Chapter 10: Care

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"P-Please... D-don't hurt me..." Jimin whispered. He couldn't raise his voice... The boy feared if he did, the unknown figure will hurt him. "M-my life isn't so g-good... If you kill me you'll only inflict pain to-" Jimin then looked up to see it was gone! Jimin stood up feeling like his body wasn't frozen again! Jimin wanted to run but what if his mother was to come home and not see him around? Jimin sighed and only felt that it was better to ignore it. Bad spirits brought misfortune... They were often signs to a life of torture... But Jimin never thought a bad spirit would ever confront him in his life! What did he do wrong?

Jimin felt glad it was all over.. Nothing happened and he felt much more better now knowing it was no longer bothering him. Jimin went to bed after, he hugged onto his phone a while longer going on random social medias to keep him occupied. He still feared that 'thing' it was a body of a man... Red eyes and what seemed to be silk black hair.

Jimin still had the scary image in his mind and only got frightened even more to the point where he was under his covers now. As Jimin layed under his covers, he was online on his phone looking at new posts. Jimin was stuggling to move his finger because he began to shake. "W-what if t-the spirit is still here" Jimin said in his mind feeling petrified. "I-I wanna go home!" Jimin thought feeling close to crying. The young man then decided to calm himself down. He knew nothing would harm him... spirits were often like travelers... They pass by while trying to reach their destination. However, bad spirits were only troubled or cursed souls that did wrong. Some people even say, those spirits come to drag you somewhere with them. No one ever lived to tell the tale, but this made Jimin wonder...was him and his mother considered bad people? Why was this spirit haunting them? Was it even a spirit?

Jimin turned off his phone and set it next to him. "W-we're not bad people..." Jimin whispered a bit louder than he usually would sound when he gets scared. "W-why are you coming to harm my mother? Why me? Where do you come from?" Jimin asked and asked but there was no answer. This made Jimin feel stupid for asking these to an unknown figure.

That night, Jimin couldn't sleep... He couldn't keep his mind off of that shadow with red beady eyes! It was like his deepest and scariest fear he ever encountered. He just wished it would be over so he wouldn't have to go through this anymore. But what could the thing be after?

Jimin then found himself falling asleep for the second time now.... Hopefully he wouldn't have to see that scary thing again. The young man fell asleep without being bothered once! But, he wasn't aware that he was being watched.

There stood the figure, it stood there freely watching Jimin. The thing only had on a dark attire compared to the grim reaper. The so called 'bad spirit' watched over Park Jimin... It didn't drag him or harmed him.. It just watched The red haired man sleep.

Jimin was sleeping with the covers over his face in fears. So the figure walked up to Jimin and held out his white pale hand to tug the blanket away so Jimin can breathe. This thing didn't seem like a bad spirit... Due to what it was doing, the figure seemed kind.. But why?

The unknown figure looked more as a male figure.... It had the body and the face too! Everything about him seemed. Human. "Such a lonely soul... I can't wait to show you how much I love you..." the thing said in a whisper as his voice echoed too making it seem more frightful.

It held his hand out but couldn't touch Jimin at all... It seemed like there was a limit to everything like this. So it stood there holding it's hand out to Jimin.... The thing claimed it loved Jimin... But it just didn't seem human.


        "Okay, Jimin... Here it is." The mother claimed taking out the mirror and setting it against the wall on the ground. "I want you to take good care of this mirror.. No matter what! It's your responsibility to clean it and make sure it doesn't get dirty." Mrs. Park claimed as she looked at the mirror. "Such an odd gift for the boy.." the mother claimed in her head. Jimin seeemed special, he would be the type that would choose a rose over random toy cars. He was always the romantic type.

          Jimin's mother held out a duster to clean the dust up but Jimin refused and shook his head. "Mother.. It doesn't want me to clean it.." Jimin whispered as he looked back at the mirror. "Its says if I clean it.. I'll see something scary.." Jimin claimed. Mrs. Park never questioned that odd behavior because Jimin was just a small boy in the family. He never held secrets and always told the truth... But even back then, the mother wondered about the mirror and what would happen if she was to actually clean the mirror?

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