Chapter 54: Thirst for murder

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           Around four in the morning, there was someone at the front door fidgeting with the lock and Jungkook opened his red eyes hearing it. To the demon, every little sound woke him up. Jungkook had Jimin sleeping on his exposed chest quietly as the human placed his little hand on the demon's chest sleeping soundly. This was his favorite spot to sleep on.

            Jungkook heard the noise again and got up setting the sleepy boy down softly...! Then again the noise repeated! Jungkook knew someone was trying to break in. He smiled and buttoned up his black dress shirt walking to the living room and sitting on the couch waiting to see the burglar.

          Once the door open, It was Kyu-rin walking in with a bag smiling. He looked around the living room to see no one there so the man stepped in and locked the door. In the bag, the man brought, condoms, lube, oil, candles, belt, rope and a slik red blind with a bottle of wine. Jungkook appeared behind the man now following along with him while the man set his things down walking forward not hearing any stray steps. From the living room, he noticed the bedroom door was open and there layed the young boy sleeping. "So beautiful... I can't wait to abuse you... And touch you in so many places~"

             "Who are you?"

             A voice crept into Kyu-rin's mind as he looked around desperately in fear to see no one there! "H-hello?!"

              "...Leave while you still have your life... I'll give you a minute..." The voice continued and echoed in the man's mind as Kyu-rin just chuckled and walked off to the room not caring about the voice that advised him to leave the apartment.

          "You don't scare me.. Just because I can't see you doesn't mean I'm scared of you!" Kyu-rin laughed.

           Jungkook tilted his head and followed the man seeing him walk into the bedroom and stare at Jimin who was in a deep sleep. Jungkook saw how the man suddenly had urges to touch the boy and the became a monster just thinking about it! His eyes grew red in anger, his teeth gritted and his fist clenched seeing the man slowly raise his hand up Jimin's shoulder and once he layed a finger on the boy Jungkook's eye's widened.

"Times up..."

          The demon jumped on Kyu-rin and shoved him onto the floor beating the man up. Kyu-rin put up a fight, he didn't care who it was, he kicked the demon off and began to crawl away quickly when Jungkook smiled and pulled out a knife stabbing the man's back and dragging the knife back making him shout and drop onto the floor.

            Jungkook heard the man plead to stop but the demon only smiled turning the man over and pressing his hands down forcefully on the human's neck. Kyu-rin only gazed up to see the demon's red blazing eyes before Jungkook quickly swooped down to bite off a part of the man's neck automatically killing him! It was obvious that Jungkook had a thirst for murder.

           But, Jungkook didn't stop there. He pulled out the same sharp knife and pierced it at the man's corpse stabbing repeatedly and dragging the knife down his chest making a huge slash of blood emerge from his torso... Rupturing the man's bones as he layed dead with his eyes open and blood flowing from his mouth.

            Jungkook's face was covered in the blood of the man as the demon smiled happily knowing he was dead and no longer preying on Jimin. The human didn't hear it at all, he was drunk and fell in deep sleep so there was no way he can hear a thing.

            Jungkook finally stopped stabbing the man and stood up smiling. As Jungkook looked down at the markings, it looked like a wild animal attacked the man! With sharp teeth marks and slashes that can be compared to animal scratches. Jungkook wiped the blood from his face with his black dress shirt and walked to sit down on the edge of the bed staring at the corpse. "I can see why the angels call me a demon... A monster.. I can't help myself when someone wants to lay a finger on my Jimin... He's mine and no one elses.. I loved him first and kept him that way until I came back." Jungkook said to himself. "I am a monster.. But a monster that fell in love." Jungkook said as he looked back at the human sleeping.

         The demon couldn't imagine what would have happened if the man came back with the bag into the room and tied up the human forcefully raping him! He saved Jimin from that but Jungkook began to feel guilty again... He could have scared the man off but he couldn't stand it when he brought in one thing in his mind into Jimin's home and that was to rape Jimin.

        Jungkook stood up, grabbed the dead body and walked out of the room leaving Jimin alone on the bed while there was a huge puddle of blood on the floor. Jungkook smiled looking back at Jimin, "I'll be right back, Pumpkin~ sleep tight.. You're safe now."

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