Chapter 18: Heartbeat

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          "What I love about you? Ah... You may not remember those days clearly, but I do. Those days where you would run around and always come back to the room to talk about your day. You made it your number one job to make sure you came back to me and tell me about your day. You included me in your everyday life and I love you for that." Jungkook blushed thinking of Jimin. "When you would come home I would wait for you by your bed and hugged you to sleep. You never feared me. You saw me and knew eveything will be okay! I love you because you are cute, innocent and of course brave."

           Jimin dried his own tears and looked at the demon who was stealing his heart. "I-if... I could remember... I would say that I love you too! In which I do. But my memories with you are blank and I want more than anything to remember." Jimin stated. "But if you say you'll tell me soon, I understand. I will wait for you to tell me, Jungkook!" Jimin giggled and went up to the demon and hugged him. "Never stop saying you love me... I like that.. I absolutely love hearing that!"

           Jungkook hugged the lonely human into his arms as Jimin felt the soft fabric of the black cloak and fancy coat and dark dress shirt. Jimin felt warmth and expected the demon to have a cold touch but he didn't! However, Jungkook did not have a heart beat. "So silent.." Jimin whispered.

             "I don't have that.. A heart." Jungkook claimed. Jungkook then rose his hand up to Jimin's chest. "But of course you do... It feels nice.. Can I hear it?" Jungkook wondered as Jimin nodded and giggled excitingly watching the demon hold Jimin's hand and move him back to the bed and lay him down. "It won't take long..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin layed on his back facing Jungkook. The demon only layed his head onto Jimin's chest.

          He pressed his head onto the mortal's chest and listened to Jimin's heart. "Its beating.."

          "Never heard a heart before?" Jimin smiled looking down as Jungkook heard the heart.

         "I couldn't hear it when you were younger... I wasn't curious back then but now, I want to know this." Jungkook heard the thumping of the heart and smiled. "It's slow... Can't it go faster?"

             "No, it's bad if my heart goes faster." Jimin stated and ran his hands through Jungkook's black hair. "Your hair is beautiful.."

              Jungkook thanked Jimin and got lower onto Jimin's stomach and felt his stomach go up and down calmfully. "Breathing? Right?"

             Jimin nodded. "Yes and I-"  suddenly Jimin's stomach rumbled. He still hasn't eaten! Jimin sat up as Jungkook looked at Jimin's stomach.

                "Are you hungry?" Jungkook asked. He was well aware of this because, back then when Jimin was younger... He would play with the demon and his stomach would make the same sound indicating that the human was hungry.

           Jimin sighed. "Don't mind that.. Let's just talk for now! I still have yet learn from you!"

            "Yes but shouldn't you eat?"

           "Jungkook... I can't."

            "Why not?"

            "I can't afford anything to eat.. I have to save up for rent and bills." Jimin confessed as Jungkook tilted his head.

              "Jimin.. I can help you." Jungkook offered.

              "Demons can cook?" Jimin asked as Jungkook began to laugh loudly.

              "No! What I can do is this." Jungkook reached into his cloth and took out a stack of wons. "Here!" Jungkook smiled offering the human the stack of wons as Jimin frozen. The stack was held together with a black ribbon.

               "J-Jungkook.... No." Jimin shook his head. "I can't accept this.."

             "Oh of course you will." Jungkook walked up to Jimin and held Jimin's hand with Jungkook's free hand. "A human shouldn't starve... That's torture."

           "But it's alot.." Jimin sighed. Jungkook then placed the money on the palm of Jimin's hand.

            "This is for your food. whatever you need. I am here to help you.... Not to hurt you. Need extra for rent or bills? I'll give you more" Jungkook held Jimin's face and squished his chubby and soft cheeks. "Soon you won't be this chubby and soft if you starve! Maybe you can order food to eat."

              "Where are you getting this from?" Jimin asked.

               "I just think of what I want and it comes out of my cloak. I have my ways.."

             Jimin understood, accepted the money and looked at Jungkook. "This Demon.. Handsome and helpful. He's kind to me and loves me.." Jimin said in his mind as Jungkook suddenly blushed like he heard his mind... "C-can you eat food, Jungkook?"

             "I don't eat... When you're full I'll be full." Jungkook said as Jimin looked down at the money.

             "I won't waste much.. I do need to pay bills in college and rent here in my apartment." Jimin stated slowly counting the money as Jungkook pointed Jimin's face up to face his.

           "No, I'll give you more just use this to eat alot!" Jungkook responded looking at the money in Jimin's small hands. "Eat like a king, Jimin~ you deserve it."

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