Chapter 33: Loyal

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            While Jimin was asleep in Jungkook's arms. Jungkook was gently looking at Jimin with his red gleaming eyes. The demon was gently caressing Jimin's red hair in the human's sleep as the demon kept Jimin close. Suddenly, the demon stopped caressing Jimin's hair and placed his hand over the younger's head keeping it in place. "Hmm... dreaming of me again?" Jungkook smirked. "Oh Jimin... You really do love me.." Jungkook whispered as he watched the dream through his eyes while they glew red. Jungkook was watching Jimin's dream, he always has been watching the boy lately even in his sleep. If Jimin was to ever leave Jungkook.. There will be no way! Jungkook always manages to find a way to Jimin.

           "You sleep so silently when you dream of me..." Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear. "Jimin... How could I forgive myself after I marked you?" Jungkook asked. He wasn't hoping for Jimin to respond since the human was asleep but the Demon  found comfort in venting out his problems and just having a moment to himself to reflect on these things. "I told you it was okay... You'll be fine if I did it to you but those stupid angels punished me for it. Took away my everything, my wings, halo, horns.. All those things that made myself a demon. But what they didn't take away from me was you..." Jungkook said. "Never... They will never take a human soul by force. They couldn't take you away from me, the only thing in my life that makes me feel whole again..." Jungkook caressed Jimin's soft face leaning his head closer to give Jimin a kiss on his mark. "I have no regrets doing this to you... I treasure you now." Jungkook tucked Jimin's hair behind his ear mildly leaving a kiss on Jimin's neck.

            " Jungkook..." Jimin woke up opening his eyes slightly. He woke up to Jungkook's kisses and hearing the demon whisper 'I treasure you now.'

                "Awake so early? I thought you were asleep..." Jungkook stated. "Did you hear me?"

                "Jungkook, I just woke up.. I didn't hear a thing but just the words on how you treasure me.." Jimin claimed. He was facing away from Jungkook as the demon was behind him holding the human in a tight hug.

            "Ah.. I see." Jungkook stated. "Shouldn't you be asleep? I'll help you sleep again.."

             "I'm not sleepy anymore.. Jungkook, I-I'm scared.." Jimin whispered as Jungkook raised a brow.

           "Scared? Of what Jimin?" Jungkook asked.

             "You..." Jimin replied as Jungkook sighed. He has heard this all before... At times the brave human that feared no demon like Jungkook would eventually find himself growing afraid of the immortal monster. Jungkook remained silent hearing Jimin out. "You scared me.. The way you stared at me.. I couldn't take it! Jungkook I know you became jealous since my friends came over but you began to speculate so many things! Why, Jungkook?"

              "Jimin, you should know you're mines and no one elses.. This mark means more than me claiming you... It means that we are so close together Jimin! When a demon marks someone.. It's more than any other erotic thing and I refuse to see someone else even look at you! What if they have plans to spend the whole day with you and you won't ever come home to see me? What if you forget about me and end up getting a girl's phone number or even bring home a perfect girl? Do you want me to kill her infront of you?"

             Jimin gulped hearing how much he meant to the demon. "You can have whatever you want in this world... But you choose me, someone who sucks at life and has issues time to time."

            "You're right. I can have everything I desire but what I can't have is forced love.. No one will see me and love me the same way you would." Jungkook stated as Jimin's lips almost cracked a smile on what Jungkook just said.

          "Jungkook, You shouldn't get jealous.. Why would I leave you for someone else? You're everything I hoped for. There was no one who saved me and cared for me like how you did." Jimin said as he began to adjust his ring he still wore.

             "Don't you plan on taking that off?" Jungkook asked. "If you sleep with it, the ring will leave a mark."

             "I don't want to take it off... I keep my promise!" Jimin replied as Jungkook trailed his hands up from Jimin's waist to his hand and slowly took off the ring.

           "I'll allow you to take it off before you go to sleep or shower I don't want it to damage your finger." Jungkook stated as he sat up and placed the ring over to the bedside cabinet. "But I do want you to wear it everyday."

            "If my mother see's it? What will I say? You know how I have to show my mother who I'm with..." Jimin claimed. It was normal that couples would show their own parents their partner in order to gain blessings or words from the parents to either keep the relationship going or not. It was all based on the parents decision whether the partner was good enough for the daughter or son to spend their years with the love of their life until marriage.

              "Fine.. You can take it off ONLY when you go to visit your mother.." Jungkook gazed down into Jimin's eyes. "But if someone thinks they will touch you... Have something in their mind, or even say what they hope to do to you... I will kill them and not have any pity on their souls." Jungkook commented making Jimin nod only feeling slightly afraid again. Jungkook couldn't help it, he had Jimin on his mind everyday for the past few years and having this taken away from him only made him want to kill. There was something more to Jimin Jungkook kept quiet about and coming clean about it will only make things worst.

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