Chapter 44: Healthy

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          Later on the day, Jungkook was able to make Jimin feel much more better now that he wasn't weak like before. Jimin placed in a huge black jacket over a white T-shirt Jungkook loved seeing Jimin in, jeans and black boots. The human was on his way to the hospital and of course the Demon wanted Jimin to come back soon... While Jimin was off, Jungkook thought of many ways to help Jimin, he just didn't want Jimin to die. He knew there could be a way to save him but what was it?

            Jimin walked down to the hospital building hoping to check in and know that his mother would be there awake and smiling. He was ready to see her. Jimin stopped by a flower cart nearby and purchased his mother a bouquet of yellow and white flowers with cotton flowers too! The boy walked into the building and met back with the front desk nurses again. "Good afternoon..." Jimin bowed at the woman. "Family visit... I am visi-"

                "Yes I know you from before.." the woman claimed as she held up a visitor sticker to Jimin. "Mrs. Park woke up yesterday night. It was a miracle.. With he high blood pressure.. She wouldn't have made it." the nurse claimed. "But she's a strong woman... Go see her now, she's awake and happy."

           "Thankyou!" Jimin thanked the lady and hurried to his mother's hospital room. Once the boy arrived to the room, he saw his mother sitting there looking out the window. She was healthy and much more better now! Jimin smiled as his mother turned her head to see Jimin there!

             "Good afternoon, Mother.. How are you?" Jimin asked as he walked in quietly trying not to make any noise. He carried the bouquet of flowers with cotton plants to and walked up to his mother smiling happily as a few tears fell. These tears were tears of joy just seeing his mother here like that.

            "Jimin! You came here!" The mother claimed feeling so happy to see her son. Jimin gave the mother the flowers as she looked at them and smelled the bouquet. "I'm sorry I never payed any thought on what you told me.... I just wanted to see you graduate and get a nice start in life!"

            Jimin hugged his mother and dried his tears gently. "Mother.. I-I got a well paying job... I've been eating well. Please don't hurt yourself on working any longer. I want to be able to soon take care of you but I can't do that if I don't learn to get things done myself." Jimin claimed. He didn't have a job but this was the only way that his mother would stop forcing herself and pushing her stress levels high.

             "Jimin... I am proud of you.. From now on I won't work hard, I promise Jimin..." Mrs. Park claimed as Jimin nodded happily. Just as he pulled away from the hug.. The mother held Jimin's left hand back and stared at the ring on his ring finger. "How long was I out?!"

               "Mother, it's just a ring!" Jimin giggled as his mother laughed along too.

             "Well tell me, who is it?" Mrs. Park smiled holding Jimin's hand up.

              "M-Mother.. I Just got that for myself no big deal!" Jimin uttered, he forgot to take it off once he got here!

                "Hmm no Jimin, someone gave this to you! Who was it? Is it a rich man?" The mother asked curiously. "I want to know who is going to marry my son!"

              "Mother... I-I... The man doesn't like being mentioned alot.. He's shy." Jimin claimed. "But he loves me..." Jimin began to smile looking away and thinking of the demon. "He takes care of me when I am unwell and hugs me close when I need someone.. He loves me so much."

             "I am so glad you met someone like that! When is the marriage?" the mother asked curiously as Jimin's eyes widened.

             "No ceremony... It's just a promise ring, Mother." Jimin replied. "H-he is a very busy man.. He doesn't have time to stop by places and he's a shy man." Jimin claimed as the mother folded her arms.

         "Such a shame.. I really wanted to talk to him. He sounds perfect by how you describe him, maybe soon we can meet." Mrs. Park smiled thinking of her future son in law. She had no idea Jungkook was a demon and Jimin was marked by this creature! But she saw how happy Jimin got when he described how kind this monster really was. This made Mrs. Park trust her son on how he described him and accept the man. She knew he would be the best for Jimin!

          After the hospital visit, his mother would be going home the next day and Jimin would be there to take her home and be there for her. Jimin walked home happily. He thought he would have to continue lying to his mom about Jungkook and describe him as a normal hardworking man. Jungkook wasn't normal at all but that didn't matter, Jimin loved Jungkook no matter what!

             When Jimin arrived home, his demon waited for Jimin all day. Jungkook stepped out of the bedroom and walked up to Jimin welcoming his lover home with a deep kiss.

          "Welcome~" Jungkook greeted as Jimin smiled into the kiss and pulled his lips away at times to catch his breath.

             "Jungkook, she's better now... Healthy! Thankyou so much for saving my mother!" Jimin giggled hugging Jungkook tightly as he took off his shoes. "I'm so grateful for having you in my life!" Jimin stated as Jungkook moved his head over Jimin's shoulder into the hug and positioned his hand behind Jimin's back smiling at times. "I love you, Jungkook!"

           Jungkook almost wanted to tear up.. Jimin was happier than ever even if he was slowly dying.. Jungkook still felt tough on himself for doing such a thing. He wanted to come clean but once he opened his mouth to say something... He ended up saying another just to make Jimin happy and feel the love the demon gave to him. "I love you too, Pumpkin~"

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