Chapter 4: Choice

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   "Get off of him.. What do you think you're doing?! Who do you think you are?! Once Hoseok gets back... He won't be pleased."

        Jimin suddenly sat up startling Taehyung. "N-no I have a bed for a reason.." Jimin claimed. "I have a bed.. A pillow.. A blanket.. I don't need someone else to help me sleep.." Jimin claimed as Taehyung was confused seeing Jimin cover his ears. "I'm going to my room.. Tell me when Hoseok gets back." Jimin then ran into his room as Taehyung watched his friend leave.

           "Yup, He's losing it..." Taehyung claimed. "I just need him to be with someone so he wouldn't feel alone.." Taehyung thought. "If Hoseok and I can stay here with him, he wouldn't hear those voices." Taehyung thought. "Whether he likes it or not. We'll be here." Taehyung claimed getting up and walking into Jimin's room to see him laying in the bed but staring at the ceiling.

"Oh Good, look who's here!? Tell him to leave you alone.. He just wants you to get in trouble with Hoseok!"

    "Please leave.." Jimin claimed rolling over not wanting to face the other young man.

            "I know you like to be alone but I'm going to give you a choice here.. Either you let me and Hoseok stay here with you everyday, or stay with your mother."

          That's when the voice got silent and Jimin felt relieved that it stopped for a while. "I don't know.. Let me sleep first.. Please?" Jimin pleaded as he closed his eyes.

           "Fine.. But when Hoseok is here, I'm waking you up!" Taehyung stated as he walked out of the room leaving Jimin alone.

"Get them out of your house... They want you to feel bad...

     Jimin sobbed and closed his eyes sleeping to himself. While he slept, the side of his neck hurted.. He couldn't tell what it was and was scared to even check. Even when he was younger, he had a pain on his neck but when he would check there wouldn't be anything there! But this time, what if there was?

             Hoseok opened the door walking in with groceries. He brought in milk, honey, tea marmalade, seaweed bottles of water with vegetables too. "Where's Jimin?" Hoseok wondered as Taehyung pointed to the bedroom.

          "I allowed him to sleep on my shoulder... But he didn't like that. He covered his ears like someone was screaming at him and he ran to his room to sleep. I haven't seen him this awkward ever!" Taehyung pointed out. "I'm worried for the little guy."

            "He's always been like this. We just recently realized that." Hoseok stated walking to the kitchen. "Anyways, I made sure I got him enough things to eat.. I have milk and honey to help him sleep."

           "I never heard about that before, but I bet it'll taste good!" Taehyung smiled walking up to Hoseok and laying his head on the kitchen counter. "I told him... If the two of us can stay with him or he heads off to his mother's house and suddenly he felt like there was a bit peace and quiet... Why does he torture himself with this?"

             "I don't think it could be Jimin's fault. You know, he lacks sleep now and of course he hears himself shouting everyday of his life. He needs to be well fed and be able to sleep."

          "Just before he was fine and now he's scaring me..." Taehyung sighed. "So, What are you making for him?"

           "Milk and honey. Hopefully he can sleep better this way." Hoseok claimed as he found a pot and began to clean it. "Funny how he has a pot here but never cooked for himself before.."

            "I remember his mother gave him the pot when he moved in. That was his new house gift." Taehyung pointed out.

             "Oh I see." Hoseok said as he was already washing the pot. Taehyung got behind Hoseok and gave him a hug. "What are you doing?"

             "Mm.. I'm sorry we couldn't go out today.." Taehyung apologized. "Jimin is like my brother... I'm sorry."

            "No it's fine. Atleast we are together, right? Much more better this way~" Hoseok turned his head to give Taehyung a quick kiss as he dried the pot and began to pour milk into the pot, set the stove on high and waited for the milk to warm up to start mixing in the honey.

            Jimin sat up and shook his head. He had to get to his classes soon yet he couldn't sleep... Jimin wasn't a full time student like Hoseok and Taehyung, he was a part time student where he gets to class at random times. He tried his best to save up money to become full time, he strived to graduate and show how good he was to his family. Jimin decided to get up from bed. The voice was silent and Jimin felt at peace now.

          As Jimin got out of his room he heard Hoseok and Taehyung giggling to eachother. Yup, they were flirting and making out. Jimin peaked around the corner and saw them hold hands while Hoseok mixed the pot of now warm milk with honey. Jimin stepped up feeling better know, "What are you both up to?" Jimin asked as Hoseok smiled and turned his head to face him.

             "I thought of making you this to help you sleep better." Hoseok placed a mug out from Jimin's dish cabinet and set it down on the counter.

         Jimin looked at Taehyung and Hoseok, how could he allow the lovebirds to take care of him everyday? Jimin wasn't going to seem like a selfish friend. "Thankyou. Taehyung? I think I may want to visit my mother.. You both can go on with your lives and do things together!"

          Hoseok poured the warm honey milk onto the mug and handed it to Jimin. "So will you live with your mother now?"

           "No.. In only visiting, I swear! I still want to keep the apartment." Jimin stated. He made up his mind and realized his friends needed their time alone too! So the best choice to go with was to head home.. But his mother wasn't the only thing he had in mind that made him wish to get home, it was the mirror.

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