Chapter 11: Blank

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        Jimin woke up the next morning feeling like his head was hurting. It was a big headache he couldn't get rid of... Yesteday night he couldn't sleep at all because he was terrified of the spirit coming back to stare. What was the things purpose anyways? Jimin wished to ask but no one is supposed to talk to a spirit so carelessly.

            Jimin sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes. "I-I'll have to go home today.." Jimin whispered. He loved his mother and would love to stay even longer but... That thing alone scared Jimin and almost gave him a heart attack! As the boy looked around, he was thinking this all through when suddenly.. his mother knocked on the door and stepped in.

           "Jimin? Why aren't you at school?" The mother asked also not knowing Jimin wasn't a full time student.

           "I have an afternoon class, no morning classes today. Mother, I'm not a full time student.." Jimin said. He felt much more better after slowly bringing up another secret he held.

         "I see.. Don't worry! I will get you some money so you can become a full time student very soon!" The mother promised as she smiled. Mrs. Park was very kind and careful with all of this. She wanted her son to succeed.

           "No mother.. Please don't work yourself off too hard. I need to start stuff on my own.. Okay?" Jimin had to fake a smile, he wouldn't want to know that his mother was sent to the hospital due to stress!

           "My kind and smart son.. So happy and caring for me. Always want to help." The mother stated. "Don't you worry about me. I'm the elder and I can do these things for you. You are the one who's going places and I need to get you there."

             Jimin stood up and went to go hug his mother. She was such a perfect mother, she was the best in Jimin's eyes and her son knew that Mrs. Park struggled throughout these years. "You're amazing, Mother."

              The mother smiled hugging her son when she looked up to see that the mirror was wiped clean! "Jimin.. You cleaned the mirror?"

              "Yes it was really dirty! You could have just cleaned it after all these years.. The dust was tough on the glass but I managed to get it off.

             "Jimin, don't you remember telling me never to clean it?"

             "When was this?" Jimin pulled away from his mother's arms and walked up to the mirror. He then wiped off a small dust speck from the mirror and smiled.

             "When you were just a little boy.. When we first got the mirror.."

              "I-I can't remember that part.." Jimin claimed. "It doesn't ring a bell."

              "Jimin? Are you okay? I understand if it was a long time ago. You're just Twenty-two now... You were under your double digits at the time so I suppose the memory faded."

            "Ah, I almost began to worry." Jimin let out a giggle as he placed his hand on the glass of the mirror. "Can I take this home with me?"

            "You won't stay here?"

            "I'll give adulthood a try. Working hard in school and at work." Jimin looked back at his mother. "If I can't manage.. I'll come right back home to you!"

           "I'm glad you're trying, Jimin. I'm proud of you." Mrs. Park replied. "I'll make us something to eat. Don't you dare think of leaving on an empty stomach! When you need food to get you through the day, you come and tell me.. Okay?"

           "Yes mother." Jimin smiled back as his mother left him alone with the mirror. Jimin chose not to scare his mother and tell her about the spirit.. The least he can do was buy some figurines to get rid of the bad spirits. Figurines with such power that can trap them into any small or big item and that was what Jimin needed to get. Jimin removed his hand from the mirror and thought he would wait for his mother to finish cooking. The two would eat one more time together and Jimin will have to head home. This time, he is going home with the mirror.

            Stories of how much he loved the mirror surfaced in his mind but he never remembered that he told his own mother to never clean it. If so, what was the real reason? Was it a tradition his father kept and Jimin just so happened to ruin it? This was all weird to him.. Jimin remembered many other things around the time like when his father left, when he was gifted the rarest toy, when he found the mirror.. But then? A huge chunk of the memories were gone Already! He now couldn't remember the figure that talked to him when he was younger. Now, the only memory of a shadow figure was just the one he recently seen just yesterday. Jimin just hoped to have his memories come back to him just by keeping this mirror. This mirror that was actually there for him.

           If Jimin was to look back at all of those memories of his mirror... He'll know he would talk to his reflection but what he saw was something that he couldn't pick up. Just before, he can remember but now? All he can remember is talking to a mirror that had something in it. Not sure of the thing that was in his reflection, but Jimin was sure he forgot about something important. Like his memory was wiped clean.

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