Chapter 48: Shower

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         The next morning, Jimin woke up to see Jungkook under the covers with Jimin as the two slept together peacefully. It was still hard to believe Jungkook can go to sleep now.. It made Jimin feel happy.. He acted normal now.

           Jimin watched Jungkook until he woke up and gazed up at Jimin. "You're wide awake.." Jungkook claimed as he smiled at the human.

           "It's so hard to get used to the fact that you can suddenly sleep now~" Jimin stated rolling Jungkook's hair back with a smile.

            "It's hard for me to adjust to it... I don't dream at all like humans.. It's been so long I wished I remembered." Jungkook stated. "Pumpkin... How can you get full classes?"

            "I need to pay alot of wons for it... and pretty soon I will have new classes! Why are you asking?"

              "I want to get you alot of classes so you can graduate... I want to do this for you, Pumpkin.."

              "Mm.. I guess we can discuss this later.. I need a shower." Jimin claimed as he got up and took a moment to himself on how hard it was to get up for him. Jimin grabbed a towel and walked to the shower so he can get the dry cum off of his chest and thighs.

            Jungkook watched Jimin poke his little red haired head and pout. "Won't you come shower with me?" Jimin asked as Jungkook sat up shaking his head while he smiled.

             "I'll go after." Jungkook claimed as Jimin tilted his head pouting again.

              "Please come with me.. I want to shower with you.." Jimin requested again nearly begging. But Jungkook couldn't bring himself to say yes, he feared Jimin will see the similar markings on their body. When Jungkook refused again, Jimin sighed and giggled playfully as he left the bathroom door open. "You are free to join me anytime, Jeon Jungkook~" Jimin commented before he stepped into the bathroom.

           Jungkook bit his lip thinking of joining Jimin. But he layed on the bed thinking of a way he can sace Jimin. "There's a life for a life code... But I want us both to live together.." Jungkook said to himself as he got rid of the first idea. This was tough to think about, he wasn't very aware of most of the rituals demons performed to either resurrect or even control. There was many things like this but Jungkook couldn't think of a way to save Jimin and make himself a human. The only thing that can help them was the sacred man upstairs in the skies. He was the one that punished the demon and what he says, goes. Jungkook knew he couldn't beg any sacred figure... No one would believe the demon at all!

              Jungkook sighed thinking of it.. What if he really was to go beg for Jimin to live and Jungkook too so the odd couple can live off a life they planned? Jungkook never tried it and wasn't planning to... It was too risky to go up to sacred angels or gods and ask them for pity. It just wasn't done!

             Jungkook was feeling hopeless but he didn't give up... He needed to think of something else.. Something he can plan out to save Jimin. But how can a human escape death? There was no solution to that... Everyone faces death eventually but no one lets the idea bring them down. That's what was so special of human life to Jungkook, he knew he was human before and wished to go back just for Jimin and only Jimin. He was in love and there was no issue in that. To angels and other humans, they would think the relationship was a joke.. Who would believe something like that? This was almost forbidden.

          Jungkook couldn't think just hearing Jimin's thoughts in the shower. "He'll come to me any moment now." Jimin repeated in his mind as Jungkook laughed finally getting up and going to join Jimin in the shower.

           He knew he had to hide the similar cuts so when he stepped into the shower secretly, he made sure Jimin was facing forward as the demon was behind him. Jungkook slowly stepped forward into the shower and moved his hands along Jimin's front chest and gently rest them onto the human's neck like a choking position but he didn't give no pressure onto Jimin's neck. "Pumpkin.. You have me hypnotized with your cute little face.. Begging me to join you to shower." Jungkook chuckled as Jimin wanted to turn around but the demon kept him still and to look forward. "Don't turn around..." Jungkook warned Jimin as the boy tilted his head back to lay on Jungkook's wet chest.

            The warm water ran down their skin as their hair was already wet and straight as their skins were slippery due to the water. "Ah... Jungkook.. Are you going to make love to me again~" Jimin wondered as Jungkook kissed along Jimin's jaw as he still kept the his hands around Jimin's soft and fragile skin on his neck.

          "You can't handle it if I give it to you again..." Jungkook teased as Jimin smiled while he kept his eyes closed.

           "I really love how you fucked me so well yesterday... I can't wait until we do it again~" Jimin stated as Jungkook laughed.

           "The way you screamed my name last night... Mmm.. Only I can make you scream like that and fall into my touch.. Okay? I hate to be strict with you from now on.. But I just want what's mine to be safe." Jungkook added. "I guess I can give you a curfew now."

            "Mm- curfew?" Jimin didn't know why he was given a curfew but he understood the demon was very possessive over his human. "You're so mean~"

           "I never said I was a nice little thing, Pumpkin~ I guess you can say that I'm greedy... I don't want others to look at you~" Jungkook added as he moved his hands down to Jimin's cock and slowly moved his hand jerking it as the water made it much easier to move his hand along Jimin's cock. "I want to show you love here..." Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear making the human smile noticing that Jungkook couldn't say no when it came to the strong desire Jungkook had towards the human.

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