Chapter 55: A reason to care

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          Jimin woke up with a hangover, he had a huge headache as he sat up. "Mmm... Jungkook?" Jimin called out not seeing his demon in bed with him. "Jungkook?" Jimin asked with teary eyes because of his headache. "P-please.. Help me.. I have a headache, and I can't stand it!" Jimin sobbed as he covered his face crying to himself as Jungkook walked in with herb tea in a white mug. He was wearing a red dress shirt now with white designs along it and always black dress pants and black socks too.

           "I know, Pumpkin. I made you tea so it can be all better and ordered groceries to make you home cooked meals from now on.

            "T-thankyou!" Jimin smiled and accepted the herb tea to kiss Jungkook on the lips. "W-what happened last night? M-my head hurts!"

            "You were drunk." Jungkook claimed as Jimin looked down feeling embarrassed to see the demon fold his arms. "And you were not wearing your ring.... Although you did come home on time." Jungkook claimed. He didn't mention that there was a man following Jimin around like crazy because then, the demon would have to explain how he killed the pervert.

            "I'm sorry Jungkook...." Jimin then began to cry again. "I-I just wa-"

             "Shh... I think it's better to have you attend online college." Jungkook pointed out as Jimin stayed silent and looked up at Jungkook.

            "W-what?" Jimin set his tea by the bed as the human got on his knees facing Jungkook on the edge of the bed. "W-who do you think you are taking away things from me like I'm a helpless creature?! I can handle college and I can handle headaches... I can handle getting to school all day and coming home to you! I can handle drinking and coming home drunk! I can definitely handle stangers who seem to bother! Why should I stay here for the rest of my life in isolation?!"

            Jungkook placed his hands on Jimin's shoulders forcefully and looked at the boy grow startled. "You? Jimin... You are incapable of treating pain.. Defending yourself from perverts? Not a chance..."

            "W-what makes you say that?" Jimin asked as Jungkook stood silent not wanting to tell Jimin what he did to the man that followed him home. "Well?"

              Jungkook sighed, "Just know... That I want you to be kept safe from all harm. I don't want you going out getting hurt... I'm going to keep you here and you are not going to run from me now..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin gulped staring at the demon.

           "J-Jungkook... P-please don't scare me..." Jimin whispered.

          Jungkook caressed Jimin's face and cupped his human's face too. "Pumpkin... I only want to keep you close to me. I don't want you to go out where it's dangerous."

       "Jungkook... You can't keep me here! Locked up because I came home drunk. I didn't lure in anyone!" Jimin said but in reality, the demon knew that Jimin did.

              "Shh... I don't want to add  to your headache." Jungkook whispered as he layed Jimin back onto the bed so he can sit. "Do you want me to show you how much I adore my Pumpkin?" Jungkook asked as he caressed Jimin's face towering over him.

             "M-mm.. Jungkook.." Jimin breathed and kissed the demon freely. "I want you to love me... But only if you promise you won't treat me this way.." Jimin said as Jungkook saw only tears forming in Jimin's eyes. He didn't want to have a possessive relationship... He always wanted a normal relationship with a normal lover... However, Jungkook was never normal and this bothered the demon... But never the human. Jimin loved Jungkook just the way he was but Jungkook wanted to live.

          Back then, Jungkook was desperate to take someone's life and finally did, but being with the human only made him want to take it all back. "How would I keep you safe? That's all I ever wanted to do... Keep you safe from monsters like me.."

           "You're not a monster... And keeping me here far from society won't make you any better. I have the rest of my whole entire life to be with you! Why would I ever leave such a harmless and caring demon like you? I think you're way better than anything else... Not a monster but my hero. You're my knight.." Jimin said as Jungkook recalled the same words Jimin told him when the human was younger.

          Jungkook knew Jimin was going to die someday and leave him.. There was no way the two can live with one heart! Jungkook was stuck and couldn't find a way but Jimin gave him hope. Jungkook began to tear up and kiss Jimin's lip as the human kissed his demon back. He knew what the demon wanted now and smiled kissing Jungkook. "Drink your tea first and let me make you something to eat when the groceries are here." Jungkook said ontop of the boy and holding himself up to look down at his lover.

             "Fuck it... I want you now.. You turned me on now you fix me~" Jimin replied sitting up to kiss Jungkook again and moved his hands up on his chest again. "You know I love you no matter what.... But things like this scare me Jungkook. They scare but never make me stop loving you."

            Jungkook smiled and layed Jimin back onto the bed and unbuttoned his dress shirt revealing his pale, smooth and muscled chest while he glanced at the clock. "I hope the delivery guy doesn't mind placing the bags by the door.." Jungkook said as he held up Jimin's hands to touch his chest as the motral blushed moving his hands up to caress it gently moving his arms up and down. "Jimin... I love you... So much it hurts me.. But in a good way. It almost seems like I have a heart too.." Jungkook placed his hand on Jimin's chest where his heart was. "Right here~"

            Jungkook then grabbed Jimin's hands and pressed them onto the bed as he kissed the young man moving his hips forward making Jimin lock his legs along Jungkook's hips and close his eyes feeling the demon kiss him. Jungkook shot his hands up Jimin's shirt and played with his nipples making the human moan and bite his bottom lip on how Jungkook pinched Jimin's sensitive nipples. "Ah~ Jungkook! Show me how much you want me.." Jimin huffed gaining the demon's full attention now.

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