Chapter 3: The disturbing voice

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"You really think you'll fall in love with just anyone? No one deserves you... No one does... You deserve better..."

      Jimin closed his eyes tightly and moved around on his bed until he woke up in the middle of the night. These sounds confused him and made him feel scared of his own mind. "I deserve better... But what is better? What do I want?!" Jimin shouted in his head wanting for that uncontrollable voice to respond but it grew silent. "Fuck..." Jimin shook his head in anger. "I'm going insane! I'm talking to myself! Arguing with my own mind! I-I'm just crazy... That's all..." Jimin whispered. "I-I think there's pills.. To get rid of this?" Jimin thought. "I could be going insane!"

            Jimin sighed and covered his face. "And I'm still talking to myself...." Jimin then found himself close to crying to himself.  "If theres no one I love... Who will I live with forever?! Who will love me?" Jimin cried. "N-no one?" Jimin grabbed his hair forcefully yanking it to the side. "TALK YOU BASTARD!!! TELL ME WHAT I WANT!" Jimin cried as his mind still remained silent. "T-this stupid thing will be the death of me.." Jimin whispered to himself as he layed back on the bed trying to comfort himself. He wanted to feel like someone was there.. Someone was here to protect him but there was no one but his own voice. "I'll be fine.... I'll be fine..." Jimin whispered. "I-I just need sleep..." Jimin whispered as he closed his eyes hoping not to hear that sudden voice.

           "Jimin!!" Taehyung shouted just outside of Jimin's apartment knocking loudly. "JIMIN!!"

           Jimin was laying awake... He couldn't sleep at all. This wasn't weird for him, the voice would keep him up all night at times too!  Jimin got up and rubbed his tired eyes before walking over to the door and answering it to see Hoseok and Taehyung standing together and holding hands. "Good morning."

             "Hi Jimin! Did you get my text?" Taehyung asked accessing his phone and showing Jimin the text message not realizing Jimin was very sleepy! When Taehyung looked up he tilted his head in confusion seeing his best friend was sleep deprived. "Jimin? Are you okay?"

             "Of course he's not okay, Tae!~" Hoseok claimed and walked into the apartment as Jimin backed up every step Hoseok took forward. "Jimin please lay down, let me make you something to help you fall asleep!" Hoseok worried. The dark brown haired man was very worried for Jimin, it was like Jimin was Hoseok and Taehyung's small child during college. Jimin was a small and sensitive man so they wanted to take care of him constantly watching over him to make sure he stays proud of himself and happy everytime. They were the type of friends that looked out for Jimin.

             "N-no... It's fine.." Jimin replied slow and sleepily. "I can sleep on my own." Jimin claimed as he sat down.

              "I guess we'll have to reconsider doing our plans today... Jimin, I really want you to stay healthy. But, you're never sleeping! I know it's not school work because you're a smart boy. What is it?" Taehyung placed his hands on Jimin's shoulder and patted him. "You can tell us.."

             "I-I....just.. Hear something at night.. That's all!" Jimin claimed as Hoseok's eyes widened.

              "Is it a bad spirit?" Hoseok worried but Jimin shook his head.

              "No... It comes within my mind and it wont stop!" Jimin cried as Taehyung hugged Jimin. "I'm getting scared of it..."

             "Maybe a therapist will work?" Hoseok proposed.

               "T-therapists... They'll think I'm stupid!" Jimin claimed as he shook his head. "They'll give me pills.. They will think I am insane!"

           "But Jimin.. We don't know what this means..." Taehyung claimed as Jimin looked down. "How do you expect us to help if you just sit here and complain? We need you to do something about it! Maybe... You neeed to be around others... You're just lonely."

           "I'm perfectly fine on my own.." Jimin replied as Hoseok looked at Taehyung for a while.     As much as Hoseok and Taehyung were nice friends to the young man, Jimin didn't like taking up their time everyday. The couple can just be staying together eating and going out together without having to stop after thinking Jimin felt left out of everything.

           "You know Jimin.. Mrs. Park will be happy to accept you into her home. She loves you! You're her son!" Hoseok stated.

        "Don't You guys don't get it?! My mom will know that I failed to take care of myself..she'll know how unhealthy I've been and I'll have to explain that all the food money she sent me.. I wasted it on college.."

              "Your mother will understand, Jimin! She loves you and takes care of you." Taehyung said. "You'll be alright.."

            "And if my mother tells me to give up my apartment to live with her? What will I do there?"

           "Well Jimin.. You'll have to  respect what ther elder tells you, there's no way around that at all." Taehyung placed his hands on his hips and stared at Jimin.

             "We'll leave you here to sleep.." Hoseok claimed walking to the kitchen and finding out Jimin had nothing in his fridge. "I'll come back with things for you to eat." Hoseok restated as he walked to the door. "Taehyung stay here for Jimin, I'll get him some food." Hoseok claimed and walked out before Taehyung can say a thing.

            "Jimin... We're doing this for your own good.. Seeing you like this is tough." Taehyung patted Jimin's back.

            "I-I just need sleep.. Not food, not people..." Jimin claimed sitting down and resting his head on the small couch he had that came with the apartment. "The wouldn't leave me alone..."

            "You're just stressed." Taehyung walked up to Jimin and felt bad for him. Jimin lived under his own roof and wasn't being watched over by any family members. He was all alone. "Here, you can sleep on my shoulder." Taehyung claimed as he sat down next to Jimin and allowed Jimin to sleep on his shoulder. However, while Jimin slept on his good friend's shoulder, he still couldn't sleep because of the voice slowly getting louder and louder scolding him to stop... Almost as if it was jealous.

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