Chapter 32: Own

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         Jungkook still kissed Jimin along his scar as he smirked looking up at the boy with such slyness. Jungkook placed his hand up to hold Jimin's head while his other hand reached down to hold Jimin's waist in place. "Tell me who you belong to.." Jungkook whispered while he continued to kiss the human's scar making Jimin hitch his breath.

        "Y-you! I-I belong to you..." Jimin whimpered as this only made Jungkook feel much more better. "A-ah.... Jungkook~" Jimin let out a moan as Jungkook grew bored of teasing the human.

           "Mm~" Jungkook detatched his lips from Jimin's neck where his scar was and smiled to himself. "I'm glad you understand..." Jungkook took a good look on Jimin and saw how the human was blushing!

          "Y-yes.. Jungkook.. I know you are the one who I belong to..." Jimin claimed. "I understand..."

               "So smart, So understanding, Jimin.. You're so adorable when I have you like this." Jungkook said as Jimin kpet staring at the demon not knowing what to do. This sudden behavior scared Jimin, he never thought the demon would do such a thing like that.

          Jungkook allowed Jimin to eat what his friends bought him if Jungkook was there. Jimin had to be watched over the demon from now on. It was like Jimin had to be supervised by a guardian or caregiver! Jimin sat infront of the low table and began to eat as Jungkook had his leg crossed over the other as his hands rested on the one-seated couch arm rest. He stared at Jimin with such an intrigued stare, he watched the human's each and every move which made Jimin feel like he lost his appetite.

           The constant stares the demon gave Park Jimin was intense. The human couldn't focus on eating the whole time. "Jungkook.. Please stop it.." Jimin said under his breath knowing the demon heared him.

            "Stop? Stop what, Pumpkin?~" Jungkook pretending to play off oblivious. Jungkook watched over Jimin like he controlled him.. He was very possessive over the human that he clinged onto the boy.

          "You're staring at me.. Like I did something bad to you." Jimin claimed earing a fremch fry as he stared at the table not locking eye contact with the demon. "You're starting to scare me..."

             "I'm just like a wolf watching over it's lamb..." Jungkook claimed resting his head on his hand while he kept a stare at Jimin. "After you eat... Why don't you get to sleep?" Jungkook asked. "It's getting very late for you to be up like this..."

             "Jungkook, It's only 6:30pm! I'm not sleepy..."

             "Pumpkin, you need alot of sleep.." Jungkook stood up and walked towards Jimin who was sitting on the cushion infront of the low table. Jungkook went to Jimin's side of the table and smiled. "What else would you do?"

           "I-I can watch dramas..." Jimin replied as Jungkook chuckled.

            "Drama's are cliche and pointless.. You don't need those."

             "They actually make me feel a bit good..." Jimin said as he looked at the bag of McDonald's.

             "I got a better idea.." Jungkook smiled as Jimin grew curious to know what the demon had in mind. Jungkook held out his hand to Jimin as Jimin looked at his food that only had a few french fries left. Jimin wiped his hands and took a sip from his drink as he walked off with Jungkook to where the demon guided him.

            Jungkook guided Jimin to the bedroom making the human turn around in confusion. "Jungkook? Why are we here?" Jimin wondered as Jungkook smiled.

             "Just get on the bed..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin looked at the bed and back at the demon.

             "I can't sleep after I've eaten... That's bad." Jimin claimed.

              "I didn't say you were going to sleep. Just sit up and you'll be fine." Jungkook stated.

               Jimin got onto the bed and sat down sitting up and not laying down entirely. The human then stared at Jungkook still confused on what this was. "Jungkook... What now?"

                 "Mm...stay right there.." Jungkook claimed as he walked up to Jimin and got on the bed with the human. Jungkook got closed to Jimin and layed next to him as he placed his arm over Jimin and held his hand... What was he trying to do?

             Jimin was blushing.. He couldn't understand what Jungkook was trying to do but he was smiling a bit. Jungkook got the human to lay back on the pillow... His actions were blind to Jimin, the human didn't understand this one bit. However, Jimin did feel that the demon might want a little more! That's where Jimin drew the line. "J-Jungkook.... Stop! No! I can't.. It's too soon." Jimin claimed trying to pull his hands away from Jungkook but the demon only held tighter.

                "What are you talking about, Pumpkin?" Jungkook wondered as Jimin detatched hands thinking he would have sex but, Jungkook was only gently holding Jimin close.  "Can't I hold what's mines close like this?" Jungkook asked with a smile as he the human then realized that there was nothing to worry about... For now.. Jimin allowed Jungkook's hands to travel along his body, trusting the demon completely.

            Soon Jimin did fell asleep in the arms of his Demon... But Jungkook was only smiling, he was happy to have Jimin close to him now.. It only seemed as if he was growing very creepy towards the human now and too possessive now.

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