Chapter 60: Safe from trouble (SPECIAL CHAPTER)

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16 years ago

           "Sounds and scars coming from that mirror?" a woman asked talking to Jimin's mother in the living room. The mother was very worried since she came home to see Jimin with scars from his neck and his back... But no one was home. There would be sounds coming from the mirror and Jimin's mother didn't know what to do.

          "Yes... A voice of a young man... But I can't see him at all! I once opened the door right when my son was talking to the unknown spirit and there was nothing!"

              "Oh my... I will need to buy you figurines! This is a bad spirit... If it comes from the mirror, smash it! Break it into pieces!"

            "I-I can't... My son loves that mirror. It keeps him from remembering about his father. Besides, I don't want the spirit to haunt me forever if I destroy it."

           Jungkook let out a laugh sitting next to Jimin up the stairs as the two were eavesdropping on the mother's conversation. The young boy turned to Jungkook and hit his shoulder. "Jungkook! Don't laugh... This is serious... They want to get a sacred figure and get rid of you!"

            "Haha, oh Jimin.... That won't hurt me! My only weakness is the mirror and I don't think your mother wants to take that away from you." Jungkook caressed Jimin's little short brown hair.

         "She walks in on you reading me to sleep all the time.. How did she not see you?" Jimin asked as he looked at the demon.

          "Well, First of all, she isn't the one who summoned me which means... Only you can see me." Jungkook claimed as Jimin began to think on what it meant. "I'm for your eyes only.. So I won't appear to any other human but to only you." Jungkook claimed as Jimin nodded finally understanding. The boy felt like this was a romantic thing to say. No one else can see the prince's knight but the prince himself.. Which was Jimin.

         Jimin stood up and walked down the stairs with Jungkook following behind him. "Mother..." Jimin called out getting the mother's attention.

             "What is it, Jimin?" The mother asked as Jimin smiled.

             "Can I go to the park?" Jimin asked.

              "Sweety, it's snowing.. You'll need a jacket and please let Mrs. Jung know you are going out so she can watch over you and allow you to play with her sweet little boy, Jung Hoseok!"

           "Mother.. I don't really know Jung Hoseok that much. I know of his sister but not him!" Jimin complained as Jungkook sighed and whispered to the boy.

           "You should make some friends, Park Jimin... It's good to have friends." Jungkook claimed as Jimin sighed.

            "I'll tell Mrs. Jung." Jimin promised and respected his mother's words. Jimin then grabbed his big frog coat, gloves and red beanie. He ran out of the house with Jungkook as they hurried to the next door house as Jimin went to ask Mrs. Jung for Hoseok.

              There was white sheets of snow everywhere and the air was cold around the human on his way to Hoseok's house. Jimin knocked on the door as Hoseok opened the door. The cute sunshine smiled seeing a new and familiar face at his own house. "HI I'M HOSEOK!!" The young boy shouted as he was already wearing his coat and mittens.

            "H-hello Hoseok, I'm Jimin.. Park Jimin! I live next door. My mother asked if you would like to walk with me to the park only if your mom watches over us."

            "We were about to go there!" Hoseok giggled. "MOTHER I HAVE A NEW FRIEND!!" Hoseok shouted happily as he hugged Jimin tightly. "Sister won't join us, she is asleep and my father will watch over her.. So we can go together!" Hoseok claimed. This little brown haired ray of sunshine was very friendly to others and made new friends everytime!

             The mother assisted the two boy's at the park and sat down watching Hoseok run around with Jimin. The two new friends ran up the play structure and played knights and dragons. Of course, the demon watched over the two when Mrs. Jung wasn't... Jungkook stared up at the cold sky where the gods frowned upon him.. He's suffered for a long time and just wished one day it'll all stop. He wanted to disappear but hearing Jimin's giggles were enough to make Jungkook smile and think the boy was very lovable. Jimin's existence gave Jungkook alot of reasons to stay.

             Soon, Jimin and Hoseok was playing on the top of the stucture the whole time until.... A group of older boys came along and stared at the boys. The stucture was very tall. Not so suitable for young little boys like Hoseok and Jimin.

              "...What are you idiots doing here?" a boy called out. This boy seemed older than the two young boys and he even had his own group of bad boys here to bully Hoseok and Jimin.

               That's when Jungkook payed attention and stared at the boy who was bothering his human. Jungkook was sitting on the stucture as well and Jimin can see him there watching but then, Jimin grew worried unaware of the demon's actions.

           "Come on Hoseok! Let's go play by the swings!" Jimin claimed not wanting issues with the older boys.

            Jungkook was watching the boys and knew he shouldn't act until they layed a finger on Jimin, that's when he will try to protect him. Suddenly, it didn't take too long until the older boy pulled Jimin by the hair and yanked him back to make him stay.

           "Where do you think you're going now?! We asked you a question! Both of you!!" The boy shouted as Jimin opened his eyes to see Jungkook slowly get up. Once Jimin teared up Jungkook started to walk up to the boy.

           "W-wait! S-stop!!" Jimin called out to the demon making him stop. "Please leave me alone! We'll leave!" Jimin cried as the boy pinned Jimin to the hole of the red tunnel slide threatening to push him down.

          "You know... I'm in a bad mood today and me and my boys  really want to start a fight today.. I think it'll be fun to shove a five year old off the slide! What do you boy's think? Once we shove you off we can shove off your little friend!" The boy smiled. This boy wanted trouble and there wasn't any parents watching not even Mrs. Jung! She was too distracted..

            "Y-you boy's just want trouble! Just let us leave and be on your way!" Hoseok shouted as another boy grabbed Hoseok and put him in a headlock. "Ack!- h-HEY STO-"

          "shhhh... You don't want to be shoved off the monkey bars right? It's a long drop for a little boy like you, big head.." another boy threatened as Jungkook had enough! Jimin was already in tears when.... The boy shoved Park Jimin down the long slide.

          "JUNGKOOK!!!" Jimin cried as he slid down head first into the tunnel slide. Jimin only caught a glimpse of Jungkook charging at the boy who shoved Jimin off.... And that was it. All he felt was the structure rumbling like someone was running and suddenly he heard the group of boys scream then it died into silence... When Jimin reached the bottom of the long slide, he landed on a white sheet of snow safely.

           Jimin looked up to see the boy who shoved him down the slide and pulled his hair, was at the bottom of the long stucture face down and unconscious under the high monkey bars! Jimin stared at the boy in fear who looked lifeless from the big fall and when Jimin looked up, he didn't see Jungkook until he heard footsteps aproaching. It was the demon.

       "J-Jungkook!" Jimin stuttered. He was feeling worried for the boy that fell but Jungkook didn't care about it and just hugged Jimin.

            "Shh... You're safe now.. Those boys are gone now..." Jungkook whispered to Jimin's ear as the human looked around to see Hoseok still up the structure and all of the boys that were up the structure was on the ground too. Every single boy that bothered the young boys.

        The group of young trouble makers got up and ran off leaving the older boy who really harmed Jimin, face down on the cold snow like he passed out....or even died from the long drop.

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