Chapter 21: Many birthdays

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         Jimin was was sitting on a cushion eating the food that Jungkook ordered as Jungkook sat next to the human watching him eat and talking to him. Jimin enjoyed talking to Jungkook and getting to know him. Everything was new to him! However, nothing was new to Jungkook because he has heard all of this before. Yet, Jungkook still listened to Jimin because of his voice and new stories of his life when he left his mother's house and Jungkook.

           "Jungkook.. Why don't you eat?" Jimin asked as Jungkook shook his head.

            "No, I don't eat human food." Jungkook added as Jimin used his chopsticks to hold up slices of salty octopus from the side plastic bowl.

           "Hmm? Have you ever tried food?" Jimin asked holding up the food to Jungkook.

           "I am never hungry." Jungkook softly pushed Jimin's hands away. "Love the offer."

           "Why don't you eat?" Jimin asked.

            "I choose not to. I don't want to eat it anyways."

             "You don't know what you're missing out on! There's many great things out there.. This octopus can be the best, first thing you've ever tasted in your whole life!!" Jimin moved his hand up to Jungkook and poked the demon's lip with the slice of octopus. "You'll love it.."

              Jungkook laughed and moved Jimin's hand to feed himself. The two weren't a couple. In Jimin's mind, he just met the kind demon today but Jungkook knew Jimin for a long time already. Jungkook understood Jimin would want to take things slow so he gave the human time. He would even wait forever until Jimin says he wants to be in a relationship with Jungkook. All it took was Jimin to get to know the demon, there was still many questions he wanted answered but Jungkook insisted he will fill him in on everything very soon.

          "Just eat~" Jimin giggled leaning on Jungkook's lap and looking up as he tried to feed Jungkook atleast some meat.

             Jungkook shook his head laughing as he kept moving Jimin's hand back to feed himself. Jimin felt like his lonely relationship void was filled with just meeting Jungkook! He was such a kind demon, a handsome one too and Jimin found his days much more happier now that Jungkook saved him.

         Jimin only left off a few side dishes of seaweed and a bit of rice with vegetables and had no room to finish off the soup. "I-I guess these are leftovers now. It would have been all wiped up if you'd help me." Jimin stood up and stretched. "I ate alot!"

           "I don't like eating." Jungkook laughed and stood up deciding to help Jimin set the leftovers away. "I knew you wouldn't ever finish this all but I'm glad you ate alot. It's good for you to eat... Not starve."

            "You're a kind demon. I thought all demons were cruel.. So why are you a kind one?"

             "Well... All demons were angels once... We are just the ones who fell into punishment."

              "What did you do?"

             "Not really sure what I did but I couldn't go near humans." Jungkook admitted. "It's really confusing. Maybe it's like the story of Lucifer.."

              "Oh.. But if you lived in the mirror and was kept there to suffer and stay far from humans... Why were you in my attic collecting dust?"

           "I've been there for so long... I've forgotten."

          "H-how old are you?" Jimin hesitantly asked. In his mind he thought Jungkook would be atleast 100 years old.

          "Do you really want to know?" Jungkook smiled showing his white perfect teeth as his red eyes gleamed.

            "Yes!" Jimin asked excitingly. "Are you around your 100's?"

            "Pft.. What do you take me as? A vampire?" Jungkook laughed.

             "Aren't demons and vampires the same?" Jimin wondered.

             "No, they can't go out in the sun, they suck humans blood and their life is complicated or dead lives they live."

              "S-so they exist?!"

           Jungkook busrted into laughter shaking his head. "Of course not! That's weird."

          Jimin giggled and held Jungkook's hand. "You need to tell me how old you are. I've been waiting! Don't change the topic."

           "I am..One thousand-six hundred and twenty one years old." Jungkook said as Jimin stood in shock.

          "O-one... T-thousand.." Jimin stuttered at the big number!

         "-six hundred and twenty one." Jungkook finished Jimin's words. "You know Jimin, I'm not that old."

         "NOT THAT OLD?!" Jimin laughed and layed back on his small couch. "One thousand!! it's alot of birthdays!"

          Jungkook chuckled and went up to Jimin who was giggling. "I don't have birthdays and you shouldn't laugh~"

          "What are you going to do to me? Punish me?" Jimin looked up at Jungkook with his teary eyes from laughing.

           "Punish you? How should I punish you then?" Jungkook smirked as Jimin's face lit up. He was blushing.

             "Ah, I was only joking!"

           "Did you? Take it sexually?" Jungkook asked laughing as Jimin shook his head embarrassed but still blushing as his face turned red.

            "N-no I didn't, Jungkook!" Jimin stood up and shoved Jungkook as the demon was still laughing at Jimin playfully.

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