Chapter 46: Your desire~

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       Jungkook held himself up over Jimin. This is what the both of them wanted and Jungkook finally pushed the thoughts of his problems far behind him and onpy focused on Jimin now. Jimin's eyes shined with lust knowing things will be okay. The human had a huge trust onto the demon and kept him close to feel him finally after waiting.

          Jungkook pushed the tip of his cock inside first. Since the demon was going in dry, Jimin didn't know how it would feel since Jungkook was the first man he would make love to. The human closed his eyes shut as the demon didn't hesitate to push in deeper inside of Jimin hearing the boy let out a cry. "J-Jungkook... Ahh~ i-It hurts.." Jimin cried as Jungkook pushed himself deeper until he was balls deep not wanting to slowly push himself in. He wanted to penetrate the human already. "JUNGKOOK!" Jimin already began to scream arching his back feeling Jungkook's huge length reach deep inside him until a small tear formed on his eye. "F-fuck... Jungkook.." Jimin hissed as Jungkook began to lick along Jimin's mark and start thrusting into the mortal under him.

           Jimin pressed his hands down onto the bed forcefully as he couldn't stand the dry thrusts. He felt Jungkook's wet tip begin to leak pre-cum inside already showing that the dominant enjoyed pummeling into Jimin with his hard cock. The demon tried his best not to harm Jimin so he had to make sure he wasn't going in rough as the pre-cum he released gently into Jimin began to lubricate Jimin's hole.

            "AHH AHH-" Jimin moaned as his face wouldn't stop turning red. Jimin couldn't keep his eyes open through it all. The moans escaped his mouth and his eyes was kept shut most of the time restricting him from gazing up at his lover. Jimin kept his mouth open feeling Jungkook press harshly into Jimin while he thrusted deep into Jimin making Jungkook begin to huff whike staring deeply at Jimin's face that already began to break a sweat.

        Their warm, naked bodies touched while Jungkook thrusted into Jimin closing his eyes and enjoying how gentle Jimin's walls were as they closed in on his member. Jimin was tight and wouldn't finger himself when he masturbates, only manages to jerk off at times. Jungkook sucked onto Jimin's scar and licked along it leaving his saliva onto the new hickey he formed onto Jimin's shoulder. Jungkook left his wet kisses along the center of the human's neck where his adams apple was. Jimin gasped to catch some air while Jungkook continued to leave kisses along his lover's body showing his affection towards the human.

             "Do you like it rough, Jimin? Ah- t-tell me.." Jungkook grinded into Jimin making his member hit Jimin's prostate. The demon combed Jimin's red hair back while Jimin clawed onto the bed as his lip quivered.

            "J-JUNGKOOK- AHh-haa.. Oh Jungkook- Mmm y-yes.." Jimin whimpered as this only made Jungkook go slightly faster to please his human. Jimin quickly moved his hand down to run his hands along the sides of Jungkook's hips and pull him deep but Jungkook quickly grabbed Jimin's hands and pushed him back onto the bed now picking up his pace. By now, Jungkook didn't care about going gentle into the human's entrance. He felt like he was going to cum soon so he made sure he pushed deep until continued to whimper.

            "More?~" Jungkook asked as he pulled out leaving Jimin whimper and cry for more.

            "Jungkook... Jungkook.. Please more..." Jimin begged as Jungkook turned the boy on his side and lifted his leg high enough for Jimin to mewl. Jungkook pushed himself in again while he thrusted upwards placing Jimin's leg over Jungkook's thigh while the demon kept his hands occupied by caressing Jimin's body gently until he begin to pinch Jimin's nipples making the boy press his head back onto Jungkook and let out his loud, uncontrollable moans.

            Once Jimin pressed his head back, Jungkook felt Jimin's warm weak point and continued to thrust into it earning more shouts from Jimin. Jimin turned his head to kiss Jungkook amd gently caress the demon's face into it while his hips buckled. "Jimin... You're so gentle.." Jungkook whispered and gently bit Jimin's earlobe as Jimin looked down seeing how Jungkook thrusted deep into him making his hips move forward. "I own you.." Jungkook huffed into Jimin's ear prosessively. "Understood? Ah- Jimin you're all mine... Mine to fuck like this.."

           "Ah- ah Jungkook~" Jimin moaned. "I-I can't keep on any longer!" Jimin mewled huffing on to the bed as his pre-cum began to spill onto the bed.

             Jungkook knew the human wouldn't last long so he changed position by making Jimin lay onto the bed bending over while Jungkook thrusted into Jimin slapping his balls onto Jimin's skin with each thrust.

           "J-JUNGKOOK!" Jimin shouted and bit onto the bed sheets huffing as Jungkook held onto Jimin's hips quickly thrusting once he felt close.

              "Jimin... D-do you want it? Want it inside?" Jungkook asked as he leaned over to kiss Jimin's back gently feeling Jimin nod as he huffed and moaned begging for it.

            "Please... Please Jungkook~" Jimin cried as Jungkook thrusted until he came into Jimin seeing the human gasp and throw his head back. "A-AH JUNGKOOK!" Jimin screamed as Jungkook didn't pull out until he was finished cumming into Jimin. Jimin came onto the bed and panted feeling his face grow hot. Jungkook finally pulled out having the tip of his member wet with cum. The demon turned Jimin over and kissed the human.

            "Was I good to you?~" Jungkook asked as Jimin catched his breath looking up at the demon and nodded growing exhausted.

          "I loved it... So much..." Jimin answered being able to finally touch Jungkook's chest. The muscles he had along his abs made Jimin blush. The demon still kept his dress shirt on keeping the sleeves over his arms but he showed his torso to Jimin and had his bottom half of his clothes removed. Jimin didn't care about it and just kissed Jungkook having his lover's body over his into the kiss for the whole night.

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