Chapter 15: Precious life~

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     "My Jimin..." The demon smiled laying back and holding Jimin in his arms. "You've grown so much... When you first looked into the mirror for the first time in a while.. I barely recognized my Pumpkin~" the demon placed his hand over Jimin's red hair. "I love your hair... Matches with eyes.. Love." he continued on. "I'll have to leave you here.. I'll show myself to you soon." The demon claimed. "But I love to hold you like this.. Just the way we held eachother close back then. Only a little longer. Soon you will wake up and I'll have to leave before that. So let me cherish this moment.. With you."

           There was complete silence as the Demon had his moment with Jimin. Who was he to Jimin? Most of his words didn't make sense but they did sound accurate to him. The demon has seen things and made mistakes in the past that he regretted so he made Jimin forget about them.

          The immortal demon got up and gently pressed Jimin back onto the bed hugging him once more. "I'll be right there... Always waiting right through that glass.." the demon claimed as he walked back through the mirror leaving Jimin asleep. He saved Jimin's life because he was the one who actually loved him from the start..

            It wasn't long until Jimin's mind returned to its current state. In his sleep, the boy began to dream.. He dreamt of something coming from the mirror.

        Jimin was squirming around in his bed whimpering in his dream. There was something over him that held him down and kissed him onto his neck. Jimin couldn't see the face.. When he tilted his head to see the mirror.. All he saw was nothing but a man in a black cloak covering the human's reflection and kissing him. Through the mirror, Jimin was moaning and the thing over him was thrusting his hips onto Jimin hearing the boy moan and whimper. He still had on his clothes and as so as the anonymous man over him. Jimin saw himself reach up to pull down male slik black hair pulling the head onto his chest as he moaned into what seems to be a guy's ear. It was a male but Jimin didn't know what or who he was...

         "Ah~ Mm..mmm.." Jimin moaned as the man looked down on Jimin and took off his cloak and his clothes while staring at Jimin. He smiled unbuttoning his dress shirt to reveal his beautiful pale chest. He was done teasing the bottom so he forcefully pulled down Jimin's pants. Jimin allowed this to happen,  Everything about this mysterious man made Jimin feel errected having someone pleasure him. He didn't want this to end.

             Everytime Jimin would look up, he couldn't! It was like his eyes would close everytime he would want to make eye contact with the man. He can feel his soft hair and can see the back of his body from the mirror.

          "Ah- Please touch me.. Here.. More.. Ah~ Love me more.. Touch me here..." Jimin huffed as the man leaned over and whispered to his ear.

        "I love you Park Jimin..." the man claimed as he pressed his exposed cock deep into Jimin hearing Jimin mewl and whimper. "Shh..." the anonymous man kissed the side of Jimin's head while he moved his hands up Jimin's arm. The man placed his hand around Jimin's member and was leaning down on him as they kissed. Their kiss was harshly with tough and wet kisses when they used their tongues.

          As the Top moved his hand up Jimin's wounded arm, Jimin felt his arm feel slippery.. He looked down to see his huge cut he did to himself... He was expecting to see red blood.. But all that flowed from his cut was black ink. The man kept thrusting into Jimin hearing the boy moan louder and soon he began to scream. "Ah-AH AH F-FUCK!" Jimin cried feeling the man's length reach in deep until the thrusts made Jimin arch his back. "Ah-ah-ahh..." Jimin cried moaning as his arm still dripped black ink... It scared him as he looked at it countless times during the dream.

          The dominant then pulled up Jimin's arm and kissed it as the boy closed his eyes panting and feeling the man kiss his wound. Jimin then finally looked up to see such a handsome man kissing Jimin's wound. He had his eyes closed while he was thrusting a bit slower now as Jimin finally looked up breathing heavily when The man opened his eyes to show such a beautiful crimson red color.

            Jimin jolted awake, he was sweating and panting. Jimin looked down to see he was awake.. He lived. Jimin looked at his arm and noticed the scar was gone! Jimin brought up his hand quickly and desperately poked his wound expecting to see blood but it was cleaned. The huge cut was healed.. But how?

             "N-no... I-I'm okay?" Jimin teared up. "H-how..? How did I?" Jimin cried and looked around quickly seeing that he lived. Jimin suddenly felt his member grow hard... His underwear was wet from the dream. Jimin also felt like something was here with him.. He believed the thing or someone followed him home and the first thing that came to mind was the bad spirit. It looked similar to the man in his dream.. Maybe this familiar face came to show him, life was too special to be thrown away like this.

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