Chapter 25: Mindset

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        Soon, Jimin went to college walking alone.. He left Jungkook at home and was going to school now feeling a bit more better now! Now when Jimin saw couples, he felt happy and could say that he has someone. Surely the odd pair isn't into the kissing and making out just yet.. But Jimin felt glad to come home to someone like a caring demon... Jungkook.

             Jimin carried his bag, wore his big red sweater, black pants and black shoes while he wore a black beanie over his red hair. Once he got to his class he sat down in his seat as his ex came to sit down with her current boyfriend but this didn't bother Park Jimin. Jimin had someone who cared and the boy was happy now like his life was complete.

             Hoseok and his lover, Taehyung came running into the class before it all started as Jimin fliched seeing how they kicked the door open! "PARK JIMIN!!" Hoseok shouted holding his phone up and running to Jimin causing some early students to the class to stare. Hoseok ran up to Jimin and slammed his phone down onto the table and stared at Jimin like he was having a staring contest with the younger. "You never responded to Taehyung's text.... Or MINE!!"

            "I-I I'm sorry I was just.." Jimin then remembered of Jungkook telling him not to bring his friends into this. "Watching Dramas... And spending time with my mom..."

            "Oh... I see..." Hoseok folded his arms. "A simple text back would be nice!"

            Jimin then began to giggle. "Ah! Okay I understand!"

          Taehyung then pointed to Jimin. "You look so different.. You look healthier, happy... Whatever you are having at the morning I want that too!"

        Hoseok shoved Taehyung and looked at Jimin. "You do look different.."

        "That's just joy and acceptance." Jimin smiled and layed back on the chair.

          "About last time Jimin... We felt really bad, You know how we always do something like this.. The both of us can't help it." Hoseok apologized.

           "That's fine." Jimin smiled. Deep down in his mind he was excited to come home to Jungkook. Jimin wanted to go to the night realm with Jungkook and if the demon didn't want to, Jimin will try his best to get his way. "Night realm.." Jimin said to himself the whole time he was in class he can barely focus! This is what Jungkook meant by distraction.

         At the end of the day, Jimin walked with Taehyung and Hoseok out of campus as always. The weather was a bit cold now that it was still fall. While Taehyung was talking about the leaves and how much he loved the season, Jimin was thinking about the night realm as always! "Will it be fall in the night realm or spring time?" Jimin would think in his mind until Hoseok tapped Jimin.

           "Jimin, want to go and get seafood? I'm in the mood for fried shrimp or we can go to Mc Donalds!" Hoseok suggested as Jimin declined.

          "I'm in a hurry to get home!" Jimin claimed.

           "Oh Jimin, you know how it's break time for Taehyung and I, let's get something together!" Hoseok claimed. Taehyung and Hoseok was full time students so they had lunch breaks but Jimin only had one class for a day or even two classes if he's lucky.

          "No it's fine, I'll eat from a street cart on my way home!"

           "That's very unhealthy Jimin..." Taehyung worried.

            "Y-you guys can get me a burger and come over later to drop it off." Jimin said as Taehyung shrugged.

            "Alright.. Go well!" Taehyung waved as Hoseok waved as well watching Jimin run on home.

           "I worry about him.. Let's get him something and get to his house.. I just want to talk to him again." Hoseok said as he faced Taehyung. "I feel like a bad friend for doing this..."

             "He seems okay, Hope~" Taehyung stated holding hands with Hoseok.

              Hoseok shook his head and focused at Jimin running off. "Even the happiest people suffer at times.."

         Jimin ran up to a random food cart in the street and greeted an old lady. Jimin still kept the wons Jungkook surprised him with and saw what the lady was making. "Hello, grandmother." Jimin bowed to his elder formally as The elderly woman smiled.

         "You seem hungry young man. Why don't you eat a Tornado Potato? Only 2,000 won!" the old woman held up the potato fried cheese spiral. This potato was deep fried until it was crunchy and added cheesy powder that was very addicting!

         Jimin nodded and ate as much until he was full, counted the sticks and payed the kind old lady happily. The woman was very caring she also advised Jimin to eat something healthy when he gets home too. It was very common that others will ask for your health.

            Jimin got home happily excited to see Jungkook. "JUNGKOOK!!! I'M HOME!!!" Jimin shouted happily as he set his bag down and took off his shoes to enter the apartment. Jimin locked the door and walked to his room to see Jungkook staring up at the ceiling with his arms and legs spread out. He was still and looked like he was dead but that's how he was.

           "Hello Jimin." Jungkook turned his head to see Jimin. "You seem excited!"

           "Because I want you to take me to the Night realm!!" Jimin shouted happily and walked up to Jungkook, crawling onto the bed and getting on top of him again. "Please take me there, Jungkook~"

          "Today?" Jungkook chuckled and cupped Jimin's cute and soft face. "Am I your bed now?" Jungkook cooed to Jimin smiling at how cute the human was laying on top of him.

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