Chapter 35: Hospital stay

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          "Mother..." Jimin said in a silent voice. "I know you're not awake to see me.. I'm sorry for neglecting you... I told you not to do this.." Jimin began to cry walking up to his mother who was laying in the bed. "I'm just glad your blood pressure didn't cause you to die.. I'm actually glad you were stong enough to take in the pain and still manage to get to the hospital.." Jimin sobbed. His sweet mother didn't deserve this, she tried her best to be the perfect and hardworking mother for Jimin and give him enough to continue college. The limits a mother would push for her own child.

          Jimin pulled up a seat and held his mother's hands. "I guess we can't live without eachother.." Jimin claimed as he rested his head on the hospital bed wishing she would get up.. But throughout his time there, it was like he was talking to no one. She never woke up even once! This worried Jimin alot.

            "Mother..." Jimin whispered again. "When will you wake up? Mother.. Please wake up.. I atleast need a human to take care of me or hear me out! This isn't easy!" Jimin sobbed looking how silent his mother was. Mrs. Park didn't seem like she would get up anytime soon which made Jimin cry even more. He tried to be silent but he couldn't, he was scared he may lose his mother. "Mother... Please stay! I can't be alone! Not like this..." Jimin shook his head. "I need my mother... Not some demon at times.." Jimin stated in tears. Jimin wanted Jungkook to have his breaks but those weren't even possible... Jimin didn't always need comfort by his demon.. He needs comfort from an actual human who was closer than his friends, his own mother who raised him. There was no one greater or better than his stong mother, she took care of Jimin and raised him well with a positive attitude. Jimin loved his mother and didn't want anything to happen to her ever.. But who could have known that doing what she had to do for her son would get her laying on the hospital bed.

              "Mother..." Jimin looked down. "I-I will stay here day and night for you.." Jimin claimed as he looked down at the silver ring On his finger. "Things are so difficult.. I hope he understands.." Jimin whispered and sighed running his hands through his red hair. "It's so fustrating at times, Mother... I never knew love would be just like this.. A rollercoaster." Jimin added as he sighed. "He loves me and I love him... But at times, I wonder what type of love he has for me? Is it for my looks? My adorable smile, my body? Is it something he wants from me?" Jimin then shook his head. "I know I shouldn't question it... Jungkook loves me.. He gave me this silver ring for a promise we sealed." Jimin stated looking at the ring and adjusting it gently.

             "It's so stupid of me to question something I've been waiting for, now that it's here I can't seem to help but wonder and still ask him why does he love me? I ask him that almost everyday... I learn more about him and he doesn't seem as scary as he was before. Mother, he has helped me with so much! I wonder if he does miracles.." Jimin thought as his mother still remained on the bed silently.

         This silence was killing the boy, he couldn't take much to see his mother laying in a hospital bed.. It deprived him from his joy for the whole day! Jimin asked if he can stay over at the hospital and the nurses allowed him to stay the following nights because they still didn't understand what was wrong with Mrs. Park. Until they had a diagnosis, they would allow Jimin to spend the nights at the hospital. It was a strict rule to follow but Jimin had to respect the elder's words.

            Jimin spent his whole day at the hospital until dark, he began to imagine the things Jungkook would tell him when he gets home! Jimin stopped crying while he was at the hospital, but on his way home.. He began to cry again. He just wished to come home to know his mother would be just okay! The first 24 hours of his mothers hospital stay may be tough but he believed the doctors will keep her safe.

              Jimin opened the door in tears as he walked into the dark living room, taking off his shoes, dropping his bag and sliding down against the door in tears once he closed it shut... Jimin was sobbing and could hear the demon approach him from down the hall.

               "Home so late.... This would be such a story to hear." Jungkook claimed as Jimin only looked up with teary eyes to see that Jungkook was approaching him with his blazing, red, vibrant eyes! "Where were you and why are you crying? Jimin talk to me." Jungkook demanded to know but Jimin shook his head slightly not being able to talk by just being reminded of it.

            Jungkook crouched down to slowly remove the hands that covered the human's teary face. Jimin looked up into Jungkook's red eyes and cried wiping his own tears infront of the demon. "J-Jungkook..."

             "Did someone hurt you? Threaten you?" Jungkook wondered as Jimin sat there shaking his head as he hugged Jungkook tightly. Jimin then realized Jungkook really was able to save Mrs. Park! Jimin finally got the energy to speak up now.

              "J-Jungkook... Please help me..." Jimin cried as Jungkook held the human in his arms looking down at the little red haired man. "My mother... S-she was rushed to the hospital and won't wake up now... Please save her!" Jimin cried begging his demon to save Mrs. Park. Jungkook was Jimin's only hope now.

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