Chapter 42: Support

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         Jungkook ordered the seaweed soup for Jimin and a marmalade for medical tea. Luckily there was a store nearby that actually delivered to the house! Jungkook couldn't face any other human and left the sufficient wons outside with a note so when the delivery guy would come to the porch, he would leave the soup and marmalade down at the doorstep. The delivery boy didn't think it was kid of him to leave the hot bowl of seaweed soup om the floor but the note directed him to so he left the soup onto the floor, carefully packaged along with the glass container of Yuja Marmalade. The delivery boy knocked on the door before running off as Jungkook finally poked his head out and took in the items.

         He tried his best to keep Park Jimin awake.. The human was so weak that he couldn't stay up. He wanted to sleep but Jungkook didn't want him to or else his body will never strengthen. Jungkook set the marmalade into the kitchen and opened the seaweed soup that came with wooden chopsticks, plastic soup spoon and a plastic bowl filled with the hot seaweed soup. Jungkook took the soup to Jimin and decided to feed him.

           "Jimin.." Jungkook opened the bedroom door to see Jimin trying his best to keep awake. The kind demon walked up to Jimin and sat on the bed to feed the human. Jungkook carried the bowl and didn't feel how hot the bowl was at all! It was really normal for him. Jungkook mixed the seaweed in the soup with the spoon and held a bit up to Jimin. "Please drink this while it's hot.. I want you to get better.." Jungkook held the bowl as Jimin nodded he opened his mouth as Jungkook cooled the soup before feeding it to Jimin.

               Around the second to third spoon feeding, Jimin shook his head not wanting any more. The human was very tired to continue but Jungkook wanted Jimin to keep eating no matter what. He wanted the boy to get a bit energy to get up from bed and walk around. "Pumpkin... You gotta eat..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin tried to keep his eyes open.

          "Y-yes, Jungkook..." Jimin replied as Jungkook fed the human and gently cooled it so Jimin can consume it. Jimin was fed the soup until the bowl was empty. Jungkook set the empty plastic bowl down and smiled at Jimin caressing the human's head.

           "Are you feeling okay?" Jungkook asked as he moved his hands along Jimin's arms to see the bandage around his arm. The blood hasn't stained the bandage since Jungkook healed Jimin last night.

          "I feel a bit more awake..." Jimin claimed as Jungkook smiled again and hugged Jimin.

          "I'm glad... Jimin, please get better. Don't fall asleep right now please."


             "I don't want you to pass out in your sleep.. Jimin I don't want you to suffer like that.." Jungkook claimed. It was his worst fear to see Jimin go through hell. The cries Jimin screamed that day when he was younger while the angels tortured Jungkook... The demon understood that he alone was killing Jimin slowly. But there was nothing he could do but try to find a way around it... Jungkook was trying to figure out a way to save his human, he would find himself going no where on saving Jimin.. It stressed the demon out to the point where he would cry to himself outside of the room so Jimin wouldn't ask. If Jimin was to ask, Jungkook wouldn't give Jimin an answer at all so he didn't want to let the human in on it like this... Not when Jimin was suffering.

         Jimin was able to hug Jungkook back and smile happily just holding Jungkook tightly now like he was feeling almost slightly better. "Maybe if I get much more better I can see mother." Jimin said as Jungkook nodded.

           "I'm doing my best Jimin." Jungkook replied and kissed Jimin on his cheek hearing Jimin giggle.

           "What are you doing to me Jungkook~ you are very touchy and affectionate." Jimin laughed as Jungkook began to press Jimin back onto the pillow as he kissed the human teasingly. "A-ah~ Jungkook!~" Jimin laughed as Jungkook pulled back to stare at Jimin.

           "Look at you~ all happy and giggly. Jimin.." Jungkook moved his hands down Jimin's chest and to the human's waist. "Do you... Ever have needs or desires...?" Jungkook questioned as Jimin looked up at Jungkook as his face turned pink while he blushed.

             "I... Jungkook.." Jimin couldn't find himself answering the question because he knew what would happen soon after it.

          Jungkook chuckled and placed his hand on Jimin's cheek. "Oh Pumpkin~ I'm not going to do anything to you.. It's just a question." Jungkook laughed as he gave Jimin a quick kiss before breaking away and getting off of the Human. "Tell me when you need the tea so I can brew it."

            "You know how to brew tea?" Jimin asked letting out a snicker.

             "You don't really remember but Jimin, when your mother would leave for business trips you would be alone and I would be there for you. Your mother really did trust you with so much responsibility. I would be there for you cooking or brewing tea for those days you fell ill. Taking care of you now is just like before~" Jungkook claimed as he gave Jimin's hand a kiss staring at his lover.

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