Chapter 22: Night realm

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       Later on around midnight, Jimin was watching Dramas with Jungkook. Most of the time Jungkook was complaining and talking "Why was the girl in love with a guy who hated her?!" Jungkook would say as Jimin would have to pause the episode to explain countless times even if he went back to the first episode to replay the whole show!

          "Ah Jimin, I think reading books will get you intrigued than dramas.." Jungkook pointed out as Jimin shook his head.

          "I stick with dramas. Books? I can read them but I just won't stick to them." Jimin claimed.

           "You should read this book about a young school boy meeting his older neighbor who was obsessed with recording things.. even the young boy!  I won't spoil it but it's good. In fact I think the boy is just like you! His name is Ji-"

            "Sounds boring..." Jimin added as he got up. "I think I'm going to bed now... Are you coming with me?" Jimin stretched as Jungkook nodded standing up.

            "Always will, but why so soon?"

            "Jungkook, it's midnight. I get sleepy! I also have classes in the morning."

             "Why don't you have class for the whole school day?" Jungkook wondered.

             "I'm a part time student... Not really a full time student." Jimin claimed.

              "If it costs alot of money, I can help you! Again!" Jungkook claimed as Jimin shook his head.

            "This isn't fair.. Jungkook it's like I'm cheating! S-stealing.." Jimin sighed.

             "Not really, Pumpkin~" Jungkook stood up to face Jimin. "You love your education... Right?"

           Jimin nodded innocently, "Yes I do..."

          "-and you would do anything to continue and learn more... Right? If so, you would allow this." Jungkook added as he held Jimin's hands assuring him everything will be alright.

             Jimin nodded again understanding what the older demon was telling him. "Okay.. Thankyou, Jungkook." Jimin hugged Jungkook as the demon kept staring at Jimin's scratch mark he caused... But how? He wasn't physically with him for all these years, so how did this scar appear on Jimin's neck?

              Jungkook was hugging Jimin back as the human was yawning. "Is my Pumpkin sleepy?" Jungkook asked Jimin nodded sleepily. "Can I take you to bed?"

           "Mm? I-I can walk.." Jungkook." Jimin claimed as he turned around holding Jungkook's hand and walking to his room. Jimin lead Jungkook to the bed and sat down on the mattress as Jungkook was standing infront of him. Jimin rubbed his eyes and smiled. "Are you going to stay here? Or go back to the mirror?"

           "I'll stay here. Go to sleep." Jungkook smiled and walked to the lights and turned them off as Jimin turned over onto the bed and slept on his front facing down. He didn't bother to change his clothes he wore all day which was just his underwear and sweater! He was very comfortable and Jungkook knew Jimin was wearing this the whole day but he didn't want to mention it. Jungkook also didn't want to mention the fact that he saw Jimin touch himself.. That was something he thought of keeping silent about...but Jungkook did enjoy watching.

            "Jungkook...." Jimin turned his head to face the demon standing and leaning by the wall in the dark with his red eyes glowing and staring at Jimin. "Sleep with me..."

              "I don't sleep." Jungkook pointed out as Jimin moved his hands up to reach out to Jungkook.

               "Can you lay down with me? I hate sleeping alone... I did it for all these years but... I would cry myself to sleep."

            Jungkook walked up to Jimin and sat on the bed with him laying next to the human. "Okay... Sleep now."

            "Jungkook... In that mirror.. What do you do in the darkness?"

            "Sit and wait..."

              "What did you wait for?" Jimin wondered as Jungkook looked around the dark room with his bright red eyes.

            "I waited for you... Endless days of waiting for you in the Night realm..."

             "Night realm?" Jimin wondered looking at Jungkook as he layed on his side.

               "Within the mirror.. There's a Night realm.... Everything in this world is there too! This room... It's there but the night realm is where there is no light. Of course, I can't have light in there... It's part of my endless punishment."

              "I see.. Everything in there is a copy of the real world but with no light." Jimin claimed as Jungkook nodded. "Is there a sun?"

            "No.. No sun, just the red light of the moon. Full red moon everyday and every second. It's called the night realm for a reason."

              "Is it beautiful in there?"

            "You can walk around in the world, see the full red moon and lay on the black grass staring up at it... But I don't do that.. I've grown tired of moving around in that box."

               "Are there other demons in there?" Jimin wondered.

             "No... Just me." Jungkook sighed.

             "You were alone in that world?"

              "Yeah, it's my prison cell. Pretty boring.." Jungkook claimed as Jimin began to think of the realm. The thought of escaping the real world to go to a place where responsibility didn't exist sounded a bit good to him. It fascinated Jimin.

           Jimin smirked and decided to go ontop of Jungkook. Jimin crawled onto Jungkook as the demon was a bit startled. "Jungkook... Can I see it?"

           "The what?"

           "The night realm! I want to see it!" Jimin asked excitingly as Jungkook moved his hands to cup Jimin's sleepy face.

          Jungkook lowered his voice into a whisper as he responded to Jimin. "I'll think about it.. Until then, get some rest. Don't think about it too much, Pumpkin~ or you'll get too distracted."

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