Chapter 68: Distance

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         Jungkook stared at Jimin feeling like he was about to cry. "Jimin... T-they can't see me o-only you can..."

         "WHY?! WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME THESE THINGS?!" Jimin shouted as Hoseok flinched and quickly grabbed him.

           "Jimin.. There's no one there! I-I think you need time outside for a while.." Hoseok claimed as he dragged Jimin out of the bedroom as Jungkook quickly got up and wanted to chase after the human but Jungkook suddenly stopped running when Taehyung stopped infront of the doorway and looked back at the room, looking around at no one. He knew Jimin wasn't crazy... But he couldn't see a thing.

            Jungkook stopped and stared at Taehyung as he closed the door leaving the demon in the bedroom. Hoseok and Taehyung took Jimin away from the apartment believing he just needed to get out for a while... They were worried about him.

              "H-he's there.... He was right there!" Jimin cried along the way as Hoseok and Taehyung held Jimin up as the boy grew lazy to walk through the cold. "Y-you guys don't believe me!"

         "Jimin... Jimin! Please calm down there was no one there!" Hoseok claimed. "We're worried about you!"

         "I-I need to go back to him!" Jimin shouted as his two friends continued to drag him forward through the snow. "Please I need to ask hi-" Jimin suddenly coughed onto the white pile of snow infront of him to see that his blood was no longer red.. It was now black as Hoseok's eyes widened just looking at Jimin's blood color.

           That night, Hoseok and Taehyung took Jimin to Taehyung's apartment and watched over his health there. Jimin stopped shouting and was resting on a couch crying silently about Jungkook... He wanted to see him and go to him now and ask him many things.. There was no way he was going to wait for Jungkook to tell him now.. But how was he going to run back to his apartment if Hoseok and Taehyung were there watching over him? Jimin's good friends will never let the sick boy run out in the cold now... Jimin just needed to find a way to see Jungkook again. He didn't want to be far from Jungkook.

        "I'm worried about him..." Taehyung claimed as Hoseok was standing in the kitchen with his lover. Hoseok was feeling bad for Jimin.. He grew worried about him, how long was he like this? "I think he's losing it..." Hoseok whispered and covered his face as Taehyung patted his boyfriend's back.

             "I don't think Jimin would fake something like this... I think he really did see something.. I never saw Jimin so hurt like this.." Taehyung pointed to the boy who was sobbing on the couch. "I want him to be happy but what he wants is to run home and that weather and it's bad for him... The best we can do is watch over him and make sure he feels better now." Taehyung sighed "Y-you don't think it was a demon.... Right? I remember you pointed out that you've hear-"

           "Jungkook.... I remember that name.." Hoseok whispered as Taehyung paid attention to Hoseok wanting to know what this really meant. "Jungkook... Jimin would tell me about him eversince we were young... He told me about this boy who was bullying the both of us one day at the park. Then he told me about how Jungkook saved him and ended up killing the boy by pushing him off the structure..." Hoseok claimed. "Everyone was brainwashed to think the boy fell off the structure... But Jimin wasn't... He told me everything about Jungkook."

          "So.. Jungkook is the name of the demon? That's the demon that has been haunting Jimin?"

            "I believe so... I thought it left him once he stopped mentioning him but now? I recognized the name when he shouted it.. I know the demon is there but I just think it's killing him..." Hoseok stated finally understanding Jimin now. He knew Jimin was dying slowly... Everything added up, the mark on Jimin's neck, the isolated personality and the sudden illness that was occurring. "Jimin...he's dying.."

          Taehyung heard Hoseok and suddenly felt a tear roll down his cheek. He couldn't believe Jimin was dying and realized it was best not to talk about it... Jimin was dying yet the human was just laying there crying over the demon who was killing him. "P-please don't mention this to him..." Taehyung begged as Hoseok nodded. The two didn't know what to do but just hope to atleast help the boy the best they could so Jimin wouldn't feel pain.

          Jimin noticed the couple was busy talking in the kitchen and quickly stood up. Jimin was ready to leave, he didn't care about the weather and needed to see Jungkook, he was angry and needed to be told the truth! Jimin quickly placed on his jacket and shoes before he dashed out of the door running as fast as he could not looking back to see if Hoseok or Taehyung was chasing after him.

         Jimin ran as fast as he could, the air got colder and colder as his breath made a small warm cloud as he panted nearly slipping on his way home. Jimin can see his apartment from the street he ran home from, the snow was harsh and before he got home, he dropped onto his knees breathing heavily as he tried his best to hurry home... But Jimin couldn't reach his place or Jungkook.

         "Jungkook..." Jimin whispered as he dropped onto the ground breathing slowly as his eyes began to close. Suddenly, He heard footsteps approach him quickly and when he finally looked up, Jungkook was there helping him up and trying to keep Jimin alive while the human still had a grasp of his beating heart.

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