smirked and placed his finger over his lips while he unbuttoned his own dress shirt exposing his pale chest to the human. Jimin was staring at Jungkook's features and wanted him desperately now.

"So desperate and horny~" Jungkook smirked as he didn't want to pull off his whole dress shirt as he only exposed his chest but not his arms that was covered in sleeves. Jungkook leaned over and gently began to undo his pants and tug it down while he kissed Jimin feeling the boy hitch his breath once the dominant pressed his hips forward. "Jimin... I'm getting hard for you.." Jungkook whispered as he moved his errected clothed member on Jimin's underwear gently to make the human grow hard aswell. Jungkook then lifted Jimin's legs up only to pull down Jimin's underwear exposing Jimin's fully errected length that springed up once the underwear was pulled off. Jungkook kept his stares at Jimin staring at the boy deeply with his red gleaming eyes as Jimin layed on the bed fully naked infront of his lover.

"Ah- please do it to me now.... Y-you can't tease me like this-" Jimin whimpered as he ran his hands down to Jungkook's waist to pull the pants down and his underwear as well. Jungkook placed his hands along Jimin's hips and trailed his two fingers down from his pelvis to Jimin's entrance wanting to prep the boy now.

Jimin only managed to pull Jungkook's pants down gently along with his underwear while Jimin stared at Jungkook's huge length. Jungkook smiled and pressed his finger into Jimin's hole. "Ah! A-ah... Jungkook... I-I want you..." Jimin begged already wanting Jungkook's cock inside of him.

"Do you want it to hurt?" Jungkook asked as Jimin only closed his eyes moaning silently as Jungkook inserted another finger pulling it in and out fingering Jimin. The human huffed and arched his body pressing his hips back. "Had enough? Do you want me now~ you want me?" Jungkook teased pulling out the three fingers from Jimin's entrance that was inserted dry.

Jimin nodded quickly throwing his arms over Jungkook's neck and pulling him deep wanting to make love with the one he dreamt about.. Jimin lusted for Jungkook to touch him to the point where he was desperate for it.

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