Chapter 28: Sealed

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           Jimin stared at the ring, "Promise myself to Jungkook.." Jimin said in his mind but stayed silent as Jungkook still held the ring up for Jimin to accept. It was like Jungkook was either going to wait for Jimin to accept it or force it onto him.

           "Hm? Did you die on me, Jimin?" Jungkook joked still holding the shiny silver, crystal and diamond ring.

           "I-I don't know what to say.."

           "I know you'll say yes to me.." Jungkook smiled and made sure he placed Jimin down on a tiled pathway. Jimin stood facing Jungkook as the demon stared into the human's eyes stepping closer and holding the ring. "I'll say it again... Promise yourself to me... Only me.. You promise your whole entire life to me. This isn't marriage... Just an agreement... A promise you'll forever stay mines. Don't make me jealous and go after someone else.. You don't know what limits I'll push just to make you mine.."

           Jimin heard Jungkook and felt a bit scared but happy. Jungkook may have said a few creepy things but in the demon's mind, it sounded romantic. That was the only way he expressed himself.

             Jimin nodded holding up his hand. He was more than happy to make that promise to seal his love with Jungkook. Jimin still needed to know more about the demon but he knew deep down in his heart, he could promise his love to forever be bound to Jungkook. "I promise I'll always be yours until marriage.." Jimin smiled. This was how love felt..  After waiting  a long time for it, he finally got it and wasn't going to let it slip away from him.

            Jungkook kept his smile, the demon almost teared up just hearing the boy he watched over for all these years finally make a promise to him. Jungkook slipped the ring into Jimin's finger, it was like their own wedding ceremony. "Promise you won't take this off no matter what I do.. No matter what flaw I make.."

           Jimin teared up nodding. All he wanted was to find someone who loved him.. Jungkook was the only one who made him find love. Jimin then hugged the demon tightly smiling and crying.

            "Did I hurt your feelings, Pumpkin?" Jungkook asked worryingly.

              Jimin shook his head and looked at Jungkook. "N-no... I just never thought I would hear those words... And feel the same way.." Jimin continued to hug Jungkook tightly.

            The demon chuckled holding Jimin tightly. He felt Jimin's tears through his suit and looked into Jimin's eyes that were in tears. "You're in tears.."

            "Ah, don't stare at me when I cry!" Jimin giggled wiping his eyes and looking away as Jungkook only pointed Jimin to face him again.

             "I'm looking at you now.. And I think you're beautiful." Jungkook claimed as Jimin grew silent. He believed Jungkook wasn't like any other evil thing.. And he started to love Jungkook being around him. Maybe Jimin knew how much he loved Jungkook from the start.

             Jimin moved his face in closer until their noses touched. Jimin closed his eyes tightly as Jungkook smiled moving his thumb along Jimin's bottom lip.. He wanted to kiss the human for the first time...but didn't know if Jimin wanted to. "Have you ever... Kissed a demon before?" Jungkook asked.

          Jimin giggled and shook his head slightly. "You're the only demon I know~" Jimin moved his hands up to Jungkook's shoulders as the demon placed his hands down to hold Jimin's waist closely. This was it, Jimin didn't think he was speeding through anything.. It was like fate gave him a chance to actually love someone, this time no voice haunted him and he was free to love the demon infront of him. Jimin made the move and got closer and pressed his lips onto Jungkook's sharing their first kiss together.

           Jungkook closed his eyes feeling the human lock lips was him.... It almost felt like the cold night realm seemed warmer now. Jimin kept kissing the demon gently until Jungkook slowly pulled away still keeping his hands along Jimin's waist. "Jimin.." Jungkook whispered as Jimin still kept his eyes closed resting his head on Jungkook's chest.

           "You're the one I want to be with..." Jimin stated as Jungkook finally shed a small tear. Jungkook's tears were a baby blue color and it gleamed too like a magic potion a witch would brew. Much more different than a human's clear flowing tears.

             Jungkook thought of Jimin's words while the human kept laying his head on Jungkook having a moment with the demon he promised his love to. Jungkook couldn't help but to feel guilty now.. Those things he did in the past wanted to crawl out and warn Jimin. Jungkook was never a caring demon towards the human... It was like he was given a second chance once he caused Jimin to forget. This time he wanted to make Jimin happy and not inflict pain on to the human. It was like turning over a new leaf.

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