Chapter 7: Back home

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         Jimin knocked on his mother's front door. It was a dark wooden double door, two story house plus an attic with three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and two bathrooms. Jimin grew nervous to finally knock on the door. "What's wrong with me? I've lived here eversince I was little... I'm no stranger to my own mother." Jimin said to himself and knocked on the door again.

           While Jimin waited for the door to open, he felt happy and joy in his heart to know that he'll finally got to see his mother! Lately the voice has gotten quiet so life was going alright for Jimin. The stress wasn't there!

          As soon as Jimin heard the door knob unlock and turn, Jimin looked up to see his mother pull the door open! She had her dark brown silk hair tied into a bun, yellow sweater, white loose comfortable bottoms and white house slippers. She still had on her sleepwear outfit from the morning. Just as the mother layed her eyes on Jimin she felt herself tear up and raise her arms up to welcome Jimin into her arms. "JIMIN!! MY SMART AND HANDSOME SON!" The mother shouted as Jimin quickly ran into his mother's arms to hug her tightly. He missed his mother and loved her deeply.

              "I haven't seen you since forever! It's been a long time.." Jimin stated already tearing up.

             The mother smiled and pulled away to take a look at her son. "My son, have you been eating? Buying the right food to eat? Come in! I need to feed you something!"

             At that moment, Jimin was just glad he didn't have to explain to his mother. She allowed Jimin inside, he took off his shoes and he gazed around the halls. There was many pictures of flowers and up ahead was a picture that was framed against the wall that had a baby picture of Jimin. "I haven't seen that picture... For a long time."

            "Well now you have and please walk around! This is your house too!"

        "Yes, Mother." Jimin replied happily. As he kept walking around. "Mother? Is my room st-"

          "Yes sweetheart! The room is still there! I clean it time to time in hopes for you to finally stay over!" the Mother claimed. She was feeling very lonely and missed waking up to get jer son ready for school. She would clean up his room to prepare for a day like this.

           "Did you move anything? I-is the mirror still there?" Jimin asked walking up the steps and seeing how much has changed.

        "Yes it is, I'll cook you something to eat! Might take long but please stay put." The mother assured as she quickly made it to the kitchen. She was finally excited to actually make her son something after all this time.

           Jimin reached the top of the steps and took a quick look around. The hall had many framed pictures or art, the floor was wooden with carpets and tables. Jimin walked up to the white lonely room at the end of the hall. This was his room when he was younger, he opened the door and walked in to feel the nostalgia come to him. He still had the single white bed he stayed in for his teen years, caninets with only little of the clothes that didn't fit him now, a lamp by the window and on a work desk where he remembered studying night and day for the college entrance exams and the mirror.. The mirror that hanged against the wall. It was very dusty now! Jimin stepped back out to ask why hasn't she dusted it after all this time?

            "Mother?" Jimin called out from the top of the stairs as his mother poked her head out from the kitchen.

           "Yes?" The mother asked already wearing an apron as the house smelled like she was boiling seaweed.

           "Did you dust the mirror? Atleast once?"

            "No, remember? You told me to never dust it.. You said it didn't like getting undusted." The mother claimed as Jimin modded walking back to his room taking a duster from a nearby hallway table. He didn't like seeing soo much dust on a mirror. It bothered him.

                 Jimin stepped back to the room and approached the mirror and began to dust it. He missed looking at it. This was there in his life and it was special but he couldn't remember why. "This is so dusty!" Jimin undusted the mirror getting rid of the dust bunnies on top of the black fancy frame. Once he was done dusting it, he went out to find some cleaning materials to properly wipe the mirror. It's been a long time since he has seen this mirror and the least he can do was make it clean.

            However... What Jimin didn't realize was, he should have listened to what his mother said and her reason on why she never cleaned it. Jimin should have known never to clean the mirror at all.. No matter how dusty it got. That was the number one rule Jimin was to never break.

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