Chapter 29: The honor to love

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         "I think it's only fair we get back to the real world now.." Jungkook claimed as he gently shook Jimin to signal the human that they were going to leave.

          "What do you mean? We've only been here for a while..." Jimin claimed. "We still have much to see here!"

          "Time still passes while we are here, Jimin... So if you ha-"

           "I-I think my friends were coming over to drop something off for me!" Jimin exclaimed as Jungkook's eyes widened.

           "What?! I thought I told you not to invite any of your friends!"

            "T-they are only bringing me food nothing else I swear, Jungkook! I would never invite them to spend some time without your permission." Jimin claimed as Jungkook chuckled.

         "Calm down, I'm not upset.. Just don't bring them around me." Jungkook stated. Jimin did think it was weird how Jungkook didn't want anything to do with Jimin's friends.. This only worried Jimin a bit.

               "I guess we'll have to come back to walk around more, right?" Jimin smiled as Jungkook nodded.

               "Soon.." Jungkook stated as he turned around to carry Jimin on his back again. "Next time, please bring shoes, Jimin."

               Jimin laughed and got on Jungkook's back as they began to walk back. Along the way, Jimin was staring at the ring the whole time smiling at it, he loved being there with Jungkook for the first time in the Night Realm. It was peaceful and silent the whole time and even more romantic when Jungkook made a promise with the human. "Jungkook... Can we come back here everyday?" Jimin asked tilting his head to the side on Jungkook's shoulder.

         "Hmm... You really want me to bleed until I'm weak." Jungkook laughed.

          "What do you mean?" Jimin asked as Jungkook held up the palm of his hand that had a scar from opening the Night Realm. "Do you bleed to death?"

             "Well to me, if I lose alot of blood... Which is the ink, I grow weak and it takes time for me to get it all back. Gain my strength." Jungkook responded. "Before I wouldn't have to wait so long... Because I was powerful before but now I'm a weak demon."

               "I think you're strong.. As long as you can carry me, you'll be fine." Jimin giggled as Jungkook reached the mirror. There was a red fire ring like portal seperating the real world from the Night Realm... Jungkook stepped in through the portal while holding Jimin on his back not needing to cover the human's eyes now. Once they stepped into the real world, the portal closed and all was left was a clean mirror with no ink smudges like before.

             Jimin got down from Jungkook and checked the time. The two were in the Night Realm for fifty minutes almost reaching an hour! Jimin worried that his friends must have been by his apartment door. Jimin didn't pay it any attention, the only thing on his mind was about his first kiss with a demon and the promise they sealed in the Night Realm. Jungkook sat down on the bed thinking to himself as Jimin took off the cloak and crawled onto the bed behind Jungkook placing the black cloak over Jungkook. "Thankyou for showing me the Night Realm..." Jimin thanked the demon. "Thankyou for making a promise with me.. And thankyou for kissing me back.." Jimin claimed as Jungkook stood up and turned around as Jimin got closer on his knees while crawling on the bed. Jungkook faced Jimin with a smile as the human began to adjust the cloak tying it gently over Jungkook's shoulders and keeping it tied around his suit collar.

             "You thank me like it's an honor to be loved~ you're so sweet, Pumpkin~" Jungkook cupped Jimin's cute face and looked into his eyes and sighed sweetly.

            "I always wanted to feel this way.. Now that I have, I can't help but to feel grateful.." Jimin confessed.

          Jungkook chuckled and touched noses with Jimin close enough to feel the human breathe. "What would I do without you..?"

              "I guess you'll be miserable like me if you never saved me." Jimin pointed out pressing his head onto Jungkook's forehead. "What makes me so different from all the other humans?"

             "You don't fear me..." Jungkook answered. "You are way more special and kind... Cute and understanding!"

              Jimin blushed at what Jungkook said, the demon treasured Park Jimin like he was some treasure to him! This type of love was something Jimin longed for and he was happy to know that he loved the demon in return. The voice was no more in his mind eversince Jungkook came into the picture.... How peculiar.

               Right as Jimin wanted to kiss the demon again, there was a knock at the door. It must have been Jimin's friends! Jungkook then tightened his grip on Jimin not wanting him to leave. "Please don't go..." Jungkook whispered as Jimin was a bit startled at first.

           "Ah, Jungkook! I won't leave or bring them in.. I promise.. I'll come back to you!" Jimin assured making the demon feel a bit better and allow Jimin to get off the bed. "I'll be back okay?"

          "Okay..." Jungkook watched Jimin leave and close the door of the bedroom as the demon sat down on the bed having a blank face that slowly showed jealousy. He rolled his tongue in his cheek while he stared at the door with his piercing red eyes. Jungkook didn't like it when Jimin was around any other living thing... He hated to hear Jimin ran around with Hoseok and Taehyung. The demon even hated it more when he learned Jimin went out with girls in the past.... He just wanted to slaughter everyone that stared at Jimin. In the demon's mind, he only wanted to see Jimin and allow no one else to lay eyes on whats his. With all this jealousy, he began to sound very similar to the voice in Jimin's head throughout these years...preventing the human from loving any other person.

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