Chapter 6: Something there

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        Jimin was up the attic with his mother when he was younger. He was only five when he joined his mother, runninng around in the attic. The mother recently separated with Jimin's father and was looking for something to keep him occupied. She hated to see him play alone with the toys Mr. Park gave him.

            "See anything you like up here, Jimin?" The mother asked looking through dusty boxes as Jimin was running around with an action figure. He had messy dark brown hair, wore a baggy denim pants, white cow designed shirt and his white socks. Mrs. Park also allowed Jimin to pick out whatever outfit he wanted because of the issues the parents went through.

            "N-no." Jimin responded still running around with his action figure. The toy was a small metal knight. This was a rare foreign toy from outside of korea. It was limited edition! Jimin treasured it soo much. However, he grew bored of playing by himself when his father wasn't around so Mrs. Park was desperate to find Jimin something else to distract him.

        As Jimin kept running around, he suddenly tripped and fell onto the floor dropping his favorite toy until it slid along the floor and hit an object... Jimin got up and dusted his pants to run to the darkest part of the attic to see a huge, dusty, old mirror standing against the wall. It hanged by the side of the damaged wall and all Jimin did was run up to it and pick up his action figure. He stared at the mirror and turned around when he suddenly heard a knock on the glass.


     Jimin quickly turned around and smiled at the mirror thinking it was a game. The mother finally found a small teddy bear and felt relieved. "Maybe Jimin would like this one... Jimin!" The mother turned her head to see Jimin place his hand on the dusty mirror and at that moment.. the mother suddenly thought the mirror was just perfect. It was atleast something to keep him distracted.



          The next day Jimin was walking home from campus, Hoseok and Taehyung managed to catch up with him. "Hey Jimin!!" Hoseok waved cathing up with the younger. "Going home?"

            "No.. I'm heading to my mother's house. Ah, I haven't been there for a long time!" Jimin replied.

             "How nice! When you see Mrs. Park, tell her I said Hi!" Hoseok claimed smiling. "I'm glad you are doing something about this, Park Jimin."

              "You know Jimin, times like these, you need your mothers help." Taehyung pointed out. "If Hoseok didn't get you something yesterday... How would you eat?"

             "Thankyou for that again." Jimin smiled. "I haven't really thought I needed to surround myself with people... I mostly prefer to be alone now. Of course, that's the only way I'll feel better."

               "Oh no.. Is our relationship making you feel bad, Jimin?" Hoseok asked walking alongside Jimin and Taehyung.

                "No That's not it... It's just the fact that I can't seem comfortable with anyone.." Jimin pointed out. "Is this a sign of me being alone forever?!"

                "Jimin, shut up." Taehyung chuckled. "So what you haven't found anyone already? It'll take time and before you know it, someone will be standing right in front of you! You're world isn't over because of that high expectation. Just focus on yourself for now Jimin!" Taehyung claimed placing his arm over Jimin's shoulder friendly. "If there was hope for me... Then I'm sure you'll get back on your feet! There's many girls out here on campus you haven't seen just yet."

              "He's right Jimin, don't let yourself down. Get yourself up and get back into the game! Many girls think you're pretty cute!"

            "But that's the issue... No one thinks of wanting to get to know me... The real me and understand me. They like me for my handsome baby face."

               Taehyung poked Jimin's face. "Well, you just need to step up and show them." Taehyung advised. Suddenly Taehyung caught a glimpse of the scratch mark on Jimin's neck and felt bad. He tried not to point it out but made sure Hoseok saw it too. They exchanged a few whispers as Jimin just kept walking as Hoseok and Taehyung went on their way soon after and said their goodbyes. Jimin was heading to his mother's home for the first time in a long time. He missed his mother and wanted to be honest. Eventually, Mrs. Park will find out about Jimin's issue because he wasn't eating like before and there was a difference to him! 

          Taehyung held Hoseok's hand as they walked down the street. "Hoseok... Did you see... Th-"

         "I know..." Hoseok sighed still walking and holding his lovers hand tightly. "I wonder... Did he do that to himself?"

           "Jimin wouldn't be the type who would do such a thing.." Taehyung stopped walking making Hoseok stop too while still keeping a grasp on his hand.
           "But... Tae.. He's always by himself." Hoseok claimed. The man was right. Jimin was alone on his own everyday and the couple was just speculating about the scar. "What if Jimin really did harm himself?" Hoseok asked again.

             "W-we don't know that, Hope.." Taehyung sighed. "I just don't think Jimin would do that.."

             "I know he wouldn't. But I'm just saying what others will say about this." Hoseok said. "We can't say a demon is killing him right? That makes no sense!" Hoseok joked.

            "Demon or not.. Jimin could or could not be harming himself... Jimin is going insane.. Has love really driven him this far?" Taehyung wondered feeling worried for his best friend.

          Hoseok looked up to Taehyung making him feel more assured now. "Can't only be love... Maybe something from before.. Something beyond our eyes.."  

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