Chapter 17: Not afraid

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         Jungkook turned Jimin's hand to see the big scar was still there. "I tried my best to heal you.. But the dents were too deep and I can only do so much." Jungkook claimed staring at Jimin's arm. "Hm? Not afraid if me?"

         Jimin shook his head. "I-I asked you to come out. Why would I fear you for following what I said?" Jimin replied as he stared at the demon's hand touch his wound. "What are you...?" Jimin questioned Jungkook now.

           "I knew you wouldn't remember so easily.. I'm a demon.. I've seen you before and you saw me.." Jungkook gently held Jimin's hand still staring at the scar. "To answer your questions..I did save you. I saved you because I care about you, I knew you from before.. And-"

           "T-then why don't I remember you?" Jimin asked.

           "Because.. I did this to you." Jungkook only walked up to Jimin and made the boy tilt his head back as Jungkook placed his index finger along the scar of Jimin's neck. "This here.."

            "N-no you didn't.. I woke up with that! Eversince I was young."

          "Yes.. Eversince you were young... You woke up with a different scar on your body.. Did you?" Jungkook asked as Jimin stayed quiet still holding Jungkook's hand. "I knew you needed me.."

            "You saved me and you came to me because.. You love me?"

             Jungkook smiled. "You don't know how much I love you.. Even before when I saw your beautiful and pure face when you were younger."

              "W-why did I forget about you?" Jimin asked as Jungkook stayed silent. "If you were in my life.. You would have been the most important thing to me... How could I forget?"

              Jungkook caressed Jimin's face and cupped it. "I... Didn't-" Jungkook sighed. "Maybe I can tell you later."

             "Did you do it, Jungkook? Did you do something to me?" Jimin asked.

               "I...I'll explain it soon. I don't want to overwhelm my Pumpkin~" Jungkook replied and held Jimin's face up. "You're so big now... Older.. Mature." Jungkook smiled. "You called me.. You called me when you harmed yourself.. My small little Pumpkin suffered.." Jungkook whispered and pressed his forehead against Jimin's. "I've seen you hurt yourself and it hurted me too.."

              "Someone.. Someone really loves me.." Jimin said in his mind as Jungkook was staring at the human as if he heard his inner thoughts aswell. "How did I call for you?" Jimin asked. He was asking alot of questions but Jungkook had no problem with it at all because he knew the human will ask.

          "That over there." Jungkook pointed to the candle.

           "Just by lighting the candle?"

           "No.. Your blood dripped onto the candle light.. Turning off the candle and I was welcomed here."

             "W-were you the figure.. At my mother's house?"

             "Yes.. I saw you.. I just didn't recognize you at first and saw you as a threat."

              "But I never summoned you.. I just cleaned the mirror."

               "You summoned me before, it was a long time ago. I know... You can't remember, but I promise you.. I'll fill you in on it."

           Jimin nodded and smiled feeling that Jungkook was very kind and was gentle. No demon was like this but Jungkook was different. "Jungkook... Will you stay here for me now? Jimin asked almost tearing up. The man in his dream was here! The demon was infront of the human cupping his face and showing how serious he was.

           "I will always stay here for you... I care about you. Park Jimin.. You are mines." The demon claimed. "All your years of isolation will be no more. I am finally here to love you."

              Jimin smiled in tears already. "You don't know how much I wanted to hear those words!" Jimin cried as Jungkook gave Jimin a hug tightly. "I heard a voice.. A voice that told me I wanted better.. But I couldn't find anything better! T-that voice in my head... I hate it.. Kept me alone.. Kept me suffering."

          Jungkook remained silent hearing Jimin sob. He had alot to explain to the boy but didn't want to rush things into his head. Only then, Jimin will feel like this kind demon really is a monster.. "I'm here to love you now.." The demon claimed. "But don't you ever.. Ever go near anyone else because this mark right here..." Jungkook moved his hand along Jimin's scar on his neck. "It means you're mine.. Everything about you.. You're mine. All mine to have, keep, treasure." Jungkook claimed. "I don't want to see you harm yourself again.. It hurts me too."

         "I won't do it again, now that I have someone who loves me, I won't need to harm myself... I just don't understand why you love me.. I have an ugly issue on dating. That voice haunts me... What if I can't love you?"

                 "Oh I know that voice wouldn't hurt you or even speak again." Jungkook then moved away from Jimin. "Nothing is ugly, Park Jimin. Your expectations aren't what makes you ugly. No such thing is making you look that way." Jungkook smiled at Jimin.

              "If you love me..." Jimin stood up and walked up to Jungkook. "Tell me why you love me..." Jimin loved the fact of having someone love him. The boy didn't care if Jungkook was a demon or the same gender.. He knew if love was given to him, he was to accept it because he knew how rare it was for him.

       The human did accept the demon and never feared him because love was something the two wanted to experience for once... and this time? Jimin actually felt something when he would see Jungkook. Almost as if he really has began to fall in love.

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