Chapter 34: Worry

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        Two weeks has passed and Jimin was given a bit more space than he had before. Jungkook kept his distance and Jimin was free to do what he pleased. At times, Jimin would walk up to the cold mirror wanting to see his reflection but there was nothing but darkness there. It was like the mirror only worked if Jungkook was there to puppet the reflections... This is what Jimin believed. It was fun to think of his own things about Jungkook knowing the demon would never answer them so Jimin thought of his own theories. Jimin would think the mirror was like Jungkook's life... If it was smashed into pieces, Jungkook would cease to exist. Of course Jimin never wanted to prove this right or wrong because if he was right, he'll loose Jungkook forever...

                Jungkook was becoming more and more creeepier everyday when Jimin would be away at college or with friends. Jimin had to explain why and where he was to Jungkook so the demon would relax. The demon would miss Jimin the whole day so he woukd sit alone in the room every single day. Jimin couldn't escape Jungkook because the demon would always waits for him when Jimin gets home everyday. It was like Jungkook knew Jimin would come home soon so when he missed Jimin, he would always remember the human would always come home to him.

          Jimin was currently at his college enjoying his freedom before he came home to the constant; "Why were you a minute late? Are you trying to make me kill someone?!" those were the questions Jimin would always come home to. During the lecture, a woman walked into the classroom and interrupted the professor. The woman was wearing a grey buisness suit with black heels as her dark brown hair was tied up into a bun. She looked as if she was a buisness woman, the same profession as Jimin's mother.

             While the woman was whispering to the professor, the man looked at Jimin's direction and nodded before she pulled away and looked up at Jimin from where he was sitting. The professor raised his hand and signaled Jimin to follow as the boy got up quickly and picked up his things in a hurry to follow. He was very curious to know what the woman was telling the professor.

            As Jimin walked out of the classroom, he can hear the professor resuming the lecture as the woman waited out of the class for him in the hallways. "Park Jimin.." the woman claimed as Jimin began to feel worried.

             "Y-yes?" Jimin asked as the woman looked at Jimin ready to give him some heavy news.

              "I work with your mother, Mrs. Park.. She's a college and today she showed up to work very weak." The woman claimed. "During work, she fainted and I had to rush her to the hospital."

                   Jimin almost teared up. He knew his mother kept pushing herself just to make Jimin happy and pay for his classes. He didn't want to explain how he had a demon giving him free money! The woman told Jimin which hospital his mother was in and Jimin spent no other second to get there. He was running with his bag not caring that he was skipping his only class for the day. His mother mattered the most.

             Jimin kept running not caring how tired he grew. He skipped the busses and subways so there wouldn't be any delay. The boy was desperate to see his mother.

             Once he found the hospital, he ran into the building out of breath as he made it to the front desk. A few nurses were worried hust seeing Jimin run in panting.

              "How may I help you?" The woman at the front desk asked Jimin as he took a breather to answer the question.

                "I-I'm v-visiting! P-Park! I am family!" Jimin panted as the woman nodded feeling a bit unsure. She quickly typed into her computer searching through the patients who were recently checked in and their status.

           Jimin stared at the computer hoping his mother iwll be okay. He knew his mother would end up this way if she kept pushing herself.. But no matter how many times Jimin warned her, she would never listen, Mrs. Park was determined to get Jimin whatever he needed to make him happy.

           "Excuse me sir, The woman isn't awake at the moment and I wo-"

           "HERE TAKE MY ID I NEED TO SEE HER!" Jimin shouted bringing out his ID And showing it to the woman. "P-please let me see her.. She's all I have..." Jimin cried as the woman took a glance at the ID verifying that Jimin was related so she made a visitor pass and handed it to Jimin. "Room D-135." the woman claimed as Jimin bowed thanking the woman quickly, tucking his ID away and accepting his visitor pass sticker and hurried to the hallways where the elevators and rooms were.

                Passing through the doors, Jimin stared at the room numbers passing by quickly until he reached D-134 and soon D-135! He was notified that his mother wasn't awake at the moment so Jimin understood he had to be silent. As Jimin opened the door, he saw his mother on the bed restimg with her eyes closed with wires hooked up to her like she was dying. Jimin knew this condition could be benign, but worried for his mother either way.

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